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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 133 The Fleet Departs

As soon as the Xuefeng escaped from the jump, a patrol fleet quickly approached the Xuefeng and asked Qi Yiming to show his identification.

Qi Yiming handed the communicator with the identification function that he brought from the volunteer registration office to the communications chief. After some negotiation with the communications chief, Qi Yiming was soon guided to the place where the volunteer battleships gathered.

Qi Yiming’s arrival did not attract everyone’s attention, but when Qi Yiming joined the fleet command channel, several people expressed their welcome to Qi Yiming.

Qi Yiming responded politely and asked who was the commander of this fleet.

After he learned that the commander went to the Seventh Fleet flagship for a meeting, everyone was waiting for the commander to come back to arrange combat missions.

Fortunately, Qi Yiming let the Xuefeng crew change their posts and take a break.

Because he knows that as long as the fleet sets off, they will have very few opportunities to rest, and sometimes they will even run around for days and nights. It is best to seize all the free time from now on to let the crew rest.

While everyone was waiting, volunteer warships joined the fleet one after another. Until the area specially designated for them was filled with warships of all levels, their commander then commanded his own ship. Rejoin the fleet.

Sitting in the captain’s chair and taking a nap, Qi Yiming suddenly noticed a huge single image appearing on the holographic screen in the fleet command channel.

Judging from his appearance, this man was definitely no more than forty years old. He was wearing the military uniform of the Yunhuan Federation. He first gave everyone a military salute and then began to speak.

“Hello everyone, my name is Yang Longjie, and I am the commander of our volunteer fleet…” The person on the holographic screen first introduced himself briefly.

Qi Yiming judged from Yang Longjie’s eyes that could see through life and death that this commander had definitely experienced several battles and was most likely a front-line promotion.

As expected by Qi Yiming, Yang Longjie was promoted from the front line and promoted several levels in a row. According to him, this situation is common among the current regular fleets of the Yunhuan Federation.

Qi Yiming could only respond with a wry smile. There were only two possible scenarios for the senior officers becoming younger.

One is that this army has just been established, or this army has suffered successive defeats, with high-level officers suffering serious losses.

Qi Yiming believes that the fleet of the Cloud Ring Federation definitely belongs to the second situation.

But this is also a very helpless thing.

After a brief self-introduction, Yang Longjie sent a fleet organization list to each warship.

The Xuefeng was assigned to a fully-equipped fleet led by battlecruisers. According to the Cloud Ring Federation’s classification of fleet levels, the fleet he was in belonged to a B-class fully-equipped fleet.

The B-class full fleet is led by a battlecruiser and consists of 2 cruisers, 5 destroyers, 10 frigates and a small transport ship.

After inputting the fleet information into the ship’s onboard intelligence, the Xuefeng quickly received the commander’s order to assemble.

After finding their own fleet, the other team members were already in place.

Qi Yiming said sorry and directed the Xuefeng to enter the position assigned to him.

Lei Ming glanced at the fleet establishment table and confirmed that all the warships under his command were in place. Then he said to his temporary subordinates in the rearranged fleet command channel: “Hello everyone, my name is Lei Ming… you can call me I am thunder…”

After a brief self-introduction, Qi Yiming roughly understood the composition of the captains of this full B-class fleet. They were all free mercenaries from various countries, and they all came here for the high bounties.

This made Qi Yiming a little bit dumbfounded. Originally, he thought that these people really came here for a more noble purpose, and they did it for a long time just for money.

Qi Yiming instantly lost confidence in this fleet composed of volunteers.

But it was impossible to leave now. He could only bite the bullet and go to the battlefield with these. Qi Yiming could only pray that this fleet would not lose too quickly and give him more time to escape.

After listening to everyone’s self-introduction, Lei Ming continued: “I have no other requirements for everyone, except that you must obey the command… Of course, I will not issue too outrageous orders, and we will be assigned to the third The logistics fleet of the Seventh Fleet is responsible for maintaining the security of supply lines.”

When the captains heard that they were only escorting the logistics transport ship, the fleet channel immediately became lively.

“Hey… I thought they would let us go to the front line. Although the front line gives the most money, I heard that the death rate on the front line is particularly high. I have been fighting those bugs for half a year, and no one has ever seen anyone from the front line. There are wounded soldiers who have retreated from the front line.” A captain with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks yelled in the fleet command channel. Qi Yiming remembered that this man called himself a monkey, which was true to his name, but it was probably a nickname.

“No…I’ve heard about it too…”

Everyone still wanted to discuss but was interrupted by Lei Ming: “About the rumors on the battlefield, I hope you don’t believe it. We only need to do our jobs well, and when the service period is over, you can go home with a large bounty. ”

Lei Ming paused and waited for the fleet channel to become quiet again before continuing: “According to the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Seventh Fleet, no matter what level of full fleet, a dual-officer system must be implemented. As the chief officer of our fleet, I need to follow Choose one of you to be my adjutant so that he can take over my command after I leave the battlefield.”

Qi Yiming understood the meaning of this life. On the front line of the battle against the insect swarm, both ordinary combatants and fleet commanders at all levels suffered heavy losses.

The dual-command system was established to prevent the fleet from collapsing due to sudden death of the fleet commander.

As a veteran who has fought against the insect swarm for several years, Qi Yiming certainly understands the horror of the insect swarm and also understands the habits of the insect swarm. Therefore, since Qi Yiming is here, no matter what the purpose of the insect swarm is, as a For the purpose of playing as big a role as a human being can, he is ready to recommend himself.

But before he could speak, some captains had already begun to boo.

Qi Yiming observed it and found that most of the booing people were recommending Zhang Lei, the captain of another cruiser. It seemed that they were a small group. He didn’t know how they came up with the fleet establishment table at that time.

The most taboo in the army is the emergence of small groups, which will have an extremely negative impact on the commander’s command.

Qi Yiming, who was originally preparing to recommend himself, gave up this idea in an instant, because he knew that if he really became the second commander of this fleet, all his energy would probably be spent on how to deal with this small group.

Lei Ming also saw that there was a small group in his fleet, and his originally relaxed brows instantly wrinkled.

Originally, he was planning to use some small competitions to select a convincing second commander, but now that a small group has appeared in the fleet, in order to prevent internal strife within the fleet, he could only reluctantly promote Zhang Lei to the fleet commander Second commander, and report to the higher-level command department.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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