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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 10 Raid

The star thieves all felt desperate when they saw that the damage they had just caused to the Xuefeng was quickly repaired.

They thought they could manipulate a soft persimmon, but who would have thought that a frigate would be lost as soon as the battle started.

Star pirates are a profession that licks blood. It is normal for a battleship with companions to be sunk, as long as it does not delay the living people from eating meat.

But they never thought that the soft persimmon in their eyes was not only powerful, but also performed tricks on the battlefield.

It didn’t matter if it changed from one main gun to two. What made them despair was that the transformed Xuefeng actually had the ability to repair itself.

Seeing that the damage they had just caused was completely repaired by the opponent’s powerful self-healing ability within a few minutes, it was hard for anyone to muster the courage to fight the opponent.

The star thief leader reacted first and quickly ordered the battleship to turn around and prepare to escape from the battlefield.

But how could Qi Yiming give them this opportunity.

Although the battle mode has been switched, the attack intensity of Xuefeng’s main gun has decreased.

But the firepower density of the two main guns makes up for this shortcoming.

Under the control of fire control radar, the two triple main guns fired a dense barrage at a rate of two rounds per barrel per minute.

The dense barrage also solves the problem of decreased shooting accuracy.

The result is obvious. The frigate, which had no time to turn its bow, did not survive the second round of bombardment under Xuefeng’s attack. It was hit by the power furnace and exploded, turning into a gorgeous firework.

Although the destroyer of the star thief leader was not killed by one round of shelling, the hull was beaten into a sieve after two consecutive rounds of shelling.

The engine’s tail flame flickered stubbornly several times before finally extinguishing helplessly.

Most of the crew members in the ship flew out of the battleship together with the equipment inside the battleship, and they could no longer die.

Only then did Qi Yiming clearly know how powerful the Xuefeng was.

At the moment of the battle, Qi Yiming had already noticed that there was something different about these battleships.

The two frigates are similar in appearance to Wang Sen’s Endeavor. They should be a replica of the Sickle and a standard frigate. As for the appearance of the destroyer, it is likely that it was copied from the Petrel-class destroyer of the Federation era.

Although according to federal standards, Xuefeng is now at most a special frigate. But in the face of today’s destroyers, it can be easily sunk.

If divided according to the current combat power level, Xuefeng is fully capable of facing cruisers alone without falling behind, and can even face a small battleship formation with cruisers as the core.

After the battle, the Xuefeng changed the main control system again, and the combat mode also changed from guard mode to sniper mode.

After all, the entire battleship is only controlled by Qi Yiming. Although there is a shipboard intelligence to assist, the intelligence’s response strategy is still not as flexible as humans in the face of a chaotic battlefield, so it is better to be cautious.

It feels pretty good to hit an enemy ship with a sudden attack from a distance.

Looking at the wreckage of the battleship in the distance again, Qi Yiming drove the Xuefeng out of the asteroid belt without looking back.

Following the old rules, the results of the mission were uploaded through the Wang family’s internal communication.

As long as the merit points can be obtained smoothly, what is the agreement between the Star Thieves and the Wang family? what is that? Can it be eaten?

Qi Yiming also believed that the Wang family would never embarrass him because of this matter. If word spread about their deal with the star thief, would the Wang family still want to hang out in this star field?

When Qi Yiming returned to the outpost, he found that the outpost was also bustling with activity.

“Damn it, this is the rhythm of my hometown being taken away!” Qi Yiming couldn’t help but frowned as he looked at the chaotic battlefield in front of him.

It stands to reason that he should not hesitate to join the battle group at this time and help the Wang family’s border fleet repel this enemy.

However, he carefully observed the battlefield situation, and it seemed that it was extremely unfavorable to the Wang family. The Wang family’s fleet was showing signs of collapse.

If he joins at this time, Xuefeng’s combat power may be able to reverse the situation.

But Qi Yiming is not a generous person, but he also has a clear distinction between love and hate.

If there is Wang Sen on the battlefield, then maybe Qi Yiming will help because Wang Sen helped him out of trouble.

It’s a pity that Wang Sen is not here, and Wang Zhengfeng’s actions made Qi Yiming hold his breath.

As a result, the somewhat petty Qi Yiming chose to sit back and watch.

The Wang family’s fleet quickly lost its fighting spirit under the opponent’s strong firepower. Several frigates left their fighting positions without authorization, which directly led to the failure of the battle.

Of course, during this period Li Zhimeng also tried to contact Qi Yiming to order him to attack the enemy ship.

Qi Yiming is not as cheap as he thought.

“When it was time to use me, you remembered that I was a retainer of the Wang family. Then when you doubted my identity and sent me here, why didn’t you think that I was a retainer of your Wang family?” Qi Yiming muttered angrily. .

Although as a retainer, he has the obligation to go on duty in the border star system, there is a rotation system in place. Qi Yiming clears out the star thieves in Xuannv Galaxy and performs meritorious service in the back. Even if he acts like a monster, it is unreasonable without substantial evidence. Qi Yiming was sent to the border. No matter how you explain this approach, it is a bit excessive.

“Since you doubt my identity, I will do something consistent with my identity to show you. I join you sincerely, but you actually doubt me? I am really kind and think of it as a donkey’s liver and lungs.”

Qi Yiming, who was hiding in the distance and witnessed the entire battle, did not leave the DP-310 galaxy after the battle.

Because this invading fleet fought very resolutely, and despite suffering huge losses, it was able to defeat the Wang family’s fleet with fierce firepower from the fixed forts at the Wang family’s outpost.

Qi Yiming was curious about the purpose of this fleet.

This is by no means an ordinary border harassment, and there will definitely be other purposes in the follow-up.

Sure enough, Qi Yiming’s guess was correct.

After the Wang family’s border fleet retreated in embarrassment, two more fleets painted with the Zheng family’s logo appeared near the battlefield.

Zheng Hu, the commander of the two fleets, thought that the Xuefeng was a warship belonging to the Star Thief Group in the DP-310 system. He only ordered a few peripheral warships to drive away from the Xuefeng and did not take any drastic action.

After all, the purpose of their operation was not to attack the Star Thieves here, but to clear the way for the subsequent invasion of the Wang family.

This is not the right time to provoke the Star Thieves here.

The fleet made some adjustments in the DP-310 system, and Zheng Hu ordered all ships to follow his flagship Black Tiger to start the jump engine and plunge into the Wang family’s territory.

At this time, Wang Zhengfeng did not know that such a big change had occurred in the border galaxy, and he was still handling the daily affairs in the territory leisurely.

After getting rid of several warships from the Zheng family that came to drive him away, Qi Yiming also started the jump engine and rushed towards the Xuannv Galaxy.

He was not going to report the news, but he thought that the merit points he had earned so hard had not yet been exchanged for energy blocks. Even if the Wang family was to be destroyed, he would have to exchange the energy blocks for him first.

If possible, it would be okay to rescue Wang Sen who once helped him out of trouble.

Although Qi Yiming is a bit petty, overall he is still a person with a clear distinction between love and hate.

If the head of the Wang family misunderstands him, that is the problem of the head of the family. Although Wang Sen’s intentions are somewhat impure, he is still someone who has helped him, so he can’t be ungrateful, can he?


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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