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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 142 Bloody Battle

Seeing the two thunder beasts waving their huge scythes and rushing towards the ground troops, Qi Yiming, who was standing in the bridge, was helpless.

As the commander of the ground team, Chen Cheng was already a little panicked. He had never faced such a big creature before.

Every time the two thunder beasts on the opposite side land with their hooves, the ground beneath their feet will tremble.

“All siege tanks, aim at the nearest Thunder Beast and shoot!”

The ground troops had no time to retreat now, and the heavily armored troops on the outer defense line had long been entangled with the insect swarm.

If they retreat now, not only will they suffer huge casualties, but the internal guards behind them will also suffer misfortune.

But seeing the Thunder Beast getting closer and closer to them, everyone instinctively retreated slowly.

The outer defense circle was slowly compressed inwards, and springtails had even broken through the outer defense line and entered the inner defense circle.

Fortunately, there were not many in number, and the internal guards responsible for guarding the siege tanks had a lot of trouble killing these fish that slipped through the net.

But when they looked back at the outer defense line, the huge body of the Thunder Beast had covered half of the sky, and it was waving its pair of huge scythes to frantically harvest the lives of the heavily armored soldiers.

I saw the NVC taking dozens of heavy armors into the air with one sweep, and then throwing them far into the swarm of insects behind it.

The lone heavy armor was quickly overwhelmed by countless insects.

Then the pair of sickles opened to both sides and pinched fiercely.

A dozen heavy armors sandwiched between the giant scythes were instantly cut in half, and the driver’s blood instantly sprayed out from the break.

When the siege tanks that had high hopes concentrated their fire on the Ultralisk closest to them, the effect of the attack had already made the tank drivers doubt their lives.

They used all kinds of powerful bullets, but without exception, they only left a shallow dent in the thick outer armor of the Thunder Beast.

It didn’t cause any harm to the Thunder Beast at all.

Seeing this situation, Chen Cheng had already made up his mind to die: “Führer, don’t worry about our casualties and carry out orbital bombing of the insect swarm.”

“Fuck you… I’m so cold-blooded that I gave up on my comrades. I’m trying to find a way to hold down the Thunder Beast… Support will be here soon.”

Chen Cheng smiled bitterly, wondering if there was any support.

He really couldn’t think of any other powerful weapons on the Xuefeng that could deal with the two behemoths in front of him.

At this point, it’s no longer possible not to work hard.

“Everyone gave up the inner circle defense and entered the battle line. The inner guard personnel were responsible for other bugs, and the heavy-armed troops attacked the thunder beasts with all their strength.”

The members of the internal defense force, wearing exoskeleton armor that seemed extremely thin to the Thunder Beasts, filled in the first line of defense, and the shaky outer defense line was slightly stabilized.

The freed-up heavy-armed troops focused all their firepower on an Thunder Beast.

Under the concentrated fire of all the heavily armed troops, some damage was finally caused to the Thunder Beast.

But next time everyone discovered in despair that the thunder beast that had been retreated became ferocious, with red eyes it attacked the human troops in front of it even more crazily.

After ordering Chen Cheng to defend, Qi Yiming immediately started the Xuefeng’s decomposition process.

It’s not that Xuefeng cannot enter the atmosphere of the Earth-like planet in front of them, but that Xuefeng must provide necessary fire support for several other battlefields in orbit.

Chen Cheng’s heavily armed troops were not the only ones to be attacked by insect swarms. Ground troops in several other directions were also besieged by large numbers of insect swarms.

Although the bugs that appear on other battlefields are just miscellaneous soldiers with low individual combat power, the ground troops there are also relatively weak in combat power.

Soon the Redemption was separated from the Xuefeng assembly and entered the atmosphere of an Earth-like planet under the command of Hao Chenqi.

At this time, Chen Cheng’s heavily armed troops had been ravaged to death by the crazy thunder beasts, and the outer defense line was completely torn apart.

A large number of springtails and cockroaches entered the interior of the defense circle and launched a ferocious attack on the siege tanks behind the defense line.

On the outer defense line, there were only dozens of temporary battle groups composed of surviving combatants making their final death struggle.

Suddenly, the half of the sky that was originally covered by the Thunder Beast completely darkened. When all the surviving warriors looked up, the Redemption had already arrived above their heads.

Several secondary guns on the ship were already aiming at the huge Thunder Beast and firing wildly.

The indestructible biological armor of the Thunder Beast in their eyes was instantly penetrated by the high-energy laser beam fired from the Redemption’s secondary gun.

Although the Thunder Beast is tall, it has no power to fight back against the warships flying in the air. As soon as it came face to face with an Thunder Beast, its huge head was smashed by the Redemption’s secondary cannon, and its whole body was as loud as a mountain. He fell to the ground and crushed a large number of insects to death.

Seeing that the thunder beast that was showing off its power in front of them was instantly killed, the morale of the soldiers on the ground surged. They launched a desperate charge against the surrounding bugs one by one, creating a small counterattack climax.

The Snow Peak in planetary orbit also provides a new round of covering fire for ground troops.

The battlefield-interrupting orbital bombardment once again interrupted the impact of the insect swarm’s follow-up troops. Coupled with the right cover of the Redemption, Chen Cheng’s heavy-armed troops soon organized a defense line again.

Chen Cheng roughly counted the number of people. His Raptor Squadron had lost more than 70% of its personnel, and the casualties of the internal defense troops were close to 85%.

Fortunately, after the battle line was stabilized, squadrons coming from elsewhere were gradually added to the battle line, which made Qi Yiming feel relieved.

After the two Thunder Beasts were eliminated by the Redemption, the mother insect seemed to have lost its will to resist, and the attack waves and density of the insect swarm slowed down.

The Raptor Squadron then moved forward again with the support of the Redemption’s volley.

After successfully eliminating hundreds of elite insect individuals at the entrance of the cave, Chen Cheng finally led people into the cave where the female insect was hiding.

The interior of the cave was dark and damp, and from time to time a few larvae were discovered and killed by the soldiers of the internal guards.

They probably advanced more than 20 kilometers into the cave before entering an underground cave covering tens of thousands of square meters.

The female insect they had been chasing was lying weakly on the ground, looking at the humans entering the cave with desperate eyes.

Surrounding him were two huge insect eggs. The bottom of the eggs were connected by dozens of pipelines transporting biomass. A large amount of biomass was being transported into the two huge eggs through the pipelines.

Less than three minutes after Chen Cheng and the others entered the cave, the two eggs had grown in size at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The outer wall of the insect eggs is very thin. With a little strong light, you can clearly see the insects inside that are trying to devour the biomass. One insect egg is obviously a thunder beast, while the other egg hatches a very large one. Little Leviathan.

No wonder this female worm lay weakly on the spot. It turned out that she was hatching Leviathan.

The mother worm and the thunder beast must be killed. As for what to do with the still hatching Leviathan, Chen Cheng really couldn’t make up his mind. He could only inform Qi Yiming, who was still on the Xuefeng, to come down and take a look in person.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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