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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 15 I Just Want Energy Blocks

Discovering that the communication with the Lone Wolf was suddenly disconnected, Zheng Hu was about to ask what happened when the communications officer on the side shouted in shock.

“What? The Lone Wolf was sunk?”

Zheng Hu suddenly collapsed on the captain’s seat and waved his hand helplessly: “Order the fleet to retreat.”

The Wang family retainers who witnessed everything through the battlefield monitor looked at each other in shock.

“Is that frigate Xuefeng?” A bearded captain asked his adjutant, who nodded blankly in affirmation.

“When the battle is over, I must ask Captain Qi where he got his warship. Even if he sells iron, I will get one.” The bearded captain said excitedly as if he saw a bright future.

Wang Zhengfeng also looked at the retreating Zheng family fleet with a look of disbelief, “You have won? Are you sure Qi Yiming’s battleship is just a frigate, not a battleship?”

The crew members on the Warrior were still congratulating themselves on escaping death, and no one responded to Wang Zhengfeng.

At the same time, the retainers of the Wang family who had not run too far suddenly realized.

One by one on the fleet channel, they shouted: “We will defend the Wang family to the death, we will fight to the death! Don’t put yourself in danger!!”

Then they swarmed towards the Zheng family’s fleet.

Who is Zheng Hu? Just because he can’t deal with Xuefeng doesn’t mean he can’t deal with this group of miscellaneous fish.

Although the Zheng family’s fleet was sunk by Qi Yiming and several warships were sunk, the fleet only retreated rather than retreated.

Under Zheng Hu’s organization, the fleet fired a salvo, and the Wang family’s chasing fleet suffered heavy losses instantly.

Those who were lucky enough to survive also retreated obediently and gradually gathered around Wang Zhengfeng’s Warrior.

The next task of cleaning up the battlefield had nothing to do with Qi Yiming. Under the curious and fearful eyes of everyone, Qi Yiming parked the Xuefeng into its berth.

Wang Sen and Wang Zhengfeng had been waiting outside the hatch of the battleship’s connection equipment early in the morning, waiting for Qi Yiming to disembark.

As soon as he walked out of the connecting passage, Qi Yiming received a warm welcome.

The scene was much more lively than the day he first arrived.

Liu Bishu, who was lucky enough not to die in the battle, actually took a bouquet of flowers and solemnly stuffed it into Qi Yiming’s hand.

After that, he seemed to want to step forward and do some more intimate actions, which directly frightened Qi Yiming.

“I’m warning you, don’t come here! If you come here again, I’ll castrate you!!” After some threats, Liu Bishu stopped any further actions.

Wang Zhengfeng, who was still alive after the disaster, slowly came to Qi Yiming and bowed deeply at first.

Let’s not talk about whether Qi Yiming had other purposes, but just to save the Wang family when they were in danger, Wang Zhengfeng should do the same.

As a promising young man, Qi Yiming can’t make others feel uncomfortable, right? If he doesn’t accept the gratitude of others for saving the building, won’t he make others feel uncomfortable?

So Qi Yiming stood straight on the spot and accepted the gift.

Wang Dong stood aside and watched with cold eyes, wishing to kill Qi Yiming with his eyes.

It was not because Qi Yiming held a grudge for saving his father, but because Qi Yiming would be stationed on Gray Rock Star as the elder of the Wang family.

On the surface, as a person recommended by his brother Wang Sen, there is no way he would favor Wang Dong in the competition for the position of the head of the family.

Not far away, Niu Ben winked at Wang Dong, gesturing for him to go up and make friends with Qi Yiming.

Wang Dong remained unmoved and watched as a crowd of people gathered around Qi Yiming and walked towards the head of the family’s mansion.

Niu Ben, who was a step ahead of everyone else, came to Wang Dong and said to Wang Dong with a look of resentment: “Why don’t you, the second young master, go up and talk to Qi Yiming and start a relationship?”

“What’s the use of building relationships with someone who is clearly the eldest brother?” Wang Dong said angrily.

“Politics is not how you play. As long as there are enough benefits, the young master’s people now may be your people later!!” Niu Ben muttered to himself as he looked at the crowd that was gradually retreating.

Wang Dong glanced at Niu Ben thoughtfully and his eyes lit up: “Thank you, sir, for your teaching. I know what to do.”

“It’s good to know. Let’s go quickly. The celebration party is about to start!”

As he said that, Niu Ben pulled Wang Dong and quickly caught up with the crowd.

At the banquet, everyone drank loudly and Qi Yiming also refused to come.

But Wang Sen, who was sitting aside, was really curious when he saw Qi Yiming, who was not drunk no matter how much he drank.

So he walked over to Qi Yiming, and just as he was about to ask, he noticed that a wet towel in Qi Yiming’s hand was thrown aside.

Wang Sen got closer and smelled it, and a strong smell of alcohol hit his brain.

“Oh no, this grandson cheats even when drinking!!”

Just as he was about to question Qi Yiming, he was held tightly by a pair of big hands.

Wang Sen turned around and saw that it was his father Wang Zhengfeng who was smiling and shaking his head to signal him not to expose Qi Yiming.

Everyone was full of wine and food, and one by one the attendants carried them out of the banquet hall.

Only Qi Yiming and Wang’s father and son were left in the hall.

“Mr. Qi, regardless of previous suspicions, came to the rescue of my Wang family when it was in danger. Please drink this cup to the full.” He raised his glass to pay tribute to Qi Yiming.

Qi Yiming, who was still drunk just now, stopped acting when he saw that all the retainers had left. He drained the wine in his glass and said to Wang Zhengfeng with a smile: “Now should we talk about the energy block?”

Wang Dong was the first to stand up and said: “Mr. Qi, no matter how the family rewards you, as a direct beneficiary, I will personally give you twenty high-concentration energy blocks.”

This is the biggest number Wang Dong can come up with, and he doesn’t have any more.

Wang Dongyou expressed how Wang Sen could fall behind.

“Mr. Qi, I will also personally give you 15 high-concentration energy blocks to express my gratitude.”

Qi Yiming smiled and nodded in acceptance.

Finally, Wang Zhengfeng said apologetically: “Mr. Qi, please forgive me. As the head of the family, I have to think about the family.”

Putting it in his perspective, if Qi Yiming was the leader of a place where no one has shit, and one day a person with superior combat power but unknown origin suddenly appeared in his sphere of influence, Qi Yiming’s first reaction would definitely not be I am ecstatic, but I have to think more carefully, why does this person with good fighting ability come to me? What’s the intention?

After thinking about this, Qi Yiming felt a lot less angry. He waved his hand and said to Wang Zhengfeng: “For Wang Sen’s sake, let’s forget about the past.”

In order to completely eliminate Wang Zhengfeng’s wariness, Qi Yiming said to Wang Zhengfeng again: “I can’t say more, but I can guarantee that there is no threat to the Wang family. I am only interested in energy blocks.”

“Energy blocks are easy to talk about. Based on your achievements this time, it’s not an exaggeration to recommend you as an elder of my Wang family. There are just enough energy blocks in our Wang family’s warehouse.” Wang Zhengfeng patted Qi Yiming’s shoulder boldly.

“Forget it, elders, I just want energy blocks.” Qi Yiming was equally happy. Finally, he had a stable source of energy blocks to support him in exploring this new world. At this moment, his heart had already flown to the place that he had dreamed of. orbiting galaxy.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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