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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 138 Attack Leviathan

Although the two core figures of the fleet had some mental problems, it did not prevent the battle from continuing.

“Everyone, work harder! If we push forward another 10,000 kilometers, the Leviathan will enter the range of my main gun.” Qi Yiming encouraged everyone in the fleet channel from time to time.

But the captain, who was a little more conscious, wanted to greet all the eighteen generations of Qi Yiming’s ancestors at this time.

Although their fleet deep into the insect swarm has not suffered any casualties so far, their little hearts are really unable to bear this roller coaster feeling.

Moreover, no one had the intention to respond to Qi Yiming. They all stared at the injury monitors of their respective battleships, fearing that when the value dropped to the lowest point, it would never rebound again.

In fact, at this time, the commanders of each ship had become mere decorations. In addition to following the Xuefeng and rushing forward, they could only keep ordering the warships to fire without even aiming.

Fortunately, the commander-in-chief of Turner’s defense understood Qi Yiming’s thoughts and pressed all the reserve teams forward.

Not far behind Qi Yiming’s fleet, an A-class fleet led by a battleship was quickly approaching them.

Their commander received an order to support Qi Yiming’s unprecedented fleet at all costs until Qi Yiming achieved his goal, and then sent Xuefeng back to the headquarters for review.

Qi Yiming doesn’t care about this. As long as a supporting fleet comes up to relieve him of some pressure, someone will naturally take the blame for him after the war.

Although this pot can be big or small, Qi Yiming feels that it is best not to bear it if he can.

I have to say that the combat effectiveness of the A-class fleet is indeed much stronger than that of the B-class fleet.

The firepower output of that battleship alone has almost caught up with the firepower output of their B-class fleet, and of course the Xuefeng must be excluded.

Xuefeng once again completed charging the arc generator, and once again cleared the insect swarm around the fleet.

The A-class fleet that followed filled up the front lines in all four directions of Qi Yiming’s fleet.

The battleship squeezed directly into Qi Yiming’s fleet and took Zhang Lei’s place on the ship.

The fleet advanced much faster, and within a few minutes the Xuefeng had already brought Leviathan within the range of its main gun.

“Every ship should protect itself…” Xuefeng must use the shortest possible time to sink the Leviathan, otherwise it will cause immeasurable losses to the human fleet.

“Start the fortress mode…” The next moment, Xuefeng activated the Ares’ fortress module.

Without making any choice, Qi Yiming supplied all energy to the arc generator and super-heavy main gun without hesitation.

I saw that the tip of the arc generator was suddenly covered with blue arcs, entangled with each other and beating constantly at the muzzle.

The barrel of the super-heavy main gun also began to turn red and hot due to the excessive supply of energy.

In just 15 seconds…the arc generator fired first.

When they heard Qi Yiming asking everyone to pay attention to self-protection, everyone thought Qi Yiming was going to give up on everyone. Their faces were ashen and they looked desperately at the overwhelming swarm of insects flying towards them.

Unexpectedly, Xuefeng’s attack frequency suddenly accelerated.

First the arc generator fired, and 2 seconds later the thick purple beam fired from the super-heavy main gun accurately hit the Leviathan.

The insect swarms that were still attacking other lines of defense suddenly paused, and then they all turned around and swarmed towards the space where the Xuefeng was located.

At this point, even a fool knows that Qi Yiming’s Xuefeng attacked something extraordinary.

The commander-in-chief of the Turner Line frantically asked all fleets to support the Snow Peak.

For a time, the originally neat battle line suddenly broke into several sections. Both the insect swarm and the human fleet on the battlefield were all thinking about the Xuefeng’s location to assemble.

However, the Xuefeng remained unmoved under Qi Yiming’s command and continued to attack the not-so-large Leviathan at a very high frequency.

Although there are a large number of insect swarms blocking Xuefeng and Leviathan, every attack from the arc generator will clear a firing window for Xuefeng’s super-heavy main gun.

One shot, two shots, three shots… Every attack of the Xuefeng hit the same place under the precise control of the Probe.

Leviathan’s originally small size quickly shrank.

Qi Yiming even saw layers of wrinkles appearing on Leviathan’s thick outer biological armor.

That is the wrinkles caused by the rapid consumption of biomass and the inability of the outer biological armor to quickly adapt to the new hull.

The insect swarm went completely crazy. Originally, when they attacked, they would separate some flying dragons to transport the lost biomass back to Leviathan for reuse. However, under the crazy attack of Xuefeng, they had even given up on recycling biomass. plan.

Attack the Xuefeng with all its strength, which is protected by the human fleet.

Under the attack of the insect swarm regardless of losses, the losses suffered by the human fleet are increasing rapidly.

Battleship-level battleships have been sunk.

But the Leviathan still stood directly in front of the Xuefeng.

“No, we have to continue to get closer. Although the super-heavy main gun’s attack is powerful, it is too inefficient. Leviathan must be included in the arc generator’s attack range.” Qi Yiming’s forehead was already covered with cold sweat at this time.

He really didn’t expect that this Leviathan would be so difficult to deal with. It seemed that the female worm of this swarm also had the idea of ​​​​burning the boat.

Just when the Turner defense line was in a state of chaos, the insect swarms from the Karp and Vincent systems withdrew from the battle line like a tide.

Then they all flooded into the Turner Galaxy using the jumping bridge.

This made the commanders of the two galaxies very nervous. They had no idea what was happening in the Turner galaxy.

They could only order the fleet to chase the tail of the swarm to the Turner galaxy.

Fortunately, even with the help of bridge jumping, traveling from one galaxy to another would take half a day.

However, the news that a large number of insect swarms came for reinforcements had already been transmitted through deep space communication equipment.

Qi Yiming knew that there were not many opportunities left for the Xuefeng to sink the Leviathan.

However, Xuefeng moved very slowly in fortress mode. In desperation, he could only let Xuefeng shoot tractor beams at the two warships around him, and let the two friendly ships drag Xuefeng forward.

After paying a heavy price, Xuefeng finally brought Leviathan within the range of the arc generator.

The moment the fire control radar locked onto Leviathan again, the charged arc generator immediately opened fire.

The next second, an electric arc with violent energy entangled Leviathan.

At this time, Leviathan’s body was surrounded by countless high-energy arcs, and the ship’s body was slumping at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The attack of the insect swarm suddenly stopped, as if they were waiting for that moment to come.

Suddenly, all the high-energy arcs surrounding Leviathan disappeared.

They seem to have entered Leviathan’s interior.

The next second, Leviathan’s thick biological armor began to have small cracks, and light blue light emitted from the small cracks.

Immediately afterwards, a large piece of biological armor was peeled off from Leviathan’s hull.

The swarm of insects completely fell into madness, but their targets at this time became the same kind around them.

As everyone watched in horror, the swarm began a large-scale civil strife.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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