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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 99


“Dan Heng…you are so understanding…”

Dan Heng ignored March Qi’s teasing and just focused on the fairy boat.

“This is the Star Dome Train, repeat… This is the Star Dome Train. I have arrived at the Xianzhou airspace and asked the deck for permission to log in…” Jizi opened her mouth to establish contact with Xianzhou through communication.

They waited for a while, and a mechanical female voice came intermittently. The general meaning was to ask them to wait patiently for the connection.

“Why does this voice… sound like an automatic response from customer service?” Xingmei touched her chin and said.

“This is obviously…”

Everyone listened to the voice that sounded like an automatic reply from customer service for a long time before they got permission from the fairy boat to berth.

“Finally… we’re going aboard.”

March Qi took a deep breath, and a flash of determination flashed in her beautiful eyes. No matter what…this time, they must pull Zhou Xiao back from the abyss of the star core hunter…

“Everyone…” Jizi glanced at everyone present and paused for a second before continuing:

“This time… In addition to helping the immortal boat and sealing the star core, I, Ji Zi, personally request that everyone bring Zhou Xiao back intact…”

“Zhou Xiao is an indispensable part of our star train… We already missed the last trip to Yaliluo No. 6… This time we will never miss it again…”

Little Pam on the side heard the sound and also echoed: “We must bring Zhou Xiao’s logistics staff back…”

Pam really missed Zhou Xiao.

On days without Zhou Xiao, the entire Star Dome Train was quite deserted.

Although it is deserted on weekdays, Zhou Xiao’s quarrel with March 7th is not noticeable. This time, when Zhou Xiao left, his true colors were revealed…

Listening to Jizi’s serious request, Walter pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and nodded: “I will…”

It can be said.

In this Xianzhou trip, the main plot is to find Zhou Xiao and rescue him from the sea of ​​suffering. The branch plot is to help Xianzhou seal the star core… The sub-plot company offers a reward to catch the star core hunter…

The mission is very clear…

“Then… what should I do if the master insists on following the star core hunter?” Xingmei poured cold water on everyone at this moment and raised a key question.


So what should we do if Zhou Xiao doesn’t want to return to the Star Dome Train?

Dan Heng was silent.

Everyone was silent.

There is only silence.

Even Dan Heng had to take another look at Xingmei: When it comes to silencing others, you have to be the one!

“If that’s the case, then we have to take him away… Even if he doesn’t return to the train and goes to other planets… we can’t let him continue to follow a dangerous existence like the Star Core Hunter…” Jizi emphasized again.


Walter took Ji Zi’s words and continued: “Whether Zhou Xiao is going back or not, we have to find him first… Don’t think so much first…”

“Yes…” March 7 also agreed: “We’ll wait until we find Zhou Xiao. If he doesn’t want to come back… then we’ll knock him out and tie him back to the train!”

The atmosphere on the Star Dome Train finally changed from the silence just now.

At this moment, Xingmei asked another soul question.

“Although we have a lot of people, in terms of strength… can we really bring the master back?”


Everyone was silent again…

ps: Ask for everything! Ask for everything! The humble author is woo woo woo hoo, the Kafka pool will be opened tomorrow! Is everyone ready with their tickets?

Chapter 140: The star girl who is gradually becoming a queen? (First update)

Dan Heng, who had been silent for a long time, looked at Xingmei and said, “If you don’t speak, no one will really treat you as a mute…”

The implication of this statement is that Xingmei talks a little too much.

Hearing this, Xingmei scratched her head and laughed awkwardly: “This is also a hypothesis…”

After experiencing two consecutive waves of attacks by Xing Mei, everyone’s originally strong fighting spirit was instantly reduced to half. Under the leadership of Walter, on March 7, Xing Mei went to the port guided by the fairy boat.

After a moment.

Walter brought March 7 and Xingmei to the port. When they saw that there was no one in the empty cargo port, the three of them were startled.

Is this really…a port for travelers to come in and out?

No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like it!

“It seems that there is indeed a lot of turmoil inside the fairy boat…” Walter pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said slowly to the two star sisters.

“It’s a bit scary… there is no one in such a big port…”

March 7 felt that it was terribly deserted here.

Judging from the quantity of these goods, this can undoubtedly be said to be a commercial port for Xianzhou import and export trade. Logically speaking, it should not be so deserted…

“Be careful…just keep feeling your way forward.”

The pioneering team did not have the next guidance from the Xianzhou people, so they could only explore deeper into the port little by little.

During this period, they encountered abundant evil creatures. Compared with the world-splitting creatures on Yaliluo 6, the abundant evil creatures on the fairy boat were obviously more difficult to deal with.

“Miss Tingyun… stand back! They are already demonic bodies and are no longer our comrades…”

While Walter and others were walking in and out of the empty port and circling in circles, Xingmei keenly caught a sound.

“Go and see…”

Walter commanded.

After wandering around the cargo port for so long, he felt that they were all a little “Zhou Xiaohua” and lost in this huge cargo port.

After finally hearing some “human” movement, it was naturally impossible to let it go.

