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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 116 I have a trap

While Qi Yiming was working hard to improve his armaments, Mao Qiming also received a notice from Song Shixiong.

“The people I sent have succeeded… I just got the news!” Song Shixiong seemed to be used to all this, and his voice seemed unusually calm.

Mao Qiming seemed much more excited. While tasting wine, he even broke a bottle of wine that he had collected for a long time.

“Great, I’ll notify the fleet to set off right now.”

“Remember our agreement, I can easily take Qi Yiming’s life, and your life can be taken away at any time…”

The corner of Mao Qiming’s mouth twitched and he thought: “If you cooperate with a bunch of lunatics, anything can happen.”

But then he said to Song Shixiong with a smile: “I have no other advantages… I am very trustworthy for keeping my word.”

“Then it’s best not to live well.” After Song Shixiong said that, he hung up the communication.

Mao Qiming then put away his communicator and boarded his new battleship in a hurry.

Standing on the bridge of the Flamingo, which inherited the name of his predecessor, Mao Qiming imagined how he would monopolize the market after receiving the technological inheritance, and his mouth actually drooled.

“Hurry up…” Wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth, Mao Qiming yelled and urged his men.

The fleets sent out by Mao Qiming in batches earlier had already activated the jumping bridge on the side of the Business Alliance near the Ancestral Star Field.

The Business Alliance went to the Ancestral Star Territory via Jumping Bridge, which took three days, which Mao Qiming couldn’t bear.

However, in order not to arouse Qi Yiming’s alert, the fleet could only be secretly assembled at the border of the Business Alliance.

This time Mao Qiming can be said to have brought out all the best. Not only did he bring out the only battleship Thor in the security fleet, but he also brought all the battlecruisers he could.

The first batch of fleets passing through the border were led by battleships, and a total of 30 battleships of various types were sent.

Qi Yiming would be shocked if he saw it, but he didn’t expect Mao Qiming to use a battleship.

Look at the 2 battlecruisers, 7 cruisers and 20 destroyers following the battleship.

No one thought that Qi Yiming could win, even after getting the Engineer number.

Regardless of the number of warships or high-end combat power of both sides, Qi Yiming was completely at a disadvantage.

But it’s too late to say anything now. Qi Yiming seems to be a little too confident. It has become an impossible task to use the Xuefeng to snipe Mao Qiming.

It was already half a month later when Mao Qiming’s fleet arrived at the Awakener Galaxy.

On the day they entered the Ancestral Star Territory, they discovered the unfinished border outpost.

Zhang Bowei, who led the fleet, did not even blink and ordered the fleet to open fire, completely destroying the unfinished border outpost.

Then he headed straight for the Awakener Galaxy.

But when they came to the Awakener Galaxy, what they saw was a different scene.

Qi Yiming’s number of battleships is relatively small, but he got an artifact from the Engineer, which is a drone.

Don’t think that only the Engineer can control drones. Xuefeng can also control drones.

It’s just that Xuefeng can only control a small number of drones without equipped with a drone enhancement link.

But the number has also reached 50,000.

The problem is not here. The most important thing is that after the Engineer resumes operation, it will arrange to re-produce drones to fill the vacated drone cabin.

In this way, the number of drones in Qi Yiming’s hands is very considerable.

You must know that it only takes 5 minutes for the Engineer to manufacture a drone, and there are dozens of drone production lines on the Engineer.

No matter how fast Mao Qiming moves, the fleet will still spend a lot of time on the road.

This time is enough for Qi Yiming to prepare the drones needed for combat readiness.

So the Flamingo Group’s security fleet suffered another tragedy.

They encountered the same thing as when Qi Yiming attacked the Engineer, but the only difference was that the number of drones they faced was much smaller than the drones Qi Yiming and the others had to deal with originally.

Facing the dense crowd of drones, Zhang Bowei and his comrades were stunned.

“Captain, am I dazzled? So many drones? What kind of crazy person did this?”

Zhang Bowei was also a little confused at this time. This was not what Boss Mao Qiming said when he set out.

He remembered clearly that Chu Mao Qiming said to him swornly: “Don’t worry, those people don’t have many warships. For you, it’s just an armed parade at most. When you come back, you will be promoted and raised salary.”

To be honest, Zhang Bowei is not very interested in promotion, but the words “salary increase” really ring true.

Who doesn’t want to have a job with a high salary and less worries?

So he set off with the fleet, but at this moment he really wanted to leave the fleet and run away.

How can this be a job that can be solved with just a raise in salary? At this time, he really wanted to say something to Mao Qiming: “This life will cost you more money…”

The problem is that it’s too late to say anything now, drones are already surrounding us.

Although each warship is firing at full strength, the number of drones has not decreased at all.

Zhang Bowei feels that the number of drones has increased a lot.

The fleet channel has long been a mess. Some are calling for flagship support, some are reporting battle losses, and most of them are desperate howls before death.

Zhang Bowei wanted to order the surrender, but he couldn’t because he already knew the core goal of the entire operation before setting off – the technological heritage of ancient civilizations.

To prevent any changes, when Zhang Bowei set off, his family was already under the supervision of Mao Qiming in the name of expressing condolences to the employees’ families.

So this mission either succeeds or dies in battle, he has no second choice.

However, Qi Yiming didn’t seem to have any intention of taking prisoners, and he never communicated with the invading enemies from beginning to end.

The battle process was extremely easy for Qi Yiming and the others.

It was nothing more than Qi Yiming selecting the target group on the drone control panel, and then leading everyone to watch a graphic interstellar war.

Zhang Bowei and the others were suffering every moment. Except for Zhang Bowei who was relatively quiet from beginning to end, the other captains begged Zhang Bowei to surrender on the fleet channel after the first few minutes of resistance.

But how do they know Zhang Bowei’s difficulties?

“Captain? We are just protecting the fleet. There is no need to work so hard. The worst that can happen is that he will lose his job. Wouldn’t it be good for him to keep his life?” A captain’s voice trembled, and he was obviously crying.

Zhang Bowei remained unmoved and pretended not to hear anything.

But the eyes of his crew members changed. To put it bluntly, they were just part-time workers. The most they could do was to show off to their relatives and friends, but no one wanted to really work for the group.

As a result, a rebellion broke out within the battleship Thor, completely losing the role that a flagship should play on the battlefield.

The security fleet of the Flamingo Group collapsed instantly, and the captain of the battleship shouted to Qi Yiyi through the wide area broadcast, demanding surrender.

At this time, Mao Qiming was still confidently taking the remaining strength of the Flamingo Security Fleet and rushing non-stop to the Awakener Galaxy in the Ancestral Star Territory.

Sorry, I have something to do today, so I’m a little late.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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