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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 112 Entering the Engineer Number

With the efforts of the Xuefeng super main gun, the fleet finally passed through the congestion area caused by the wreckage of the drone.

Looking at the giant Engineer that was slowly approaching, Qi Yiming had an indescribable complex feeling.

Once upon a time, this giant was a hero supporting human expeditions, but now it has been floating here quietly for thousands of years, with no one paying attention.

“I hope you can reproduce the style of the year in my hands…” Qi Yiming said this silently while looking at the Engineer in front of him.

Because the Engineer’s friend-or-foe identification system had problems, although all drones were lost, the shipboard intelligent brain did not actively guide Qi Yiming’s fleet to dock after Qi Yiming and his team approached.

Qi Yiming and his team could only stare at the empty berths on both sides of the main body of the Engineer, which could be changed in size according to the level of the warship.

“How do we get in?” Qiao Shan seemed to be much more excited than Qi Yiming when he looked at the Engineer so closely.

Qi Yiming could probably guess what Qiao Shan was thinking. His Azure shield generator exploded, and it was impossible to repair it with the current level of human technology.

He could only rely on this giant in front of him. If he couldn’t get the control authority of the Engineer, he would most likely lose the Azure.

Qi Yiming smiled and comforted him, saying, “Don’t worry. The enemy identification system is not working, but the information of the former federal soldiers stored in the intelligent brain is still there. As long as I get close to the Engineer and wake up the identification system of the intelligent brain, the control will naturally come, and your Azure will be repaired.”

After hearing Qi Yiming’s words, Qiao Shan hurriedly urged, “What are you waiting for?”

“You have to give me some time to transfer to the transport boat…”

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Qi Yiming finally took the transport boat to the Engineer.

The transport boat transported Qi Yiming to the exit of the ejection drone. He wore a thin extravehicular space suit and climbed in from the exit of the drone.

This was planned by Qi Yiming a long time ago. There is a scanning device on the outside of the drone exit to prevent enemy personnel from sneaking into the warship through the drone exit.

Qi Yiming can just use this scanning device to wake up the ship-borne intelligent brain.

When Qi Yiming panted and crawled under the scanner, he deliberately slapped the ship around the scanner, and soon the scanner responded.

A red light curtain swept across Qi Yiming’s body, and then Qi Yiming heard a surge of electricity from the communication device on the space suit, followed by a cold electronic synthesized sound.

“Major Qi Yiming, do you need help?”

“Intelligent brain, open the passage, I want to go in.”

“Okay, but you are an abnormal boarding, please report to the warship security department within ten minutes, otherwise I will use my authority to order the security force to arrest you.”

While the ship-borne intelligent brain was speaking, Qi Yiming had already crawled into the interior of the Engineer through the passage.

“Intelligent brain, confirm whether there are still people alive on the Engineer…”

Qi Yiming, who entered the Engineer, did not follow the requirements of the ship-borne intelligent brain. He knew that it was impossible for anyone to survive on the Engineer.

After 8 hours of fighting, if there were still humans alive on the Engineer, they would have contacted him long ago.

Sure enough, after a while, the shipboard intelligent computer spoke again: “All active personnel on the Engineer are missing, and only Qi Yiming, the lieutenant major of the strategic strike fleet, is alive.”

Qi Yiming did not expect that the shipboard intelligent computer would count him, who had just stepped onto the ship.

The personnel on the Engineer should have been transferred to other warships one after another on the way to escape, or entered the colonial spacecraft used by the former Federation to escape.

As for the Engineer, it is likely to be abandoned.

The reason why it was abandoned is very simple. With sufficient supplies, the Engineer is indeed a good logistics ship.

But in the case of extreme shortage of supplies, the Engineer is a big energy consumer, and the Federation escape fleet will abandon her is also a helpless move.

“I request to take over the Engineer…” Qi Yiming ordered the shipboard intelligent computer again without thinking.

“According to Federal Emergency Act No. 321, in the event of the disappearance or death of all shipboard personnel, friendly forces can take over the supreme command of this ship. Major Qi Yiming, you automatically become the highest authority holder of this ship. This order has been recorded in the ship’s navigation log for the federal military to verify.”

After the voice of the shipboard intelligent brain fell, a blue light swept across a bar code on Qi Yiming’s space suit, which stored Qi Yiming’s personal information.

At this point, Qi Yiming was truly relieved, because from this moment on, the Engineer was completely in Qi Yiming’s hands.

“Intelligent brain, check the enemy identification system…”

“The enemy identification system has been offline. Due to energy shortages, it cannot be repaired for the time being.”

“Mark the warships outside the Engineer, and give them temporary codes to guide them to dock…” Qi Yiming ordered the shipboard intelligent brain again.

Soon, Wang Shuhua and his group, who stayed in place waiting, discovered the abnormality of the Engineer.

There was movement in the berthing area originally located on both sides of the main body of the ship.

Several beams filled with mechanical arms began to move rapidly, adjusting the size of the berth.

When the berth was adjusted to just enough to berth all the warships, the beam finally stopped moving.

Then Wang Shuhua and his companions saw a light blue dotted line suddenly appear in front of their respective warships, extending from the position where each warship was parked to the adjusted berth.

This meaning couldn’t be more obvious. Wang Shuhua said on the fleet channel: “Yiming should have taken control of the Engineer. This is guiding us to park the warship into the berth and everyone should follow the dotted line in front of their respective warships.”

Several warships slowly moored into their respective berths under the guidance of the Engineer, and then several fixed cables and a connecting channel stretched out from the side of the berth.

Then everyone wore extravehicular spacesuits and entered the interior of the Engineer, which they were so fascinated by.

Qi Yiming took the commuter speed car inside the Engineer and came to the docks of several battleships to pick up people. At the same time, he had people install a lot of energy blocks on the commuter speed car.

Ten minutes later, everyone took the commuter train and arrived at the heart of the Engineer – the power room.

Qi Yiming placed the energy blocks he brought on an empty platform one after another.

After finishing this, Qi Yiming had just stood still when the cold synthesized voice of the shipboard intelligence rang again: “It has been detected that the backup energy block has been placed in place, and the replacement process has been started.”

Everyone wearing extravehicular spacesuits saw the energy block that Qi Yiming had just placed on the platform being quickly picked up by a robotic arm and placed into a square metal cabinet.

The inside of the cabinet is divided into many grids, and each grid can just fit an energy block.

Soon all the energy blocks were put into the square metal cabinet, and then the cabinet door locked automatically.

The moment the cabinet door was locked, the energy pipelines on the cabinet’s surface lit up with light blue light, making it look very charming.

Qi Yiming explained to everyone: “This is an energy block array, a power supply device specially designed for a giant like the Engineer.”

A few minutes later, the Engineer completed the replacement of the energy array. Qi Yiming found a lot of white smoke coming from all corners of the Engineer’s power room.

Qi Yiming was afraid that others would be nervous and quickly explained: “This is the Engineer’s internal environment adjustment. The white mist is the cabin air that has been collected in advance. Don’t be nervous.”


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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