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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 134 Filling the Front

Then each fleet sent people to collect combat materials and supplies. It was already the early morning of the next day when all the miscellaneous things were completed, although human beings’ sense of time is not that strong in space.

But almost all humans use the 24-hour clock habitually.

After completing all the equipment before departure, the Seventh Fleet and a temporary fleet of volunteers finally left their temporary base and headed for the Turner system under the order of the fleet commander.

It is unrealistic for nearly 100,000 warships of various types to jump off the bridge at once. The fleet command can only arrange the marching sequence, and each fleet will activate the jumping bridge according to the marching sequence.

Seeing the low traffic efficiency of jumping off the bridge, Qi Yiming couldn’t help but shook his head. If there was a large-scale invasion of insects, humans would have no chance of winning at all. Not to mention the quality and quantity of battleships, even a large-scale assembly of fleets would be able to take over them. The fate of human beings today.

However, judging from the current situation, the combat effectiveness of the insect swarms attacking humans is indeed not as strong as the insects the Human Federation encountered at the beginning. Humans still have time to slowly assemble their fleets and rush to the battlefield using this inefficient way of transportation.

The capital star of the Cloud Ring Federation is not very far from the Turner Galaxy. The fleet only traveled for half a month before it entered the outer reaches of the battlefield.

Qi Yiming’s fleet belonged to the logistics fleet, so the main fleet had already entered the battlefield at this time, and they were still advancing slowly behind.

This made Qi Yiming feel very unhappy. He was not here to protect these transport ships. He needed to go to the front line to carefully observe the specific situation of the insect swarm.

But as a qualified soldier, his duties did not allow him to do this.

So Qi Yiming became depressed and handed over the command of Xuefeng to Hao Chenqi, while he stayed in the captain’s room all day and slept with his head covered.

It was not until the supply fleet received the order from the general headquarters to enter the battlefield to supply each warship that Qi Yiming returned to the bridge.

The moment he entered the battlefield, Qi Yiming seemed to have returned to the battlefield where the Human Federation faced off against the insect swarm.

The 7-light-long battle line extends from this end of the Turner Galaxy to the distance.

The flash of light from the main guns on the battle line had never stopped since Qi Yiming and the others stepped into this galaxy.

The insect swarms launched frantic attacks from various points on the battle line. At every moment, there were battleships on the battle line that could not withstand the fierce attacks of the insect swarms and were sunk.

At the same time, large numbers of insects were killed, and the two sides had been in a stalemate on this front for more than half a month.

There is no question that this front is called a meat grinder.

But what makes Qi Yiming strange is that the main space force of the insect swarm is not actually flying insects such as flying dragons or corrupted flying dragons. Their real main fleet should be groups of Leviathan.

Qi Yiming did not find a Leviathan on the battle line. What made Qi Yiming even more surprised was that even the flying dragons and corrupted flying dragons’ combat effectiveness had deteriorated too seriously.

Thinking about the insect swarm he encountered when he snatched the arc generator from the insect swarm, not to mention the large number, the individual combat power was not a bit stronger than the insect swarm Qi Yiming saw now.

In order to better understand the purpose of this insect swarm, Qi Yiming commanded the Xuefeng to move slightly closer to the battle line while the friendly ships were replenishing.

Unexpectedly, before he could take a closer look, there would be big trouble on the front line.

The general headquarters originally thought of taking advantage of the decrease in the intensity of the insect swarm’s attacks to move some warships back to the second line for supplies, but they did not expect that the insect swarms would use this opportunity to intensify their attacks.

Not only were the staff at the headquarters dumbfounded, but even Qi Yiming was dumbfounded.

Because the location where the insect swarm broke through happened to be in the direction in which the Xuefeng was approaching.

Seeing the swarm of insects breaking through the front and rushing toward him, Qi Yiming instinctively wanted to order the Xuefeng to prepare for battle.

But a thundering voice rang out on the fleet channel: “Qi Yiming, why did you leave the fleet? Go up and die and come back quickly!”

There was no other way, so Qi Yiming could only order the Xuefeng to turn around and return to its position.

Friendly ships that were replenishing had all separated from the supply ship at this time, desperately trying to return reinforcements in the hope of closing the gap.

However, the intensity and speed of the attack by the swarm had long exceeded the expectations of the general headquarters, and miscalculation of the battlefield situation resulted in multiple fronts being breached.

The originally solid defense line fell into crisis due to a supply operation.

Lei Ming just wanted to escort the supply fleet out of the Turner Galaxy at this time. Staying here for one more minute would be torture.

The fleet command channel was eerily silent.

Just as the supply fleet was gradually withdrawing from the battlefield, Lei Ming received a message from the command, asking them to go to punctuation points 347, 2201, and 1121 for support after the supply fleet left the Turner system.

Lei Ming wished he could eat the commander who gave this order alive.

However, there are two full B-class fleets guarding near the jumping bridge. They have the right to sink any warship that leaves the battlefield without being ordered to activate the jumping bridge.

Lei Ming didn’t dare to take risks, and he didn’t have the strength to take risks.

They can only follow orders and lead the fleet to turn to the target point for support.

Qi Yiming was overjoyed because he finally had the opportunity to go to the front line and take a closer look at the situation of this insect swarm.

No matter how hard the fleet was under the command of Lei Ming, it would not produce any results at such a close distance.

Three minutes later, the fleet broke away from the jump and returned to normal space.

At this time, the mission location had become a mess, with insect swarms and friendly forces intertwined with each other, which made Lei Ming very difficult to do.

If an attack is ordered, it is easy to accidentally damage a friendly ship.

But before Lei Ming could think clearly, he heard a determined voice coming from the directional communication broadcast: “Leave us alone and launch an attack immediately…otherwise the entire front will collapse from us.”

Qi Yiming was in awe when he heard this sentence. Once upon a time, on the battlefield facing the insect swarm, whenever he heard this sentence, it meant that friendly troops were ready to sacrifice themselves.

“Fire…” Seeing Lei Ming’s delay in firing, the voice on the directional communication broadcast was unusually angry.

Qi Yiming couldn’t stand it anymore and took the lead in ordering the Xuefeng to open fire.

The main and secondary guns attacked simultaneously, causing huge losses to the insect swarm in an instant.

Of course, many friendly ships were sunk under Xuefeng’s attack.

But the directional communication broadcast came with the voice of gratitude from the man just now: “Thank you… You must guard this line of defense.”

Xuefeng opened fire first, forcing Lei Ming to give the order to fire. Soon the friendly warships entangled with the insect swarm were all sunk under the indiscriminate attacks of Qi Yiming and others.

The human corpses that fell out of the battleship were all taken away by the flying dragons passing by.

Qi Yiming has seen this scene too much, and he no longer feels anything.

The others were different. It was their first time to fight against the swarm of insects at such a close range. Watching them take away human corpses, any fool knew what those corpses would become.

“I…I want to go home…” Monkey trembled in the fleet channel and said this sentence that any recruit would mention when they first enter the battlefield.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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