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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 123 Threat

While Bai Jianhua was communicating with the headquarters, Wang Sen and his men quietly surrounded the grocery store.

After all, this is the Capital Star of the Business Alliance, and you definitely shouldn’t do something like this too blatantly. All members of the internal security force wear loose casual clothes.

The boss who was busy tallying goods in the grocery store suddenly felt that the number of customers in the store had suddenly increased a lot. He was about to look up when he suddenly felt someone clinging to him and a hard object pushing against his waist.

He didn’t see him panicking and said calmly: “Everyone, I don’t have anything valuable here…”

“We’re not here for your money…” Wang Sen stood openly in front of the boss. They were here for the killer organization called Light of Purification, so they didn’t care whether their faces were remembered by the other party. thereby being retaliated against.

The boss’ eyes suddenly froze, and he looked at the people scattered in the grocery store warily: “You must know what kind of organization you are messing with.”

“I’m just here for you…” Wang Sen smiled: “Let’s go, take us into the secret room…”

The boss knew that he was in big trouble this time, so he did not resist and took Wang Sen into the secret room where they stored the equipment for sending encrypted information.

At this time, Bai Jianhua was still communicating with the headquarters, asking the big boss why he suddenly stopped arresting Qi Yiming.

He never expected that someone would be squatting outside this contact point.

When the store owner brought Wang Sen and others in, Bai Jianhua didn’t even look back: “Didn’t I tell you that you can’t come in while I’m using the encryption device?”

He didn’t hear anyone speak for a while. Just as Bai Jianhua was about to turn around and observe, his hands were controlled from behind. Someone put a powered-on helmet on Bai Jianhua’s head.

A powerful electric current was conducted into Bai Jianhua’s brain through the helmet, instantly destroying the nano-scale bomb implanted in his brain by the killer organization.

Wang Sen stood in front of Bai Jianhua with a mocking expression on his face: “In what age are you still using this old-fashioned way of committing suicide?”

The Human Purifying Light implanted this suicide bomb in each member of the organization, which was used by the organization to prevent leaks after they discovered that they were captured.

This is what they learned when they interrogated Liu Chao.

As for why Liu Chao didn’t plant this kind of bomb in his brain, he said that he didn’t want his life and death to be controlled by others. In addition, his direct superior had absolute trust in him, so he didn’t install this thing on him. .

Wang Sen patted Bai Jianhua’s face. Because Bai Jianhua’s brain was hit by a huge electric current, blood was already flowing out of his nostrils.

Under Wang Sen’s slap, Bai Jianhua suddenly woke up.

“Who are you?” Bai Jianhua’s voice seemed a little weak.

“You just got beaten up by our people, and now you don’t know who we are?”

“Are you Qi Yiming’s people?”

“Stop talking nonsense and cooperate with others, and you might be able to save a dog’s life.”

“It’s impossible…” As soon as Bai Jianhua finished his words, he heard a faint gunshot, and the owner of the grocery store collapsed softly in front of him.

“Don’t think you can negotiate terms with us. Without you, I believe we can still find the next clue.” Wang Sen pointed at the lifeless grocery store owner and said, “Don’t be like him. He died inexplicably…”

Bai Jianhua was stunned at that time. He never thought that this group of people would be so straightforward and shoot and kill people at the slightest disagreement. This is what they are best at.

Wang Sen saw that Bai Jianhua’s eyes were a little erratic, and knew that this man had been shaken, so he struck while the iron was hot: “Think about your family… As long as you cooperate… we will never make things difficult for you.”

But what surprised Wang Sen was that as soon as he finished saying this, he saw Bai Jianhua foaming at the mouth, twitching and fainting.

“I’ll wipe it…why don’t you be so direct…”

The inner guard stepped forward and felt Bai Jianhua’s pulse, then shook his head: “Dead…”

What Wang Sen didn’t know was that if he didn’t mention his family, he might still have a glimmer of hope to break through Bai Jianhua’s psychological defense. But when he mentioned his family, Bai Jianhua understood everything and consciously chewed the pieces in his mouth. Dentures containing highly toxic substances.

He had installed these dentures himself for the purpose of committing suicide in this situation, because his family members were all under the surveillance of the organization. If he died during the operation, not only would his family members be transported safely, If you spend the rest of your life on a livable star, you will also receive a large pension.

If the organization finds out that he has defected to the enemy, his family will definitely not end well.

For the sake of his loved ones, Bai Jianhua decisively chose death.

This time it was Wang Sen’s turn to be dumbfounded. Just now he was just trying to scare Bai Jianhua. How could he find any more useful clues?

Just as he was thinking about how to explain to Qi Yiming with a frown, the holographic screen of the encrypted communication device used by Bai Jianhua just now lit up again.

“Find a way to contact Qi Yiming and tell him that Qiao Xin and Ye Lu are in our hands. I hope to talk to him face to face.”

Wang Sen felt bad when he saw this sentence. There was no progress on his side, but Ye Lu fell into the opponent’s hands inexplicably. And who is this Qiao Xin?

He sat in front of the encrypted communicator and thought for a long time before sending a message to the other party: “Who are you? How do you want to talk to us?”

Song Shixiong’s expression was particularly wonderful when he saw the message sent by Wang Sen. He was terrified and confused, but he still replied: “Who are you? Bai Jianhua was captured by you?”

“He is dead…”

Song Shixiong did not seem surprised. He continued to send messages: “Since you have mastered this encrypted communication device, I don’t have to send people to contact you. I believe you have seen the message I just sent. Think about it carefully, otherwise Ye Lu and Qiao Xin will die. I will contact you in three days.”

After receiving this message, the holographic screen in front of Wang Sen showed that the other party was offline.

For such a big thing, Wang Sen did not dare to make a decision alone. He immediately asked the internal security forces to dismantle the equipment and take it away. After returning to his warship, Wang Sen quickly contacted Qi Yiming who was rushing to the capital star.

Qi Yiming also fell into deep thought after understanding the whole story.

He really didn’t expect that he just agreed to pick up someone with Ye Lu at that time, but it would cause such a moth.

“You go back now and ask Wang Shuhua to bring people here. It looks like this matter will be resolved soon.” Qi Yiming finally made up his mind after thinking for a long time. It was impossible to compromise. Qi Yiming couldn’t imagine what would happen if a group of psychopaths got the technological heritage. Of course, it would be a gratifying thing if they could use their greed to wipe out this organization in one fell swoop.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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