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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 1 Awakening

Qi Yiming slowly woke up amidst a warning sound of “Didi…”.

He climbed out of the hibernation cabin with difficulty, regardless of the pain that hibernation caused to him. Qi Yiming came to the bridge of the Guardian frigate to check the reason why the ship’s intelligent brain had issued an alarm.

A line of bright red fonts flashed on the main information screen of the bridge.

“Warning, an asteroid has been detected that will hit our planet in 23 hours, 14 minutes and 35 seconds. Threat level: fatal.”

The lethal level of threat indicates that the asteroid flying towards the planet where the Guardian crash-landed is a planet killer.

If an impact occurs, all life on this planet will be wiped out.

However, the battleship Guardian where Qi Yiming was located made an emergency landing on this planet due to exhaustion of energy. Facing the planet killer, a bare-handed man really had no effective way.

Seeing that he could only wait for death, Qi Yiming decided to return to the hibernation cabin and continue hibernation, so that he could die painlessly.

But when he saw the time information on the sleeping cabin, he was stunned.

“Has been dormant for 1035 years, 10 months, 23 hours, 35 minutes and 15 seconds.” Qi Yiming’s dormant time was displayed in detail on the information panel of the hibernation cabin.

“More than a thousand years!! No wonder I was in so much pain when I woke up!” Qi Yiming smiled bitterly: “Why are you still worrying about this now? It will be over in a dozen hours.”

Qi Yiming lay down in the hibernation cabin again and ordered Zhinao to prepare to execute the hibernation program. While waiting, he stared blankly at the ceiling at the top of the battleship, with no life in his eyes.

Suddenly, as if he had grasped some key point, he sat up suddenly from the sleeping cabin.

“I remember what was the name of a frigate that made an emergency landing with the Guardian? Yes, it was the Probe! That frigate was specially designed for the flagship and was responsible for carrying fire control radar.”

Qi Yiming seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, climbed out of the dormant cabin again, quickly came to the bridge of the Guardian, turned on the shipboard radar, and launched a detector.

A few hours later radar and detectors simultaneously spotted the frigate Discovery.

“The distance is not far. At the speed of the Guardian’s core control module, it only takes a few hours to go back and forth. Let’s treat a dead horse like a living horse.”

Qi Yiming came to the console at the captain’s seat and pressed the button to separate the core control module.

“Authority confirmed, the core cabin is ready to separate.” The cold synthesized voice of the shipboard intelligence rang again.

The armor on the top of the Guardian’s hull slowly separated to both sides, and an oval-shaped aircraft was slowly dragged out of the Guardian’s hull by a tractor beam.

“The Guardian has entered sleep mode, and the main control program has been transferred to the core cabin.” Qi Yiming listened to the report from the ship’s brain and stared at the separation progress displayed on the holographic panel in front of him.

“It looks pretty good. After more than a thousand years, the separation work can still be carried out normally.” Qi Yiming was sincerely proud. The ship he was currently on was one of the crystallizations of human civilization in the past thousand years.

“The separation of the core cabin is completed.” The synthesized voice of the ship’s brain was so pleasant to listen to at this time.

“Set a target, Probe.”

“Target setting.”

“Take off.” Qi Yiming gave the order to take off.

The core module was seen igniting its own small propeller on the temporary launch platform composed of outer armor of the Guardian and slowly lifted off, flying towards the Exploration frigate.

An hour later, Qi Yiming drove the core module close to the Probe.

The Probe also sent an identification code to the Guardian’s core module, which successfully passed the verification. The Probe took over control of the core module and guided the core module to land in an open space not far from the Probe.

Qi Yiming put on his extravehicular spacesuit and exoskeleton armor and left the core module and walked towards the Exploration frigate.

No crew members from the Discovery came down to greet Qi Yiming along the way, and it seemed that the crew members here were also in trouble.

Boarding the battleship, more than a dozen bones lay nestled against each other in the bridge of the Discovery.

Qi Yiming felt a little sad and then ordered the Probe’s shipboard brain to identify his identity and change the control authority of the battleship.

The process of changing permissions was simple. After all, Qi Yiming was the only fleet member alive at the scene.

