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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 135 Wandering Swarm of Insects

“Don’t fucking be like Brother Chu who went to the battlefield for the first time, chirping…be careful, I’ll blow you up…” Lei Ming used expletives to hide his inner fear.

In fact, these mercenaries all had experience in fighting, but they were frightened when they faced the ugly, ferocious and brutal insect swarm for the first time.

The fight really started, and my emotions slowly stabilized under the influence of the adrenal glands.

After the first round of attacks, they discovered that the insect swarm was not as scary as it looked, it was just a large number.

Qi Yiming also discovered this. This group of insects indeed only seemed to be numerous in number, and the individual insects were very weak in both attack and defense capabilities.

Moreover, only one Leviathan, which was not too big, was found in the swarm.

This is very unreasonable. Even if the swarm attacks tentatively, it should not send out only one Leviathan.

Has the insect swarm split up? The Overlord of the Swarm allowed this to happen?

Qi Yiming was lost in thought when thunderous calls came from the fleet channel many times: “Qi Yiming… why are you so distracted?”

Qi Yiming shook his head and looked at what was in front of him first.

Their fleet formed a spherical array, and all the warships were firing wildly, regardless of their main or secondary guns.

Qi Yiming’s Xuefeng, as the core battleship on the right side of the spherical array, is mainly responsible for clearing the insect swarm on the right side of the fleet.

The efficiency of the Xuefeng is very high. After two rounds of shooting, the weapon commander has tested the optimal charging intensity for attacking the insect swarm, so Qi Yiming basically does not need to worry.

Every time Qi Yiming’s super-heavy main gun fires, all the insect swarms within a 45-degree angle from the Xuefeng’s front will be wiped out.

“Are you…are you sure your battleship is a cruiser?” Lei Ming, who discovered that the Xuefeng battleship was even more powerful than his battlecruiser, stammered and asked Qi Yiming.

Qi Yiming said in a very affirmative tone: “I’m very sure. If you don’t believe me, you can check the fleet list. The suffix level of Xuefeng is cruiser.”

“Then am I dazzled?”

“No…my battleship has just undergone some minor modifications.”

“Are you really lying? Is this a problem that a small modification can solve?”

While the two were talking, the two super-heavy main guns on the Xuefeng fired another round, once again clearing the swarm of insects in front of the Xuefeng.

Lei Ming rolled his eyes with a look of despair on his face and ignored Qi Yiming.

The pressure in front of him was much greater than that of Qi Yiming. There was no vacuum period in the attack of the insect swarm. Even if all the main guns kept firing, occasionally dozens of flying dragons would pass through the fire net and rush into the fleet.

If there were not other warships as escorts, Lei Ming’s warship would have been riddled with holes.

Lei Ming saw it, and the others were not blind.

The original spherical array of the fleet had the thundering battlecruiser as the center of the sphere. As the fleet advanced, Xuefeng was unknowingly placed at the center of the array.

This makes Lei Ming, as a commander, very lose face, but Lei Ming also knows that face is nothing on the battlefield, and only by surviving can one achieve the right thing.

So this situation is accepted by default.

As the second commander of the fleet, Zhang Lei had long since lost his temper.

On the way to the battlefield, he was the one who yelled the loudest.

He even once patted his chest and said, “Don’t be afraid on the battlefield. As long as I, Zhang Lei, am here, I will never let anyone lose a hair.”

But now, Zhang Lei has no chance to speak at all.

If Lei Ming didn’t help clean up the insect swarm in front of him occasionally, he would probably become a breakthrough point for the insect swarm.

Temporarily changing the core battleship of the sphere center array is the result of the silent operation of everyone in the fleet.

Of course, the result is also satisfactory to everyone.

The Xuefeng in the center of the fleet is responsible for the fire extinguisher of the entire fleet. No matter which direction the insect swarm attacks from, as long as there are signs of an interesting breakthrough, Qi Yiming will immediately order the Xuefeng to support it.

Unknowingly, Qi Yiming had even taken over Lei Ming’s command.

The fleet advanced slowly until it reached the original battle line, and the density of the insect swarm suddenly increased.

When even Qi Yiming felt a little strenuous, Lei Ming received an order from the fleet commander.

Lei Ming shamelessly relayed the order to Qi Yiming: “The headquarters requires us to stay on the front line and not retreat even a step.”

At this time, Qi Yiming, who came to the front of the battle line, could clearly observe the specific situation of this insect swarm.

Indeed no other Leviathans have been discovered.

Qi Yiming breathed a sigh of relief now. He was now very sure that the insect swarm in front of him was not the vanguard of the insect swarm master, nor was it sent to test humans. There was a high probability that it was an abandoned insect swarm.

Qi Yiming encountered this situation many times during the war between the Human Federation and the Insect Swarm.

But if you don’t distinguish carefully, it is difficult to distinguish it from the main force of the insect swarm.

Because the main force of the insect swarm will also send some weak insect swarms as vanguards to attack humans before attacking.

The individual abilities of those insects were similar to the flying swarm of insects that Qi Yiming was facing now.

The only difference is the number of Leviathans. When the swarm attacks humans, they will not send out just one Leviathan. There will often be more than ten or twenty Leviathans as the main force of the attack.

Moreover, the insect swarms that have not been exiled can be supported by the insect swarm’s biomass and excellent genes.

In other words, those insect swarms can evolve, and they will become bigger and stronger.

And now the insect swarm in front of Qi Yiming, apart from being large in number, has no ability to evolve at all, which means that Leviathan can only hatch a large number of insects with low combat power by consuming its own biomass.

However, this kind of insect swarm is not something that humans can easily deal with today. Because the individual combat power is low, the biomass required will be much less, so the number of individual insects in this kind of insect swarm will be very large.

There is no time interval between each wave of attacks. As long as the human fleet is on the front line, unless it is killed in battle, there is no chance to retreat to the second line to rest.

If you want to repel this swarm, you must either kill all the bugs, or directly sink the only Leviathan, and then take advantage of the bug swarms to fight each other for the new queen position, and kill the remaining bugs. Get rid of them, otherwise this insect swarm will also have the ability to evolve itself over time.

The battle on the front line was particularly fierce. Every second, battleships were overwhelmed by the huge swarm of insects. The personnel on the ship were snatched away by the swarm and brought back to Leviathan to replenish the gradually lost biomass.

But fortunately, the top leaders of the Cloud Ring Federation seemed to be very determined and gave orders to frontline commanders to stick to their guns.

There is only one point on the long front that is relatively easy to defend, and that is the position guarded by the Xuefeng.

Each attack by Xuefeng’s super-heavy main gun will give the own fleet a few minutes of breathing time, so that the injured warships can retreat to the rear of the fleet for emergency repairs.

Qi Yiming did not conduct remote repairs on the surrounding friendly ships. Exposing the power of the super main gun was already a very dangerous thing. If the remote repair capabilities were exposed again, Qi Yiming believed that there would be no need for swarms of insects to attack Xuefeng. No., the top officials of the Yunhuan Federation will also find a way to get the Xuefeng No., and Qi Yiming will have no place to cry when the time comes.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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