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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 143 Meeting old friends again

When Qi Yiming came to the underground cave, the female worm had been torn into pieces by the soldiers who were emotional because of the loss of their comrades.

Also killed were a huge number of larvae.

Only the two hatching eggs were left in the cave.

When he came to the insect eggs, Qi Yiming asked someone to burn the egg that hatched the Thunder Beast without even thinking about it, because he found that the egg that hatched the Thunder Beast had been absorbing biomass.

According to the current speed, this thunder beast can grow into a mature body in up to 2 hours.

After watching the Thunder Beast’s egg being burned, Qi Yiming stood quietly in front of the egg that hatched Leviathan.

This was also the first time Qi Yiming encountered such a situation. The Human Federation once tried to capture a Leviathan for research, but failed after paying a huge price.

But now he was a little distressed when he looked at the Leviathan in its infancy.

It stands to reason that this is a perfect research sample, but it is a pity that Xuefeng is well-equipped with various personnel but does not include the mysterious “species” of scientists.

In desperation, Qi Yiming could only find a way to move this giant insect egg onto the Xuefeng.

Fortunately, after the pipeline transporting biomass to Leviathan was cut off, the eggs did not change, but the Leviathan inside stopped growing.

Moreover, the seemingly very thin outer wall of the egg is not as fragile as imagined, but is instead extremely tough.

Qi Yiming and the others spent a lot of effort before moving the eggs back to the Xuefeng.

Then he asked Chen Cheng to lead the ground troops to carefully search the earth-like planet again. After confirming that no bugs survived, Qi Yiming was able to carefully explore the starry sky behind the wormhole.

The navigator of the Xuefeng carefully compared the star map on the ship, and he was very sure that humans had not set foot on this star.

Moreover, the density of galaxies here is very high, and there is an unknown galaxy of its own system almost every dozen light years.

Xuefeng even detected a huge black hole 30,000 light-years away from the current galaxy. Almost all the galaxies they discovered were orbiting around that giant black hole.

“Is this the center of the universe?” Qi Yiming unconsciously thought of the warning that the giant spaceship brought to them, “This is too nonsense? Can you travel so far through a wormhole?”

In order to confirm his idea, Qi Yiming retrieved all the data from the Xuefeng on the giant wormhole in the center of the universe and compared it item by item with the data detected by the Xuefeng.

Finally, Qi Yiming sat down heavily on his command chair.

They have truly arrived at the center of the universe.

According to the warning at that time, they will find a way to deal with the devil in the center of the universe.

But what made Qi Yiming laugh and cry was that he didn’t even know what the devil was, so how could he find the so-called method?

“Why are you here so soon?” Just as Qi Yiming was frowning, the Xuefeng received a familiar signal, and a familiar giant spacecraft appeared silently next to the Xuefeng: “I Nothing is ready yet…”

Qi Yiming had a dark look on his face, and the tall frame of the mysterious spacecraft instantly collapsed in Qi Yiming’s heart.

“Let me go…what’s going on here?” Qi Yiming wanted to pull the mysterious alien who was communicating with him out of the giant spaceship and give him two big slaps on his ears.

Helpless, the form is stronger than the person, Qi Yiming had no choice but to calm down his excitement, and then slowly asked the other party: “Who are you? What is the devil in your mouth?”

It took a long time after the message was sent before Xuefeng received another response from the other party.

“We are Zentraedi people…”

“What a damn Zentraedi, I’m a Super Saiyan…”

“Super Saiyans became extinct tens of millions of years ago…”

“…” Qi Yiming was speechless for a moment.

“The last Super Saiyan’s name was Son Gohan… that was an old pervert!” The other party’s voice paused, and seemed to be able to lower its tone: “I heard that he died on the belly of a female creature in the end.”

“Holy crap… can you still be a little honest? Am I asking you this question?” Qi Yiming was completely speechless.

“Yes…we are discussing things about demons.”

Hearing that the other party finally returned to the topic, Qi Yiming once again suppressed the anger gushing in his heart.

“The Creator has been sleeping for tens of millions of years, and the Devourer is awakening…”

But as soon as the other party finished speaking, Qi Yiming cursed again: “Can you f*cking speak human words properly, and then pretend to be a fool? Do you believe I will hit you with the Xuefeng?”

The Zenith Star liaison officer, who had been interrupted many times by Qi Yiming, seemed to be angry. He stopped pretending and said to Qi Yiming in very straightforward language: “The individuals of the main civilization that created our race are all dead. We are entrusted to take good care of this super black hole before it goes extinct.”

“Black hole? What’s in the black hole?” When Qi Yiming heard that there were living things in the black hole, his worldview completely collapsed. What powerful creatures could survive in the black hole.

“We don’t know either.” The Zentraedi liaison sounded a little depressed: “But when the main civilization commissioned us to do this, it gave us a set of data. According to our observations in the past few thousand years, black holes It’s slowly dying, and it’s gradually accelerating.”

Hearing this, Qi Yiming was completely confused.

What is a black hole? One of the most terrifying celestial objects in the universe, the former Human Federation was unable to do anything about the black hole, yet you still expect the current humans to be able to deal with that black hole.

Besides, if the black hole dies, wouldn’t the universe be completely finished? What else will happen to humans then?

“How far can you go? Are black holes something we humans can handle now?”

“You are the biological sons of the Creator, of course you will find a way…”

“Have you ever seen a father who tricked his own son to death?” Qi Yiming became more and more angry as he talked, and at one point he wanted to close the communication with the other party directly.

This thing is getting more and more evil. Now there is a swarm of insects that has already given Qi Yiming a headache, and now there is a monster living in the black hole.

Realizing that Qi Yiming was a little anxious, the Zenith Star’s liaison officer also softened his tone: “Don’t get angry… Of course the Creator left you humans with weapons to counter the Devourer, but I forgot how to assemble them. I won’t be ready for a while.”

“If you have something to deal with, you can just assemble it and use it against the black hole. Why do we humans have to use it?”

“This has to be said about the greatness of the Creator…”

“Stop, stop, stop… don’t say flattery, just focus on the point!”

“The Creator has hidden three activation keys of different materials in your human world. Only by finding these three activation keys can the equipment left by the Creator be finally activated.”

Only now did Zentraedi Star say something a little more useful and give a clear goal.

“How should I find the three activation keys?”

The Zenith star didn’t speak, but a disk with a diameter of thirty centimeters appeared out of thin air in the bridge of the Xuefeng. There were three pointers on the disk, pointing in different directions.

Thanks to the big book friend 161215235313925 for the reward.

By the way, please give me some monthly ticket recommendations or something, thank you all.

I’m waiting in line for nucleic acid testing. Chapter 2 will be late.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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