However, what makes Qi Yiming happy is that the Probe landed independently, so there was no damage.

Although there is not much energy left, it is enough to complete the integration with the Guardian.

The two battleships will form a new battleship after merging, giving him a chance to deal with the planet killer.

Just do what you say, Qi Yiming ordered the core module of the Guardian to return to the Guardian independently.

Then, with the assistance of the ship’s onboard brain, he drove the Probe to the location where the Guardian made an emergency landing.

The journey was very peaceful. Qi Yiming, who was piloting a battleship alone, did not dare to be careless at all, for fear that a mistake would shatter his only hope of survival.

Soon the Probe came over the Guardian.

The core control module of the Guardian returned here earlier and combined with the Guardian again to take over control.

After passing the identity verification, Qi Yiming issued the order for the two ships to combine.

“Please select the combination master control program.” Two options popped up on the display screen in front of Qi Yiming.

Due to the different original design intentions of the Guardian and the Probe, there will be two combat modes for Qi Yiming to choose from after they are combined.

If you choose to use the Guardian as the main body, since the characteristic of the Guardian is to provide a large number of nanorobots for the combination to repair damaged armor, the armor layer of the combined battleship will be extremely strong.

If the Probe is chosen as the main body, then the Probe, as the flagship’s fire control radar, has an extremely excellent fire control program, and the combined warship will become a sniper warship, suitable for long-distance precision strikes.

Qi Yiming thought about it and finally chose to combine it with the Discovery’s shipboard intelligence as the main control program. After all, this was a mission that required precise shooting.

After the two warships received the combination order, first the two triple main guns located at the front and rear of the two warships separated from their respective hulls, and slowly approached under the tug of the respective warship’s tractor beam.

The two main guns at the bows of the two ships came close and quickly combined to form a twin sniper-type turret with a gun barrel that was more than twice as long as a normal battleship. The two main guns at the stern quickly decomposed into six single-gun turrets. Secondary gun.

As the two ships slowly approached, the ship-borne radar on the Guardian quickly separated from her hull and flew towards the new installation base formed on the Probe’s hull, guided by the tractor beam emitted by the Probe.

The armor on the bottom of the Probe’s hull also underwent huge changes, forming many cavities that could just wrap the Guardian’s upper hull.

The two battleships slowly approached and finally merged together perfectly.

The pre-assembled sniper turret was also installed on the gun mount of the new battleship under the pulling of the tractor beam after the battleship was assembled.

Six secondary guns are evenly placed on both sides of the new battleship to provide additional firepower for the reorganized battleship.

Qi Yiming, standing in the command cabin, stared at various data until the two ships were combined.

“The hull assembly is complete, please confirm the temporary code name.” The brain of the new battleship is also a combination, and its computing performance should be roughly twice that of the former.

“Temporary codename ‘Xue Feng’.”

This is the nickname of a virtual network that Qi Yiming used most often when he was a child.

“The Xuefeng has completed its assembly, please give orders from the captain.”

“Check the status of the battleship.”

“The energy reserve of this ship is 5%, which is at a dangerous level. Engines No. 1 and 2 are damaged and require repair. The armor structure is slightly damaged, the main structure of the battleship is intact, and the rest of the weapons and equipment are in good condition. Please note that the crew is seriously insufficient! Unable to perform its duties The ship’s maximum combat power.”

Qi Yiming couldn’t help but frowned when he looked at the basic situation of the battleship. Engines No. 1 and 2 should be the two engines on the Guardian. It was not surprising that they were already damaged.

However, the energy reserve is only 5%, which means that Xuefeng only has one chance to fire at most, and then it will return to the planet again due to insufficient energy.

“It’s useless to think so much. Let’s solve the biggest crisis at hand first. After all, there is only one chance, and it is not certain whether we can succeed.”

Special reminder: Due to lack of experience, you can skip chapters 46 to 56 in this book without affecting the subsequent plot. I wrote these ten chapters myself, and the plot is a bit delayed. I wanted to delete it, but if I delete a large number of chapters, the book will be locked, so I won’t delete it. I hereby explain. Readers who want to read it can also read it. It is a war that should not be written about.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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