March 7 and others stepped forward to take a look, and saw several soldiers wearing cloud cavalry armor protecting a beast girl with ears and a tail from being invaded by fertile creatures.

Damn it.

As soon as Xingmei saw the pitiful beast mother, her expression suddenly changed slightly.

Beast mother competes high!

Who can resist a beautiful two-legged beast girl with long ears?

“Let go of that beast girl! Let me do it!”

Xingmei pinched her waist, and when she raised the flame spear, a wave of heroes came to save the beauty, while March Qi and Walter beside her were a little surprised by her performance.

“Hiss…her appearance reminds me of Zhou Xiao…”

March 7 saw the shadow of Zhou Xiao on Xingmei. If Xingmei hadn’t been in front of her, she would have definitely thought that it was Zhou Xiao who said the words just now.

“What kind of master there is…maybe what kind of apprentice there is?” Walter sighed. For some reason, he felt sorry for Xingmei who was gradually becoming a bit abstract.

Can’t you learn something good?

Zhou Xiao has so many advantages…

How did you learn this abstract taste?

Hearing what Walter said, March Qi suddenly understood, and suddenly understood why she felt something was wrong when she was questioned by the souls of Star Sister’s Second Company on the Star Dome Train just now…

Before this, it was usually Zhou Xiao who responded to her… now it was Xingmei.

Under Xing Mei’s heroic attack, they quickly defeated these fertile creatures that had entered the demonic body, and the fox lady with ears and tail naturally began to say thank you.

The benefactor shouted, which made Yue Yue Qi and others a little embarrassed. They introduced themselves to each other and learned each other’s names.

The beast girl with ears called Ting Yun… was the ferry envoy of Luofu Tianbo Division’s merchant group.

After learning each other’s identities, Tingyun became suspicious of the purpose of everyone on the train crew.

No wonder.

The Jade Realm Gate had long been temporarily blocked and closed by Jing Yuanyuan’s order, and the entire Luofu Immortal Boat was not allowed to enter or exit Xingcha at will. At this moment, the Star Dome Train suddenly passed through the Jade Realm Gate and appeared at the port, and a few people got down. It is difficult not to doubt the purpose of the Xianzhou people.

Walter was not too surprised when he heard Tingyun’s question. After all, this was the outcome he had expected before boarding the Luofu Immortal Boat…

He explained briefly, but Tingyun’s doubts were still not resolved. It could be said that the little fox was still very vigilant.

“This place is dangerous and it is not advisable to stay for a long time. For safety reasons, you should rush to the center of Xingchahai as soon as possible to take refuge. I will take you to see Lord Yukong who is in charge of Tianbo Division and leave it to her to make a decision…”

When Tingyun said this, it was difficult for Walter and others to refuse. Besides, Walter and the others originally wanted to find a “local” to lead the way…

The group of people were preparing to go to the ferry to Chengxingcha. Along the way, Tingyun showed the image of a soft fox who is “frail and easy to push down”.

He kept shouting “benefactor” and never helped during the fight, but encouraged and cheered crazily from behind.

“My benefactors are so strong!”

“My benefactors are so handsome!”

“Come on, benefactors!”

March Qi was quite embarrassed hearing this sound, but Xingmei on the side was enjoying it.

“Hey, hey, hey, stop your crazy face…” Seeing the expression on Xingmei’s face becoming more and more overflowing, March 7th kindly reminded her.

“We need to make our purpose clear…”

“It’s true.”

Xingmei nodded, swallowed subconsciously, and then took the initiative to approach Miss Tingyun and asked a question that she had been curious about for a long time.

“Um…Miss Tingyun, your tail…”

“Tail?” Tingyun raised his eyebrows when he heard the sound: “It’s big, soft and supple…my benefactor wants to touch it?”

She was not surprised that Xingmei was curious about her tail.

Many people mentioned her tail when she went to other planets as a business group to trade, and those people seemed to want to touch her tail.

But as a relatively sensitive part of the fox clan, she refused them all…

“No…” Xingmei shook her head. She was obviously not curious about Tingyun’s tail care, but…

She paused for two seconds, and then asked Tingyun in a low voice:

“Does your tail grow from the back of your butt? Or does it grow from the back of your waist?”

Tingyun: “…”

This is really a… question of body structure…

Tingyun has traveled to so many planets, and after meeting so many people, there are still very few people who can ask questions like Xingmei…

By chance, March 7th heard Xingmei’s question.

Compared to Tingyun’s silence, her silence added a touch of speechlessness.

What the hell are these problems…

Chapter 141 I know you are in a hurry, but don’t be anxious yet! (Second update)

“The question my benefactor asked… is really private…”

Tingyun first hesitated, then saw that Xingmei was a girl and then answered the question seriously:

“This tail… it’s roughly below the waist, above the buttocks, protruding from the tailbone…”

“Oh~ that’s it…” Xingmei cleared up her doubts and looked like “that’s it”.


March 7 was silent again.

She also didn’t expect… Tingyun would be able to answer Xingmei’s outrageous question…


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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