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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 117 The final performance

With the collapse of the Flamingo security fleet, Qi Yiming once again realized how powerful drone swarm attacks are in the current human world.

Killing a small fleet led by a battleship was something Qi Yiming never expected.

In fact, Qi Yiming wanted to capture the battleship, but unfortunately the battleship chose to self-destruct for unknown reasons.

Qi Yiming looked at the remaining battlecruisers and found that they were no longer worth repairing.

After all, when the main targets for drones were determined at that time, these were higher-level warships.

The remaining battleships lower than the battlecruisers no longer pose much of a threat to Qi Yiming.

Later, during the interrogation of the prisoners, Qi Yiming learned that their fleet was just an advance fleet, and Mao Qiming was leading the follow-up fleet.

Qi Yiming had to lament that arms dealers were arms dealers. This had ruined a full battleship-level fleet in the Awakener Galaxy.

According to Wang Sen, such a fleet can already sweep through most countries today.

Mao Qiming actually still has a battleship in his hands. Apart from describing it as rich and powerful, Qi Yiming really can’t find any appropriate words to describe it.

Since Mao Qiming is coming again, Qi Yiming is not going to let him go, and is ready to solve Mao Qiming’s trouble once and for all. This time, he won’t let him run away no matter what he says.

Qi Yiming here has prepared the best burial place for Mao Qiming.

On the other side, Mao Qiming is still dreaming of acquiring technological heritage and dominating the arms market.

In fact, the fleet led by Mao Qiming did not have many warships. He was like a gambler, placing all his chips on the advance fleet.

“Damn Zhang Bowei, if you succeed, you should use the deep space communicator to report the progress.” Mao Qiming, who was sitting in the bridge of the brand new Flamingo, kept cursing.

“Report… we have arrived at the Ancestral Star Territory.” The Flamingo Navigator loudly reported the current position of the fleet.

Then the radar chief’s voice also sounded: “A large number of man-made debris was found 3 light minutes away from the fleet, suspected to be a temporary berth system commonly used at border outposts.”

When Mao Qiming heard this, his face changed into a smile.

“Isn’t this Qi Yiming stupid? He also knows how to establish a border outpost and make a fuss about the ten seconds when the battleship’s energy is disordered after the jump.” Mao Qiming shook the goblet in his hand.

“Weren’t you killed by the fleet sent by your boss?” Mao Qiming’s adjutant saw that his boss seemed to be in a good mood, and he boldly stood aside and flattered him.

“Well…it seems that Lao Zhang’s side is going well…” Mao Qiming nodded slightly with a very helpful look on his face.

“The boss has always been very accurate in judging people. Brother Zhang has definitely captured that livable planet and is waiting for the boss. It seems he wants to give you a surprise.” The adjutant still did not forget to praise Mao Qiming’s vision.

“Haha…” Mao Qiming laughed unscrupulously after hearing this: “If you want to fight with me, Qi Yiming is still far behind…”

“That’s… who is the boss? A mere awakened person wants to show off in front of you…”

“Okay, let’s go and ask if the internal energy of each ship has returned to normal. We still have several days to travel.”

Seeing that his flattery was just right, the adjutant accepted the order with satisfaction and went to do the work, leaving Mao Qiming alone to fall into fantasy about the future.

A few days later, Mao Qiming’s fleet came to the Awakener Galaxy again.

What surprised Mao Qiming was that there was no advance fleet here.

Although Mao Qiming, who was very confident about this raid, did not think that he would fail again.

But after learning the lesson from last time, Mao Qiming learned the lesson and first sent a destroyer to the habitable star to find out the news.

Half an hour later, the destroyer sent back the news that everything was normal, and Mao Qiming continued to lead the fleet to the orbit of Gaia.

As soon as the fleet left the jump mode, Mao Qiming saw a scene he would never forget.

The high orbit of the Gaia star is filled with battleship wreckage, and the destroyer that was just sent here to inquire about the news is currently orbiting the Gaia star.

“Have you contacted Zhang Bowei?” Mao Qiming frowned and looked at the wreckage of the battleship in front of him. He thought that the wreckage was left behind after Qi Yiming was defeated.

The communications officer clicked on the holographic screen in front of him and shook his head and said: “Thunder God did not respond. Qiu Ran, the deputy captain of the advance fleet, has just responded to the ship’s call.”

“Oh?” Mao Qiming looked at the communications officer in confusion: “Get through Qiu Ran’s communications. I want him to report to me in detail.”

After the communication was connected, Mao Qiming looked at Qiu Ran who looked frightened and asked curiously: “Where is your fleet captain? Where did the Thor go?”

Qiu Ran burst into tears and said with a choked voice: “Captain Zhang… he was killed… the Thor was also sunk.”

Qi Yiming, who was standing next to Qiu Ran, looked at Qiu Ran’s performance in amazement and secretly sighed: “You are such a movie king…”

Qi Yiming was not worried that the communicator would transmit his own image to the Flamingo. The communicator only focused on Qiu Ran, and everyone else was blurred on the communication screen.

When Mao Qiming heard that Zhang Bowei was killed in battle, he didn’t feel too upset, but when he heard that the Thor was sunk, his whole aura changed.

He looked at Qiu Ran angrily: “How could a battleship be sunk so easily?”

“Qi Yiming’s Xuefeng is too perverted…” Qiu Ran was too immersed in the performance. He suddenly remembered his situation and glanced at Qi Yiming secretly.

After realizing that Qi Yiming was not displeased, he boldly continued to write: “In order to cover the fleet assault, the Thunder God attracted all the firepower…”

Qiu Ran actually wiped away tears as he spoke.

Mao Qiming also sighed for a while. He really didn’t expect Qi Yiming to be so powerful.

“Where’s the fleet? Why aren’t the other warships on track?” At this time, Mao Qiming was still a little wary.

“The rest of the battleships were also seriously damaged. After breaking through the defense line, we all landed on the surface of the planet. I will let the battleships in better condition take off.” This step was explained to Qiu Ran by Qi Yiming.

Qi Yiming also knew that if he wanted Mao Qiming, an old fox, to relax his vigilance, he would have to take certain risks.

However, except for the captain, all the personnel on the captured battleship of the advance fleet were replaced by Qi Yiming with his own people.

Mao Qiming watched in the bridge as a destroyer with black smoke from its tail flew out of the atmosphere with difficulty, and then he felt relieved.

Seeing that the technological heritage was about to be obtained, Mao Qiming ignored many details.

For example, why are the wreckage of the battleships in the orbit of Gaia so scattered? It stands to reason that even if the battleship is sunk, the wreckage will not be scattered like that.

However, Mao Qiming no longer cared about these. He asked Qiu Ran anxiously: “Have you found anything special on the surface?”

Qiu Ran didn’t know the purpose of this trip, but Qi Yiming asked Qiu Ran to tell Mao Qiming that they had discovered a place on the surface that was different from other scientific research centers.

The place was heavily guarded, and many marines were killed during the attack.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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