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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 12 The Wang Family’s Crisis

Facing the Zheng family’s raid, Wang Zhengfeng, who had experienced countless life-and-death battles, was not too nervous.

It’s just that the Wang family has become very powerful in recent years, and few surrounding aristocratic families dare to challenge the Wang family head-on. Wang Zhengfeng is used to living a comfortable life, so he was a little angry when he was suddenly attacked.

When it comes to ability, Wang Zhengfeng’s ability is really not bad.

Relying on the remaining 1 cruiser, 8 destroyers and 13 frigates, relying on the half-completed defense line in the Xuannv galaxy, they fought vigorously against Zheng Hu’s fleet.

He actually found an opportunity to kill two of the opponent’s destroyers.

As the backbone of the battle force, the destroyers play a key role in supporting the battle line on the battlefield. With the loss of two ships at once, the Zheng family’s battle line is slightly unstable. Fortunately, the cruisers, as high-end combat capabilities, are also struggling to deliver and sink. The Wang family acquired 5 frigates and 1 destroyer.

And successfully broke through the outer defense line of Xuannv Galaxy.

Wang Zhengfeng commanded the remaining warships to retreat to the Gray Rock Star defense line for the final defense.

“Master, the forts on the Gray Rock Star defense line have not been deployed yet, and the young master failed to create more time for us.” Even at this time, Niu Ben did not forget to suppress Wang Dong’s competitors.

“The incident happened suddenly, and the warships assigned to Wang Sen were all frigates. It was originally an extremely difficult task.” Wang Zhengfeng is an old fox, how could he not know the meaning of Niu Ben.

“Now is not the time to investigate the responsibilities. Zheng Hu of the Zheng family is a notoriously reckless man, but his command of this raid was remarkable. He was not fooled by me several times. It can be seen that he was not fooled before. How ridiculous his evaluation is.” Wang Zhengfeng frowned and looked at the Gray Rock Star defense line, which was still under construction under the coordination of his second son Wang Dong.

In the peripheral defense battle of the Xuannv Galaxy just now, if Wang Zhengfeng hadn’t issued the order to retreat at the critical moment, Zheng Hu might have eaten his ship, the Warrior, as well.

Although he found an opportunity to sink two of the opponent’s destroyers, his losses were not small.

In comparison of the number of warships on both sides, the Wang family was already at an absolute disadvantage, and the remaining warships were all injured.

“It seems that our Wang family has come to an end today. It’s a pity that most of the Wang family’s core fleet went out to carry out pioneering missions, so the Zheng family took advantage of it.” Wang Zhengfeng couldn’t help but close his eyes and look up to the sky and sigh.

“Master, we still have a chance. As long as we deal with the opponent and buy time, it will not be easy for Zheng Hu to capture the Gray Rock Star until the rail guns on the Gray Rock Defense Line are deployed.”

The Wang family still has some die-hard fans, and these are the retainers that the Wang family has trained since childhood. Although his status is not high, his loyalty has always been very reliable.

“An enemy ship appears!” The radar operator on the Warrior swallowed hard.

Wang Zhengfeng’s slightly tired face also recovered, “Everyone! My Wang family has always treated you well. Today is a critical moment for the survival of my Wang family. I hope you will fight bravely. I, Wang Zhengfeng, will never treat you unfairly afterwards.”

The fleet communication channel did not receive the united response that Wang Zhengfeng hoped for. That is, the responses were sonorous and powerful from a few die-hard fans of the Wang family, as if they were looking forward to death.

“In that case, let me give a gorgeous closing performance.” Wang Zhengfeng strengthened his will and resolutely commanded the ship to take the lead and meet the Zheng family’s fleet.

However, the fleet behind them was dragging their feet and no one wanted to move forward. Only 5 frigates and 2 destroyers followed closely behind the Warrior, which was the core fleet of the other half of the Wang family.

The two sides opened fire one after another when they were 250,000 kilometers away. The first round of attacks were all missile attacks.

