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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 139 Pursuit

The insect swarm was in chaos, and so was the Cloud Ring Federation fleet.

They had never dealt with a swarm of insects before, and they didn’t know what to do next when faced with this situation.

However, as individual captains became full of hatred for the insect swarm because of the loss of their comrades, they took the initiative to attack the chaotic insect swarm. The other captains also followed suit. In the end, the human fleet began to attack the chaotic insect swarm under unified command.

Everyone has forgotten the origin of this chaos.

At this time, Qi Yiming discovered a strange phenomenon.

The Leviathan had indeed suffered heavy damage, and the biomass armor was peeling off the ship layer by layer.

But Leviathan seems to be taking advantage of the chaos to escape from the battlefield.

Qi Yiming’s first reaction was that the Leviathan was trying to escape, but what confused Qi Yiming was that this had never happened to the insect swarms he encountered before.

The insect swarm fell into chaos, indicating that the female insect was dead.

According to normal procedures, the Leviathan at this time should be an ownerless thing. It will float here quietly waiting for the birth of a new female insect.

“Isn’t the female insect dead? It deliberately cut off contact with all the insect swarms and tried to escape in the chaos?” Qi Yiming thought to himself.

No matter what, Qi Yiming was prepared to completely destroy this Leviathan.

But just as he was about to attack Leviathan again, Leviathan, which was still slowly leaving the battlefield, suddenly increased its speed and jumped off the bridge not too far away from it.

“Fuck…Leviathan has become a spirit…” He cursed loudly and immediately ordered the Xuefeng to chase after him.

One or two warships escaping from the chaotic battlefield would not attract anyone’s attention at all. However, as the core of the insect swarm, Leviathan’s escaping quickly attracted the attention of the Cloud Ring Federation commander.

But the battlefield was too chaotic, and they simply couldn’t spare the manpower to intercept Leviathan.

Qi Yiming commanded the Xuefeng to take advantage of the chaos and rush out from the swarm of insects caught in the melee, biting tightly the Leviathan that fled the battlefield.

When activating the bridge jump, Qi Yiming was worried about losing track.

Because the energy input to the jump bridge is different, the distance that can be jumped is also different.

But fortunately, Leviathan made the maximum distance jump.

After breaking away from the jump, Xuefeng followed Leviathan to the Danta Galaxy, but Leviathan did not stay in this galaxy for long and continued to the jump bridge to the next galaxy.

He ignored the Xuefeng that was following him along the way.

Qi Yiming could only bite the bullet and follow Leviathan to activate the jumping bridge to the next galaxy again.

After stopping and going, Qi Yiming followed for more than half a month, and Leviathan finally stopped in a galaxy that had no name on the star map.

Qi Yiming thought that he could finally kill the Leviathan, but the red dot that originally flashed on the radar suddenly disappeared.

“I’ll go…what’s going on? Did it self-destruct?” Qi Yiming stood behind the radar director and took control himself, trying to find the disappeared red dot again.

After fiddling with the radar console for a while, I still couldn’t find the missing Leviathan.

“Can we lock the coordinates of the space where Leviathan disappeared?” In desperation, Qi Yiming could only risk being ambushed and go to the place where Leviathan disappeared to confirm the situation with his own eyes.

But when the Xuefeng appeared at the place where Leviathan disappeared, Qi Yiming was completely dumbfounded.

Because he saw a natural wormhole, no wonder Leviathan suddenly disappeared. After a long time, Leviathan left the system through the natural wormhole.

Qi Yiming is very confused now. Wormholes are different from jumping off bridges.

The radar of the battleship can work during the jump process, which means that they can know the position of the battleship before it leaves the jump channel.

But when passing through the wormhole, all the detection equipment on the battleship failed to work. Qi Yiming was very afraid that the female worm on Leviathan would set up an ambush circle for the Xuefeng, waiting for the Xuefeng to get in by itself.

But if the female insect is allowed to run away, as long as it finds enough biomass, it won’t be long before it hatches into a huge army of insects again.

The next one to be attacked might be Gaia, which is located in the Ancestral Star Domain. This is something Qi Yiming cannot bear.

After thinking for a long time, Qi Yiming chose to go through the wormhole and continue to pursue the escaped Leviathan.

The Xuefeng slowly approached the space distorted by the existence of the wormhole, and then the Xuefeng also disappeared.

In just an instant, the Xuefeng passed through the natural wormhole and appeared in another unfamiliar star field.

The imagined ambush did not appear, and the red dot representing Leviathan appeared on the radar screen again after Xuefeng’s radar resumed operation.

Qi Yiming breathed a sigh of relief.

And Leviathan is currently staying over an Earth-like planet.

It seems that the female insect has returned to its former footing.

Qi Yiming no longer hesitated and followed him here. There was no reason to back down now.

Xuefeng entered the jump channel again, and a few minutes later Xuefeng also arrived above the Earth-like planet.

Qi Yiming, who was already prepared for a big battle, was delighted to find that the Leviathan completely decomposed into huge pieces of biomass.

There was no trace of the female worm, so it should have landed on the surface of the planet in an airdrop sac before Leviathan was completely decomposed.

Xuefeng’s detection radar carefully scanned the surface of this terrestrial planet. As Qi Yiming suspected, there are a large number of alien creatures on the planet’s surface.

The female worms came here to recuperate and re-hatch their own swarm.

“Prepare for orbital bombing…” No matter what, let’s plow the planet’s surface first.

Under the command of Qi Yiming, Xuefeng gradually lowered its orbital altitude. When Xuefeng entered low-Earth orbit, all the main and secondary guns on the battleship began to charge at the same time.

The alien creatures that originally lived happily on the surface instinctively raised their heads and looked at the sky.

But their sight was blocked by thick clouds and they couldn’t see the sky at all.

Suddenly all the animals fled in terror, and hundreds of white bursting lasers tore through the thick clouds and hit the planet’s surface.

The violent energy instantly vaporized everything at the impact point. The shock wave of the explosion uprooted plants for hundreds of miles, and was ignited by the high temperature the moment it flew off the ground.

The plants that turned into fireballs followed the powerful shock wave and flew into the distance, igniting vegetation further away.

It took three days for Xuefeng to plow the surface of the Earth-like planet in front of it.

Qi Yiming was still worried and sent a large number of internal security troops down to the planet’s surface to conduct a blanket search.

But the internal security forces searched the ground but could not find the body of the female insect.

“Will it be vaporized?” Hao Chenqi frowned and said next to Qi Yiming.

“I can’t find the body. I always feel uneasy. The armor on the female insect’s body is very strong and cannot be vaporized at all.” Qi Yiming was also confused.

“Where’s the underground? Could it be hiding in an underground cave?”

“Keep looking. No matter life or death, we have to find this female insect.”

The epidemic is serious again, everyone should pay attention to self-protection. I’m queuing up to do nucleic acid tests. The second chapter may be a little late today.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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