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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 109: Strategy Engineer Number (2)

When Qi Yiming hurriedly returned to the surface of Gaia, Liu Bishu was leading the engineering team on Liu Chao’s ship to search for parts to repair the engine all over the planet.

Liu Bishu approached Qi Yiming alone once and said that Liu Chao and others wanted to meet Qi Yiming and express their gratitude in person.

However, he was declined by Qi Yiming. He had not forgotten the conversation he had with Wang Shuhua some time ago, and his wariness towards Liu Chao and others had not diminished at all.

However, Liu Bishu didn’t seem to have such a keen sense of smell. He kept saying good things for Liu Chao and the others, but Qi Yiming calmly pushed back.

Qi Yiming’s wariness could not be eliminated in a short period of time, and Liu Chao could not make it too obvious, so he could only pretend to look for parts to repair the spacecraft while looking for opportunities.

Qi Yiming was not idle during this period. He spent 24 hours a day at the Academy of Sciences, watching the progress of Song Borui and the others.

The progress in the first few days was indeed not smooth, but fortunately there was a basic-level learning system. After most scientists conducted a short period of study, the progress of analyzing technological heritage finally made gratifying progress.

First, the expertise in physics from the former Human Federation was parsed, and these scientists had further learning materials.

As a result, the speed of analyzing scientific and technological data became faster and faster. In just half a month, the professional knowledge of all disciplines in the Human Federation was loaded into the learning system specially prepared for this group of scientists.

The next step is to search for relevant information about arc generators in the majestic scientific and technological information.

This was another long process, which caused a lot of blisters on Qi Yiming’s mouth.

Fortunately, the scientists’ purpose was very clear. They ignored other technologies for the time being and only looked for things related to arc generators.

During this period, Liu Chao and the others entrusted Liu Bishu to find Qi Yiming again.

This time Qi Yiming carefully inquired about the details of this group of people.

“Old Liu, hasn’t their scientific research vessel been repaired yet?”

Liu Bishu scratched his head: “They wander around every city on the surface every day, saying they are looking for repair parts. I don’t understand… I can only accompany them every day.”

“How long has it been and you still haven’t found the right parts?” Qi Yiming became more suspicious: “Didn’t they entrust you to go to the alliance to buy parts?”

“I mentioned it once, but I don’t have a spaceship that can travel far, so I can’t help them.”

Qi Yiming nodded, this is indeed a problem.

The warships under his command all have missions, and there are no warships available to take them to the Commercial Alliance to buy parts.

Qi Yiming thought for a while and then said: “Go and tell them, I will arrange for the warship to take their engineering staff to the Commercial Alliance to buy parts, so that they will stop moving on the ground.”

“This…” Liu Bishu looked at Qi Yiming with some embarrassment.

“What’s the problem?”

“They seem to be doing some humanistic research?”

Qi Yiming was stunned when he heard this, thinking to himself, are these people really a group of scientists? If they are really scientists, maybe I can convince them to join me, but it will take some more time to investigate.

So Qi Yiming did not mention letting these people return to the scientific research ship, but still did not agree to meet Liu Chao.

Two days after sending Liu Bishu away, good news finally came from the Academy of Sciences. Song Borui and the others had found information about the arc generator. Although it was not complete, it was enough for them to repair the sample.

Qi Yiming was so excited that he didn’t sleep all night after hearing the news. He came to the Research Institute early the next morning to inquire about the situation.

As a result, he was hit hard. It was still a matter of materials.

The mineral materials needed to repair the Arc Generator are not available on Gaia.

However, according to data records, the minerals they want are widely found in the asteroid belt, which is quite good news.

According to the information provided by the Academy of Sciences, Qi Yiming became a miner with a bitter mood.

There was nothing that could be done about it. There were too few people at his disposal. Sometimes Qi Yiming could dream about the day when he would lead his little brother everywhere to cause havoc.

“Damn it, if it weren’t for a bunch of stupid idiots who went around assassinating awakened people, I would never be like this.” Qi Yiming cursed while digging.

Indeed, without the killer organization of the Human Purifying Light to assassinate the awakened, Qi Yiming may not have become the leader of a force, but there will definitely be a group of like-minded companions who will work with him to restore the former glory of the Human Federation.

“Sooner or later I’m going to kill you bastards.” This was the first thing Qi Yiming said after he finished digging.

Qi Yiming, who had brought back enough minerals, watched helplessly as the old guys from the Academy of Sciences sent hundreds of thousands of tons of minerals into the smelting plant, and in the end only got a few tons of the materials they needed. This made Qi Yiming even more shocked. .

Fortunately, repairing the arc generator does not require much supplies. Several tons of rare materials are enough.

Qi Yiming participated in the whole process of repairing the arc generator, but he only started the process, and it was not his turn to intervene at all.

Besides, even if Qi Yiming wanted to intervene, he wouldn’t have the ability to help. After all, he was just a soldier who graduated from the Battleship Commander Academy.

Qi Yiming simply couldn’t understand the principles of these things related to advanced technology.

Although it is not difficult to learn these things with the help of intelligent learning systems, Qi Yiming still believes that people still need to be proficient in one direction, otherwise they will not be able to do everything.

Repairing the arc generator sounds troublesome, but in fact it only took more than a month.

Qi Yiming also asked Song Borui if he could reproduce some arc generators by following the same pattern.

Song Borui gave a negative answer, “We have samples, and they are just repairs, so it looks relatively simple, but in fact the principle is very complicated. Although we have mastered scientific and technological information that has been beyond Gaia for many years, Don’t even think about it until we understand this knowledge.”

Qi Yiming had no choice but to leave the Academy of Sciences in despair and find someone to prepare to lift the repaired arc generator out of the Gaia star’s atmosphere so that the Xuefeng could load it into its own weapon system.

With everything ready, Qi Yiming began to gather people.

After all, he had to face tens of millions of drones. Although he had an arc generator as a base, Qi Yiming still felt weak.

Letting Wang Shuhua and the others go together may not necessarily allow them to join the battlefield, but it is still okay to stand aside and shake the place for him. If things get worse, you can also give him a hand when he is in danger.

Just when they were about to set off, Qiao Shan came back.

And his face looked a little unkind.

He calmly came to Qi Yiming’s Xuefeng and asked Qi Yiming to step aside. He had something important to say.

Qi Yiming was still a little confused, always feeling that something was wrong with Qiao Shan’s aura.

In the end, Qi Yiming took Qiao Shan back to his independent cabin on the Xuefeng, and the two of them talked quietly behind closed doors.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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