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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 144 What happens billions of years from now has nothing to do with me

Holding something like a compass, Qi Yiming was stunned.

Why is this so important to Feng Shui? Even if the other two pointers were pointing in the same direction, Qi Yiming was very confused as to why there was still one pointer pointing at him.

No matter how Qi Yiming moves, the pointer points to Qi Yiming.

“What’s going on with this pointer? Why is it always pointing at me?” Qi Yiming scratched his head.

“The place where the pointer points is the location of the biochip. You still have to ask such a simple question.”

“But one of them keeps pointing at me…”

It took a while for the Zentraedi liaison officer to speak again: “Congratulations, you have found the first biochip, and it is in your blood.”

Do you want to be so bloody? How could a good biochip be in his body?

“How do I get him out?”

“It cannot be taken out. It is fused with your blood and will exist in you and your descendants for generations to come.”

“What if I lose my children that day?” Qi Yiming said angrily.

“…” The Zenith star fell silent.

“Forget it, these are angry words…” Qi Yiming is still relatively traditional. Things like passing on the family line must continue no matter what.

Skipping this topic, Qi Yiming then asked: “The things left by the Creator are so important, how could you forget how to assemble them?”

“Uh…” Zentraedi’s correspondent was a little embarrassed: “You must have dismantled toys when you were a child, right?”

Qi Yiming understood instantly. His parents bought him many toys when he was a child, but in the end they could not escape the fate of being dismantled into parts.

But the problem is that even with the instructions, Qi Yiming couldn’t assemble it together. Even if he managed to put it back together, the toy would basically be scrapped.

“Can you still be more reliable…” Qi Yiming suddenly felt like he hated iron, and at this time he deeply understood the desperate look in his parents’ eyes when they saw a pile of rotten toys.

“But it doesn’t matter, we will fix it…” Zenith Star’s correspondent confidently said to Qi Yiming: “Moreover, this giant black hole will not disappear in a short while, and the things inside will not be able to escape easily.” easy.”

“According to your estimation, how long will it take for the demon inside to escape?”

“Five million years…”

“Goodbye…” Qi Yiming simply turned around and asked the navigator to adjust the course and fly towards the wormhole from which he came.

“Hey… don’t leave…” The Zenith star was anxious.

“I’m not going to leave. I’m going to stand here and let you act like a monkey? Five million years? You wait until I live to be five hundred years old.”

“Don’t you want to know what will happen to the universe after that demon comes out?”

“I will take care of the flood after I die…” Qi Yiming directly said a famous saying, urging the Navigator to speed up. He never wanted to see this bullshit Zenith Star man again in his life.

But the more Qi Yiming didn’t want to know, the more the Zenith Star people wanted to tell him.

When the demon escapes from the black hole, it will be the moment when the black hole dies.

First of all, the universe will usher in heat death. All objects orbiting the giant black hole will fly out along the tangent direction of the orbit, and the distance between all galaxies will gradually increase until the two sides can no longer find each other.

Next, the so-called demon will catch up with all the galaxies one by one and devour them one by one.

This process will take hundreds of millions of years or even longer.

Qi Yiming rolled his eyes and responded: “I don’t even know what my life will be like, how can I have the time to care about what will happen hundreds of millions of years from now?”

Seeing Qi Yiming’s decisive look, Zenith Star’s liaison officer stopped trying to dissuade Qi Yiming, leaving only one sentence: “You will come back to us…”

Then the huge spaceship tore through space again and left the system.

“A group of magicians…” Qi Yiming gave a definition to this group of Zenith stars and no longer paid attention to these illusory things.

The Xuefeng passed through the wormhole and finally returned to the star field they were familiar with.

Qi Yiming did not plan to go to the Cloud Ring Federation again, and directly asked the navigator to set the shortest path back to the Awakener Galaxy.

Half a month later, Qi Yiming returned to the Awakener Galaxy and received a warm welcome.

Because he is famous, very famous.

On the battlefield where the Cloud Ring Federation faced the insect swarm, the Cloud Ring Federation’s decisive performance made the senior officials of the Cloud Ring Federation very grateful.

But Qi Yiming smelled a different smell from it.

He knew that Xuefeng’s performance on the battlefield was too eye-catching.

As long as everyone is not blind, they can guess that Xuefeng is an ancient warship, and it is an ancient warship with powerful firepower.

The senior officials of Yunhuan Federation put Qi Yiming on the fire.

Prepare for war, start preparing for war now.

This was Qi Yiming’s first thought after hearing the news.

So Qi Yiming immediately held a high-level meeting.

“Wang Shuhua, how is the progress of fleet formation during my absence?”

Wang Shuhua picked up the information board in his hand, clicked on it a few times, and began to report in detail the number of warships they currently owned.

It has to be said that the output of the Engineer is still very impressive.

With sufficient supply of energy and minerals, the Engineer produced a total of 300 Sickle-class destroyers and 50 Warhammer-class cruisers during the time Qi Yiming left.

The Frigate Engineer is not in production yet.

Because there is always a shortage of qualified personnel who can board ships, we focus on the production of mid-to-high-end combat capabilities first.

Qi Yiming nodded and looked at Fang Min, who was sitting next to Wang Shuhua: “Has the logistics supply chain been established?”

“We have established three energy block production lines, but there are still too few workers available, and the production lines cannot operate at full power.” Fang Min had long been familiar with these data, so he did not look at the information board in his hand.

“Isn’t there a blueprint for a fully automatic production line on the Engineer? Why not use it?” Qi Yiming was a little confused and looked at Fang Min with doubtful eyes.

Fang Min explained unhurriedly: “For many parts on the blueprint, the parts we produced cannot meet the requirements, and there is no way to assemble a fully automated production line.”

Qi Yiming slapped his head in despair, and he forgot about this.

The consequence of the chronological era of science and technology is that even if there are drawings, they cannot be used.

“How long will it take for Gaia’s industrial production capacity to meet the requirements?”

“It will take three to four years at the earliest.”

“so long?”

Fang Min nodded helplessly.

“Did the scientific research institute on the Engineer analyze any new technologies?”

Qi Yiming suddenly asked about Song Borui’s scientific research center. Song Borui, who had been thinking about the problem, did not react for a while. Ye Lu, who was sitting next to him, reminded him many times before answering Qi Yiming’s question.

“The Academy of Sciences has not made much progress during this period. It has just barely classified the basic knowledge of all subjects and input it into the intelligent assisted learning system.”

Qi Yiming frowned. He was not very satisfied with the progress in all aspects, which made Qi Yiming a little annoyed.

But he still issued an order to prepare for war: “From today on, Gaia will enter the first level of combat readiness. We will face attacks from any direction and any force at any time.”


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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