The dense rain of missiles passed by each other at the midpoint of the distance between the two sides, and then went straight to their respective targets.

Under the command of Zheng Hu, the Zheng family’s fleet formed a relatively dense formation, and the secondary guns of each ship fired wildly to form an airtight defense network.

Hundreds of missiles were intercepted within a range of 10 kilometers away from the Zheng family fleet. Flashes of explosions occurred one after another. Only dozens of missiles broke through the fire network and hit their respective targets.

Wang Zhengfeng’s side was in a miserable situation. It was originally a desperate charge, and there was no formation at all.

In addition, they are all fighting independently, although the secondary guns of each ship are working hard to fire.

However, the Zheng family launched too many missiles at one time, and five frigates were hit and sunk by dozens of missiles one after another.

The two destroyers were not much better. One lost power and turned into an iron coffin. The other’s bow main gun was hit, and its firepower plummeted.

Wang Zhengfeng’s ship was rough and thick-skinned, and the gunners on the secondary battery positions were very effective. Fortunately, only two missiles hit the Warrior, which did not cause much damage.

The other warships that had not followed up saw how powerful the opponent’s attack was, and they all turned around and quickly evacuated the battlefield.

Wang Zhengfeng was not in the mood to curse them at the moment. He was focused on killing one of the opponent’s cruisers before the Warrior was sunk.

At this time, both sides had entered the range of each other’s main guns.

At the same time that the missile was fired, the four main guns on the Warrior also opened fire at the same time.

But a strange situation happened. The Warrior obviously only locked two targets, but three frigates in the Zheng family fleet were sunk one after another.

Wang Sen, who was standing on the bridge of the Endeavor and witnessed all this, was jumping up and down and cheering.

He was happy that Qi Yiming killed one of the opponent’s frigates with one shot. At the same time, he also found that even though the Wang family had a high opinion of Qi Yiming’s combat power, it seemed that they still underestimated Qi Yiming at this time.

The combat power composition of the Zheng family’s fleet is not comparable to that of those small star thieves. After all, it is an aristocratic family. Although it does not have its own warship assembly factory, military-grade warships with standard combat power can still be purchased.

Although the Changkong-class frigate, also known as the anti-scythe-class frigate in Qi Yiming’s mouth, has average combat power, it cannot be easily sunk by a destroyer.

At least their Wang family’s destroyers couldn’t do this, but today Wang Sen saw with his own eyes that Xuefeng sank a frigate with one shot.

Coupled with the ultra-long-range sniper attack of more than 300,000 kilometers, it would only take a while for Qi Yiming and Bielang to kill the Zheng family’s raiding fleet.

Wang Sen couldn’t help but feel excited and immediately contacted the Warrior who was still charging desperately.

“Father, find a way to fight with the opponent, don’t make unnecessary sacrifices.” Once the communication was connected, Wang Sen didn’t explain much at all. If it were a step later, the Warrior would have rushed into the best range of the main guns of both sides.

When the time comes, let alone Qi Yiming, even the King of Heaven and I will not be able to save Wang Zhengfeng.

Wang Zhengfeng didn’t ask any questions, and quickly ordered the Warrior to turn around and stop the charge, and formed a temporary front with a destroyer that caught up later to defend against the Zheng family’s missile rain.

After regaining his footing, Wang Zhengfeng asked Wang Sen what happened.

At this time, Qi Yiming also accessed the fleet communication channel.

“Mr. Wang, do you need help?” Qi Yiming said humbly.

Wang Sen and Wang Zhengfeng twitched their mouths at the same time, and the situation suddenly became awkward.

Of course Qi Yiming is not a sufferer of social arrogance. He just thinks of Wang Zhengfeng’s original actions and still feels very uncomfortable. No one wants to be sent away like a god of plague, right?

Wang Zhengfeng is an old fox. He can be said to remain calm in the face of Qi Yiming’s squeeze. Seeing that the Wang family is already standing on the edge of the cliff, it doesn’t matter what Qi Yiming’s identity is as long as he can save the Wang family.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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