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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 148 Taikoo Star

Qi Yiming and the others did not stop at the border free port after entering the Business Alliance. This time, Qi Yiming filled the warehouses on several warships with supplies in order to make as few stops as possible to avoid exposing their whereabouts.

Especially the Redemption and the Lightning. Both destroyers had been operating in the Business Alliance in their decomposed form, and even fought against some mercenaries.

The chances of exposure increase if you make too many stops.

But he really didn’t expect that he would be targeted just after entering the Business Alliance.

The first point they want to go to is located in the hinterland of the Commercial Alliance, close to the Capital Galaxy of the Commercial Alliance. If nothing else happens, it is a habitable planet. If the Wise One is really there, it will take a lot of effort to find it.

Half a month later, Qi Yiming and the others finally arrived at their destination.

The two agents following them had already become impatient.

“Third brother…when are we going to follow him? It’s been more than half a month!!” Zhang Qiao complained while drinking.

Zhou Hao kept looking down at the information about Xuefeng in his hand.

“Lao San…Lao San…” Zhang Qiao called twice more.

Zhou Hao said impatiently: “Do you think these battleships are strange?”

“What’s weird? Aren’t they just a few special warships?”

“Look carefully, does the Xuefeng’s main body look like that cruiser?” Zhou Hao said to Zhang Qiao while holding a picture of the Ares.

Zhang Qiao drunkenly squinted his eyes to compare the two pictures. After looking at them for a long time, he said: “It’s a bit similar, but it doesn’t explain anything?”

“Information says that the Xuefeng can change its form.” Zhou Hao organized his words: “Do you think that fleet is the Xuefeng’s true form?”

“Are you crazy? No matter how advanced ancient technology is, how could it be possible to design such a warship that can be combined at any time?”

“I don’t think it’s possible either, but I always think this fleet is strange.”

If Qi Yiming heard Zhou Hao’s words, he would definitely break into a cold sweat.

It can only be said that the agent’s thinking is indeed very out of the ordinary, and he actually guessed his true thoughts.

Unfortunately, Zhou Hao was just guessing, and there was no actual evidence to prove his guess. Coupled with his companion Zhang Qiao’s denial, he let go of this sudden idea and continued to silently follow Qi Yiming’s fleet.

At this time, Qi Yiming and the others had arrived at their destination, Eternal Star.

Standing in the bridge of the Ares, He Zhenzhu looked at the Eternal Star in front of her and frowned.

“At the beginning, we were in a hurry and didn’t observe the planet carefully at all. We just confirmed that the planet that crash-landed was a habitable star, and then watched the Wise Man plunge into the atmosphere.”

Qi Yiming can understand this kind of thing. When they crash-landed, they didn’t have time to observe the planet they crash-landed on. They just wanted to confirm whether it was habitable.

He Zhenzhu shook her head and continued: “There is no good way. We can only enter the planet’s surface and look for it inch by inch.”

Now Qi Yiming is in a dilemma. Although the Eternal Planet is not a core planet in the Business Alliance, it is also inhabited by 2 billion humans. If he wants to drop the warship into the atmosphere with great fanfare, he will definitely be punished by the officials. Expulsion may even attract the garrison fleet of the Business Alliance.

“Let’s take the transport ship and enter the planet’s surface first.” Qi Yiming could only take one step at a time.

Qi Yiming then handed over the command of the Ares to his adjutant, and then took He Zhenzhu and some members of the internal defense force into the atmosphere of the Taikoo planet in a transport boat.

The fleet was commanded by Wang Shuhua and hid in the asteroid belt of this galaxy.

All this was clearly visible to Zhou Hao and the other two who were following them.

“There is definitely something wrong with this fleet. Otherwise, instead of docking at the free port, it would hide in the asteroid belt. It makes no sense!” Zhou Hao looked at the hiding behavior of the fleet in front of him, which immediately aroused his alarm. .

Zhang Qiao also sobered up: “Would you like to report to the superiors and send a fleet over to investigate?”

Zhou Hao shook his head: “The shipboard radar just detected several small aircraft entering the atmosphere of the Archaic Star. Let’s wait and see what they are going to do?”

“What if I run away?” Zhang Qiao, who had been lazy just now, was now anxious.

“This is the hinterland of the alliance. It’s not that easy for them to escape.” Zhou Hao smiled and patted Zhang Qiao on the shoulder to signal him to wait calmly.

After Qi Yiming and the others arrived on the surface of Taikoo Star, they were completely dumbfounded when they looked at the city with people coming and going.

On a crowded planet like Taikoo, even if the Wise Man was on Taikoo, it would have been discovered by the Business Alliance long ago.

“Are we still looking for it?” He Zhenzhu asked Qi Yiming as she looked at the busy street with disappointment.

“Looking for…if the locals discover it, hand it over to the alliance government so that we can determine the next step.” Qi Yiming still did not give up.

“Are you still prepared to snatch it away?” He Zhenzhu looked at Qi Yiming in surprise.

“If we want to deal with the insect swarm, the warships of the strategic strike fleet must be gathered together, otherwise we will have no chance at all.” The implication is to rob them by force.

Qi Yiming also took the risk. The Xuefeng had been exposed anyway, and Qi Yiming’s first step in dealing with the insect swarm was to integrate the major human forces, which would definitely involve the use of force.

Since we are going to use force, it is also appropriate to snatch back the Wise Man by the way.

But where should they go for information now?

All Qi Yiming could think of was the mercenary union, and the mercenary industry was the most well-informed.

So the group of people found the office of the largest mercenary union on Taikoo Star.

As soon as he walked into the door of the mercenary union, a wave of heat rushed towards him.

There were more people in the hall than on the street, and it was impossible to squeeze into the information exchange area set up specifically for mercenaries.

Qi Yiming and He Zhenzhu also spent a lot of effort to gain a foothold in a small corner of the communication area.

Soon local mercenaries came up to talk to them.

“Beauty? Do you want to buy information?” A sly-looking guy looked up and down at He Zhenzhu, who had a curvy figure.

He Zhenzhu was not angry. It seemed that she had encountered this kind of thing before.

Smilingly, he put his hand on the shoulder of the sinister-looking guy in front of him and said, “Yes… I wonder if little brother has the information we want?”

The sound made Qi Yiming’s bones go numb. If it weren’t for the crowds of people supporting Qi Yiming’s body, Qi Yiming would have sat down on the ground.

But he still looked at He Zhenzhu beside him with strange eyes, asking: “Why didn’t I see before that you still use the honey trap?”

He Zhenzhu just rolled her eyes at Qi Yiming, then turned back and continued to look at the intelligence dealer in front of her lovingly.

Although the information dealer is also a pervert, when it comes to intelligence issues, he said righteously: “I can’t guarantee anything else. As long as it is something that has happened on the ancient planet, there is nothing that I don’t know about.”

He Zhenzhu smiled even sweeter when she heard this, and asked in a cooing voice: “Brother… do you know if an ancient battleship has been discovered on Taikoo Star?”

Apparently the intelligence dealer was not fooled by the honey trap, and extended his right hand to He Zhenzhu: “Ten thousand alliance coins for one message…”

“Pfft…” Qi Yiming, who was standing aside, still couldn’t hold back and laughed.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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