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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 132 War

After hearing Fang Min’s introduction, Qi Yiming no longer wanted to care about the Wise Man.

After briefly arranging the defense issues of Gaia and the Engineer, he commanded the Xuefeng to set off again.

He planned to go to the Cloud Ring Federation to check out the situation and confirm whether the insect swarm’s attack was a test before the general attack or an accidental incident.

If this was a test before the swarm’s general attack, Qi Yiming felt that they would have to prepare to run away now.

It’s not that Qi Yiming doesn’t want to confront the insect swarm head on, but that with their current strength, it’s simply not enough in the eyes of the insect swarm master.

In this case, it is better to run away early, maybe it can save the last bit of fire for mankind.

On the way to the Cloud Ring Federation, Qi Yiming was very careful.

He did not go directly from the Ancestral Star Territory, but passed through the Business Alliance and detoured to the Turing Republic before entering the Cloud Ring Federation.

The moment he entered the Cloud Ring Federation, Qi Yiming felt the difference in the atmosphere.

After a large number of fleets gathered at the airport, they set off to the southeastern border.

Although the levels of warships are uneven, and even most of the warships are just standard warships sold to mercenaries by various arms dealers. Of course, there is a big gap between this kind of warships and the regular army, but fortunately the number is considerable.

But in Qi Yiming’s view, this is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket. How many of these people can come back? Qi Yiming was very pessimistic.

According to his preliminary information, the main fleet of the Cloud Ring Federation is almost ready, but the war against the insect swarm is not over yet.

Now we can see so many fleets gathering, all because the Cloud Ring Federation sent an open letter for help to all human forces, lifting the insect swarm, humanity’s biggest enemy, out of the water.

The insect swarm incident has completely caused a turmoil in the human world at this time.

With so many volunteers coming to support the Yunhuan Empire, Qi Yiming felt a little bit of comfort from the bottom of his heart.

This shows that when human beings face alien invasion, there are still some people with lofty ideals who stand on the front line of resisting the invasion.

Qi Yiming decided to go to the capital city of Yunhuan Federation to inquire about the progress of the war, and then decide whether to go back, pack his things and run away.

The capital system of the Cloud Ring Federation is now in a different state from the free ports in surrounding systems. A large number of support fleets from other countries have gathered here.

They transported various supplies and a small number of new warships that had just come off the production line for the Cloud Ring Federation.

The synchronous orbit of the Cloud Ring Federation’s capital city, Nebula Ring Star, has long been transformed into a large logistics center. Materials supported by other countries are distributed here and then shipped again to the warship production factories set up by the Cloud Ring Federation.

When the Xuefeng docked at the airport above Yunhuan Star, Qi Yiming saw a large number of young faces lining up to board the transport ship.

Qi Yiming had seen this situation before in the era of the Human Federation. Qi Yiming knew that these young people would be assigned to ships after a short training, and then put into the battlefield to fight a war of attrition against the insect swarms.

During the most tense period of the war, the Human Federation even lowered the age of recruitment to fourteen years old, but it still could not keep up with the consumption on the front line.

When human lives are just a series of numbers in the eyes of commanders, the tragedy of the war has reached an unimaginable level.

Qi Yiming found a volunteer registration office in the airport, and he was going to go there and inquire about the progress of the war in detail.

Before I even got close, I heard a girl holding a loudspeaker and saying loudly: “Volunteers with battleships, please go directly into the room behind me. There will be someone to receive you. Those who failed the physical examination and were dismissed by the military wanted to Please line up in front of me to do your part for humanity.”

Qi Yiming walked directly into the room without staying any longer.

The room was not big, and many people had gathered inside, listening to the speech of a middle-aged man wearing a Cloud Ring Federation military uniform on the high platform in the center of the room.

“Captains… First of all, thank you for coming to support.” The middle-aged officer wanted to continue being polite, but was interrupted by the people around him.

“We are not here to listen to your praises. We are just talking about the war on the front line and what we volunteers will be assigned to do.”

The officer smiled awkwardly and continued: “The battle on the frontline has basically stabilized now. Our army has stabilized the front line in the Garp and Vincent systems.”

When the officer said this, a look of joy appeared on his face. It seemed that he was very happy with the progress of the war on the front line.

Qi Yiming had never been to the front line, so he couldn’t draw a conclusion too early as to what the insect swarm’s condition was, so he could only listen carefully to what was going on.

According to the officer, there is a Turner galaxy between the Karp galaxy and the Vincent galaxy.

That is the fulcrum of the entire defense line. If it is breached by the insect swarm, humans will have to abandon the newly stabilized defense line again and continue to retreat to the hinterland of the Cloud Ring Federation.

If they support the fleet that joins the resistance against the swarm, they will be strengthened to the Cloud Ring Federation Seventh Fleet and follow the Seventh Fleet to the Turner System to strengthen the defense there.

Originally, Qi Yiming did not want to join the volunteer fleet, but without a pass after entering the war zone, although his Xuefeng would not be regarded as a spy of the insect swarm, it would definitely be difficult to move forward.

Qi Yiming had no choice but to sign up to join the volunteer fleet and follow the Seventh Fleet of the Cloud Ring Federation to the front line.

The Seventh Fleet is a task force with 15 battleships. It is also a standard full fleet with battleships as the main combat force.

The entire fleet of warships was packaged and sent over by the Republic of Turing from their third task force.

Except for no one, the third task force was given to the Cloud Ring Federation together with the transport ship responsible for the logistics of this fleet.

After a simple reorganization, the Cloud Ring Federation formed the current Seventh Fleet. After Qi Yiming completed filling in the volunteer information, he returned to the battleship with the communication identifier assigned to the Xuefeng.

Then he commanded the Xuefeng to leave port and report to the temporary station of the Seventh Fleet in the Cloud Ring Federation capital system.

The station was not far from the airport where Qi Yiming docked. After the Xuefeng accelerated into jump mode, it only took half an hour to fly to its destination.

After leaving the jump channel, what comes into view are fifteen giant battleships with a hull length of 30 kilometers. The rectangular hull is a unique battleship characteristic of the Turing Republic. They never pursue magnificence, but only pursue efficiency and convenience.

The main guns all over the ship made Qi Yiming tremble when he saw them. Xuefeng would never be able to withstand two salvos of main guns under such a battleship.

Then there are the battlecruisers responsible for filling the front, a total of 100 ships.

The mushroom-shaped hull, which is more than 20 kilometers long, looks a bit cute in contrast. The semicircular bow is also covered with various types of main guns.

There are more cruisers and destroyers. Qi Yiming roughly counted the number of cruisers as twice as many as the battlecruisers, while the number of destroyers has reached 500, and the number of frigates has reached the point where Qi Yiming cannot count them.

In an instant, Qi Yiming felt his blood surge. This is what a real interstellar war should be like.

Although the number of battleships is far less than that of a local garrison fleet of the Human Federation, this is the first time Qi Yiming has truly seen the strength of the regular human fleet since his awakening.

I was a little stretched with the updates in the past two days. There were too many things at home, so I’m sorry. It should be normal from today on.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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