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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 111: Attack the Engineer (4)

The first group of drones that came to intercept the Xuefeng were destroyed by Qi Yiming in one attack with an arc generator. The remaining drones were destroyed one by one by the Xuefeng’s secondary guns.

Such results stunned everyone watching around. Those were hundreds of thousands of drones, and they were just gone?

But the Engineer was like an enraged dragon, and countless drones were ejected from the exits all over her hull.

The ejected drones gathered in layers and flew towards Xuefeng, and their speed was extremely fast.

One of the two super-heavy main guns on the Xuefeng was occupied by an arc generator. The remaining one had just finished charging. Before Qi Yiming gave the order, the weapons commander had already pressed the launch button.

The thick purple beam instantly penetrated the drone fleet, and then the purple beam followed the movement of the super-heavy main gun muzzle, drawing a fan in its attack direction.

Although it looks quite spectacular, it is of no use against locust-like drones.

The Engineer was still ejecting drones outwards.

This time Qi Yiming was caught blind. He felt a little regretful. Why did he overestimate his own capabilities and stoke this hornet’s nest? This time he really fought to the death.

The arc generator that had just completed an attack still needed more than a minute to recharge, and Qi Yiming felt that he was going to be doomed.

Just as he was hesitating whether to give in and spare these drones, he heard the voices of the captains of the ships who were still struggling just now rang out one after another on the fleet channel.

“Yiming, how can we stand by and eat something so exciting?” This was Wang Shuhua’s voice, with a slightly teasing tone.

“That’s right, we can’t let you alone in the limelight.” This was Ye Lu’s voice, with a hint of coquettishness in her tone.

“Sister Ye is right…” This was Wang Sen. Qi Yiming felt a sense of inexplicable joy upon hearing this.

Qiao Shan did not speak, and commanded the Azure to rush directly to the front.

Only then did Qi Yiming realize that it was not that he had no partners along the way, but that these partners stood silently behind him, supporting him at critical moments.

“Okay, let’s take down this giant ship together.” Qi Yiming was instantly full of fighting spirit.

But the battle did not become easier because of the addition of everyone, but the addition of Wang Shuhua and others really took a lot of pressure off Qi Yiming.

Qi Yiming directly ordered the Xuefeng’s fortress mode to be activated.

The power furnace network inside the Lightning is operating at full power. Qi Yiming supplies 80% of the energy to the arc generator, and the remaining 20% ​​is fully supplied to the nanorobot production line inside the Guardian.

And Wang Shuhua and the others also perform their respective duties.

Yuanzheng, Yuanwang, and Yuanhang are located above and on the left and right sides of Xuefeng respectively, sharing the UAV clusters flying from three directions with Xuefeng.

The Azure Blue moved forward and pushed up against the front and bottom of the Xuefeng, allowing the Xuefeng to withstand the UAV swarm intending to attack from the lower side.

Although Xuefeng’s maneuverability has plummeted after entering fortress mode, her other functions have been enhanced.

Nanorobots are continuously transported to the hulls of various battleships to repair their damaged outer armor at any time.

After the Azure’s shield generator was replenished with energy from the Xuefeng, its shield strength was also greatly enhanced.

However, there were too many drones, and the armor integrity of several friendly ships continued to decline rapidly.

As a last resort, Qi Yiming had to reduce the attack intensity of the arc generator, thereby reducing its charging time.

There were originally 30 seconds of charging time left. After Qi Yiming took the initiative to reduce the attack intensity, the remaining charging time of the arc generator was also reduced to 5 seconds.

But it was in these 5 seconds that the Azure was first in danger.

After all, the Azure is just a frigate. With the energy blessing of the Xuefeng, it is not easy to be able to persist for more than a minute under the siege of countless unmanned ships.

At this time, his energy shield was already showing signs of collapse.

Qi Yiming was about to remind Qiao Shan that the energy shield was about to collapse and asked him to command the Azure to retreat.

The light blue energy shield around the Azure Blue first flickered a few times, and then an explosion occurred inside the Azure Blue.

The Azure, which has lost its energy shield, can only use its fragile armor layer to face the drone attack.

Seeing that it was about to be torn apart by swarms of drones, the arc generator on the Xuefeng finally completed charging.

A blue light suddenly appeared, and several blue arcs entangled each other again and flew towards the drone.

A few seconds later, first the drones around the Azure burst into flames and exploded, followed by a chain reaction.

The explosion spread out layer by layer.

To everyone’s surprise, although the number of drones was large, it also became an important reason for their demise.

The large number means that each drone will be very close when conducting an attack.

This creates extremely favorable conditions for the high-energy arc emitted by the arc generator to conduct between them.

This attack not only saved the Azure, but also caused greater damage to the drone than the Xuefeng’s first attack.

In just tens of seconds, the drones surrounding the fleet instantly turned into scrap metal, floating silently around the fleet.

Qi Yiming even saw many drones being burned into pieces by high-energy arcs.

Seeing such a scene, Qi Yiming discovered the key to the problem and once again lowered the attack intensity of the arc generator.

The charging time that originally took more than 1 minute now only takes more than 40 seconds.

More than forty seconds was the critical point at which the Xuefeng had time to provide support to the other warships.

That is to say, it takes exactly forty seconds for Xuefeng to launch a round of nanobots for all friendly ships in the fleet.

In this way, the armor integrity of all friendly ships is maintained at a very dangerous but absolutely safe value.

The Azure was completely withered. The energy shield generator exploded due to energy overload, and the Azure had to temporarily withdraw from the battle sequence.

But Qi Yiming has found the balance point of battle damage.

While taking into account the firing frequency and attack intensity of the arc generator, it can also take care of friendly ships. The rest is to fight a war of attrition with the drones in front of it.

Fortunately, the Xuefeng’s combat readiness warehouse has been filled with energy blocks by Qi Yiming, who is not afraid of a war of attrition.

The battle lasted for a full 6 hours. Only then did Qi Yiming discover that the Engineer finally stopped ejecting drones, and everyone saw the hope of victory in the battle.

Although the Engineer no longer ejects drones, there are still a large number of drones stranded around Qi Yiming and the others.

It took Qi Yiming and the others another two hours to destroy all the remaining drones.

After the battle, the fleet was surrounded by the remains of drones.

If the Xuefeng wants to get close to the Engineer, it even needs to use its super-heavy main gun to clear the way before it can move forward.

Eight hours of boring fighting left everyone exhausted.

But when they thought that they were about to board the Engineer, everyone became energetic again.

He kept urging Qi Yiming to quickly clean up the wreckage of the drone in front of them.

Yesterday, I actually set the wrong time to automatically send chapters, and my editor was not online, so I couldn’t change it! !

It has been two months since I wrote it, and it is finally on the shelves. I had already prepared the psychological preparation from stand-alone to completion, but I didn’t expect that more than a dozen book friends would subscribe. I am very, very grateful to everyone.

It stands to reason that many authors will provide conditions for adding updates. I am a part-time writer and I don’t dare to call myself an author. There is really no way to add updates, so I won’t humiliate myself. I will post as much as I can every day. I hope you don’t mind. If you enjoy watching it, please give it a recommendation vote. If you want to complain, just say it. We can discuss it together. Also in the VIP chapter, I may not be able to correct typos at any time as before. I will try my best to reduce typos. If there are typos, please forgive me. Thank you again for your support.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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