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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 124 Transaction

Three days later, Qi Yiming, who had been standing by the encrypted communicator, received another message from Song Shixiong.

“How are you thinking about it?”

“We don’t seem to have any good choices.” Qi Yiming showed weakness to the other party as soon as he opened his mouth, trying to weaken the other party’s high alertness.

Song Shixiong is an old fox. He will never believe everything the other party says before he sees real benefits.

“There is no need to pretend to be pitiful. Trading technological heritage for the lives of two women seems to me very unworthy, but I believe you are different from us…”

“It seems that you are still self-aware. I am indeed different from you. The lives of my partners are much more important to me than that technological legacy.”

“As expected, he is a person who values ​​friendship, so you agreed to the exchange?”

“I need to make sure my people are okay.”

“Of course, I can still guarantee this kind of thing.”

“Where is the transaction place?” Qi Yiming continued to ask the other party on the encrypted communicator.

“For the sake of everyone’s peace of mind, choose the airport of the Mercenary Association. It is an absolutely neutral zone.”

“I need time to get the stuff over.”

Song Shixiong thought for a while, checking the credibility of Qi Yiming’s words: “Yes!” Finally, he agreed to Qi Yiming’s request.

After a brief conversation, the two turned off the communication devices in front of them.

Song Shixiong was busy arranging for people to contact Qi Yiming. It was impossible for him to take the risk of doing this kind of thing himself. Who knew whether Qi Yiming would honestly hand over what he got.

Qi Yiming was ready to hand over the intelligent learning system, but not completely. He wanted to do some tricks on it to track the final whereabouts of the device.

Qi Yiming is not worried that Song Shixiong will think that this system is not a technological heritage. After all, the knowledge in it is actually the knowledge of the original human federation era. How can you say that this is not a technological heritage.

Even if Song Shixiong had doubts, Qi Yiming insisted that he only found this thing from the former Human Federation, and the rest were destroyed by the damn Zerg.

No one has ever seen what the real technological heritage looks like. Qi Yiming believes that when Song Shixiong sees the contents of this learning system, he will definitely be like Mao Qiming and mistakenly believe that the learning system is the technological heritage of the former Human Federation.

After the deal is completed and Ye Lu and the others are rescued, Qi Yiming will be free to deal with Song Shixiong and his killer organization.

While waiting for Wang Shuhua to bring people over, Qi Yiming purchased some inconspicuous small parts from the Capital Star of the Business Alliance.

Then he locked himself in the captain’s cabin all day long, tinkering with an electronic component that had no apparent use.

Two weeks later, Wang Shuhua led the first fleet that had just completed training to escort a huge cargo spacecraft and entered the Capital Galaxy of the Business Alliance in the name of a caravan escort.

At the spaceport on the capital planet Noble Island, Wang Shuhua met Qi Yiming.

“Did you bring the equipment?”

“Brought…” Wang Shuhua seemed hesitant to speak.

Qi Yiming signaled him not to worry: “Brother Wang, I have a way, believe me!”

Wang Shuhua finally felt at ease and directed the staff to move the intelligent learning equipment onto the Xuefeng.

Qi Yiming looked at the quilts being carried onto the Xuefeng one after another, and kept playing with a small electronic device in his hand.

This is a tracking device that he assembled in the past half month using the things he bought.

It was a gadget that Qi Yiming made by himself when he was taking a spy course at the Battleship Commander Academy. It was just a curiosity at the time, but he didn’t expect it to come in handy today.

The appearance of this device is the same as the portable information storage used by the former Human Federation, but it stores a light quantum inside, and the paired light quantum is in Qi Yiming’s hand.

The tracker uses the principle of quantum entanglement to achieve ultra-long-distance tracking.

Although this thing was at most a small toy for the federal technology at the time, Qi Yiming believed that Song Shixiong would never have imagined that an inconspicuous storage device could actually have the function of tracking and positioning.

Of course, Qi Yiming would not just put the tracker in the device so stupidly. Qi Yiming copied the key to start the device into the temporary memory he made, then locked the device system and added self-destruction device.

On the day of the transaction, Song Shixiong did not show up. The person who traded in his place was a young man wearing glasses and looking very polite.

After seeing Qi Yiming, the young man only asked: “Where is the thing?”

Qi Yiming turned his head and looked at the intelligent learning system.

The young man took a scan and checked who was circled around the intelligent learning system.

After confirming that there was nothing unusual about the appearance, the young man continued: “How can I be sure whether this thing is real?”

“Would you know if you put on a helmet and try it?” Qi Yiming said indifferently.

So the young man put on his helmet under Wang Shuhua’s hateful gaze.

Qi Yiming showed off and took out his makeshift tracker from his pocket. While inserting the tracker into the key, he said: “After checking, you can take the device away, but before I see my people, There is absolutely no way you can take the key away.”

The young man glanced at Qi Yiming, then took out his communicator and hid in the corner, probably asking Song Shixiong for instructions.

After a while, the young man walked up to Qi Yiming expressionlessly and handed the communicator to Qi Yiming.

“Mr. Qi is very calculating, I will send him to you right away.”

“Mr. Song, thank you very much.”

Song Shixiong on the other end of the communicator was silent for a while and then said: “As an awakener, Mr. Qi, don’t you have anything to say?”

“What else is there to talk about between you and me? After killing so many of my companions of the same era, there is nothing left to talk about between us.”

“In this case, after this transaction, we can each rely on our own abilities.”

“I’m waiting for you to send someone to your door…don’t forget to ask them to bring more gifts!”


Just as the two were testing each other, Wang Shuhua received a communication from the Expedition. Ye Lu and his crew had already merged into the formation, and they were sending people to check the ship.

After Wang Shuhua repeatedly confirmed that there was nothing wrong with Ye Lu and the others, he nodded to Qi Yiming.

“Mr. Song really kept his promise.” After speaking, he handed the key in his hand to the young man in front of him: “The key has been handed over to your people, and our transaction is completed.”

“Very good, we will meet again later…”

But before Song Shixiong hung up, he heard Qi Yiming push away the private room where they were conducting transactions and shout outside.

“There is a technological heritage from the former Federation here. If anyone can help me get it, I will send him a giant cargo ship. The cabin will be filled with energy blocks.”

The reason why Qi Yiming dared to do this was because he believed that Song Shixiong would definitely consider this.

But he did it anyway. The main reason was to make the other party ignore the key and not check it.

It seems that this trick is quite effective, because as soon as he heard Qi Yiming shouting loudly, the young man holding the key immediately locked the key in his hand into the password box carried by the deputy, then pulled out his weapon and made a desperate gesture. posture.

But the people in the mercenary guild didn’t seem to waver at the price offered by Qi Yiming, and they didn’t even bother to take a second look at them.

Then Qi Yiming heard Song Shixiong’s wild and uninhibited laughter coming from the communicator: “Mr. Qi is really witty, but it’s a pity that the iron law that force cannot be used in the mercenary guild’s space port is deeply rooted in everyone. In the mind of a mercenary.”

Qi Yiming could only pretend to be frustrated and watched the young man in front of him leave the transaction ready with the smart learning device.

In fact, Qi Yiming’s heart has long been filled with joy, and his goal has been achieved.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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