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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 129 Play you to death

A few minutes later, Wu Yuer’s voice came from the wide area communication channel.

“How do you prove that Qiao Shan and you are only in a cooperative relationship.” After knowing that his life was not in danger for the time being, the old fox started to think.

“I can’t prove it, but you can only choose to believe me now, can’t you?” Qi Yiming really couldn’t prove the authenticity of this matter.

I can only bet that Wu Yuer has a strong desire to survive and is eager to grab every life-saving straw, even if that life-saving straw seems very unreliable.

During the negotiation between Qi Yiming and Wu Yu’er, the first awakened person released by Wu Yu’er boarded the Xuefeng and quickly came to the bridge.

“He Zhenzhu, Lieutenant of the Federal Garrison Fleet, Chief of Radar…” The person who came was a woman, wearing a federal military uniform, with the badge of the Garrison Fleet on her chest. When she saw Qi Yiming, she immediately stood at attention and made a standard gesture to Qi Yiming. Federal Military Salute.

After Qi Yiming returned the gift, he wanted to take away the badge on He Zhenzhu’s chest. He had to confirm He Zhenzhu’s identity.

He put the badge into a scanner designed to identify military personnel, and within a few seconds He Zhenzhu’s detailed information was displayed on the scanner screen.

Then Qi Yiming asked He Zhenzhu for a lock of hair and put it into the scanner. A few minutes later, another line of text was displayed on the scanner: “Identity information confirmed, biological special conformity, He Zhenzhu, Lieutenant of the Federal Garrison Fleet, Position Radar Chief.”

Qi Yiming looked at the lieutenant in front of him excitedly, but he did not forget that there were two more people in Wu Yuer’s hands. He hurriedly asked He Zhenzhu: “Can you confirm the identities of the other two people?”

“They can completely tell the fleet stations where they served and the commanders directly under them. I think their identities cannot be faked.”

Qi Yiming nodded, no matter what, he would save the people first.

“I want to confirm that the other two people are alive…” Qi Yiming made a request to Wu Yuer again.

“Don’t push yourself too far. I’ve already sent one person away and shown our sincerity… Now it’s your turn. Let that damn Qiao Shan stop attacking first.” Wu Yu’er is not someone who is easy to fool. Knowing that the people released just now have boarded Qi Yiming’s Xuefeng, he once again asked Qi Yiming to stop Qiao Shan from continuing to attack the core section of the space station.

How could Qiao Shan listen to Qi Yiming’s order at this time? He could also hear the call on the wide area communication channel. Before Qi Yiming could speak, Qiao Shan roared in the wide area channel first.

“You old immortal guys, even if I risk my life here today, I will still make you walk around without food.”

After saying that, Azure speeded up her attack frequency again.

Qi Yiming didn’t know if Qiao Shan was deliberately cooperating with him in acting, but he had to say that the two of them cooperated really well at this time.

“I told you, Qiao Shan and I only have a cooperative relationship. I can’t order him now.” Qi Yiming once again emphasized his relationship with Qiao Shan.

But Wu Yuer said to Qi Yiming: “You have two choices now, either sink Qiao Shan’s ship, or let your companions be buried with us.”

Qi Yiming knew that if he didn’t take some practical action, Wu Yuer would definitely take risks.

“Lock the Azure… minimum energy charge of the main gun…” This was the best way Qi Yiming could think of in a hurry.

The Azure has an energy shield, and the Xuefeng’s main gun, at the minimum charging level, has little effect on the Azure’s energy shield.

Now we can only hope that Qiao Shan can wake up and understand that Qi Yiming is acting, and Zhi wants to act the other party to death.

Sure enough, after the Azure Blue was attacked by the Xuefeng, Qiao Shan looked at Qi Yiming’s Xuefeng in confusion when he saw the decreasing value of the energy shield.

In fact, after the crazy attack just now, a lot of the resentment and hatred that Qiao Shan had buried in his heart for many years had been eliminated. At this moment, he immediately woke up after being attacked by the Xuefeng.

Qiao Shan has seen the destroyer Xuefeng in such a state that its attack can be as powerful as it needs to be.

However, the main gun attack of Xuefeng, which had now been upgraded to a cruiser, did not cause much damage to his Azure. This gave Qiao Shan a little bit of understanding.

Immediately gave up attacking the core section of the space station, and then began to fight back at the Xuefeng.

The Azure also used the minimum charging mode of the main gun. The two battleships seemed to be fighting very lively. However, in the eyes of the person involved, this attack intensity was about the same as removing the paint on the battleship.

Seeing Qi Yiming suddenly attack Qiao Shan, Ye Lu went crazy and cursed Qi Yiming on the fleet command channel.

Qi Yiming smiled bitterly in his heart: “Sister, if you want to scold me, do it on the wide area communication channel. You have to let those old immortal guys hear you.”

But Qi Yiming really didn’t expect that Ye Lu really thought that Qi Yiming was going to sink the Azure, so he cursed loudly. Wang Shuhua had no time to stop him, and his throat was hoarse from coughing. Ye Lu pretended not to hear.

With the wide area communication channel connected, it was certainly impossible for Qi Yiming to tell Ye Lu clearly.

But what he didn’t expect was that Ye Lu not only insulted Qi Yiming crazily, but also commanded his own ship to attack the Xuefeng.

Ye Lu’s ship had not been replaced in time since she had gone out to pick up Qiao Xin earlier, so the Xuefeng was not afraid of Ye Lu’s ship’s attack.

Regardless of whether he was acting or not, Qi Yiming’s fleet suddenly broke out into internal strife. This was something Wu Yuer liked to see. It also made him believe that Qi Yiming was not trying to stall for time when negotiating with him, but really wanted to Rescue the two remaining Awakeners.

Wang Sen was the first person to follow Qi Yiming, and he also knew Qi Yiming’s character best. He simply did not believe that Qi Yiming would let the top brass of the assassination organization go.

He has the lowest sense of presence on the battlefield, so he is the only one capable of quietly rescuing people.

Wang Sen is a natural logistics manager. He also owns his own habitable planet in the Wang family and also presided over the construction of their own space station.

He is very familiar with the core module of the space station, and he certainly knows which direction to approach from to avoid the monitoring system.

Indeed, Wang Sen also succeeded. Yuanhang made detailed path planning for the shuttle boat carrying dozens of fully armed internal guards.

Of course, Qi Yiming also made a lot of efforts not to attract Wuyu’er’s attention. When the shuttle boat quietly approached, he kept negotiating conditions with Wuyu’er to attract Wuyu’er’s attention.

After approaching the space station, the personnel of the internal security force jumped out of the shuttle boat and climbed into the space station along the ejection port of the escape capsule.

The whole process was clean and tidy, which made Qi Yiming very satisfied and proud.

He established the internal defense force with his own hands. How could Qi Yiming not be happy seeing the outstanding performance of these people now.

Ten minutes later, Wu Yuer, who was about to be driven crazy by Qi Yiming, suddenly felt something was wrong.

He was about to order the few remaining security personnel to keep an eye on the hostages and kill them directly if necessary.

Unexpectedly, before the security personnel could take action, they were hit by projectiles shot out of the darkness and died instantly.

For the members of the internal security force, the next task was simply easier than daily training. Of course, the biggest reason was that the seven or eight old men buried up to their chins in dirt had no ability to resist.

Several people were easily controlled by the members of the Internal Guard, while the two awakened people that Qi Yiming cared about the most were sitting on the floor unscathed, looking at these combatants wearing the uniforms of the Federal Internal Security Force with surprised eyes.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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