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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 150 Amateur Archaeological Team

“This is the rhythm that forces us to become an archaeological team…” Qi Yiming ruffled his hair angrily.

After thanking Liu Qi, Qi Yiming and the others returned to the transport boat to discuss countermeasures.

In fact, there are not many ways they can think of. Since the Wise Man has fallen into a time wormhole, it is really harder to find the Wise Man in this time and space than to destroy the swarm of worms, unless the federal soldiers on the Wise Man deliberately leave clues.

But what clues can survive for a hundred thousand years?

Thinking of this, Qi Yiming and He Zhenzhu looked at each other in unison, and then they said in unison: “Parchment…”

As we all know, it is impossible for parchments to be preserved for 100,000 years.

But the group of scientists from the former Federation have created a potion. After being soaked in the potion, any item can be preserved for hundreds of thousands of years as long as it is handled properly. Moreover, the formula of the potion is public, and Qi Yiming can prepare it on the spot. .

To say that the parchment scrolls were not deliberately left behind by the crew of the Wise Man, Qi Yiming would not believe it even to death.

“But why do they use parchments? The Federation has a better memory for storing information. Wouldn’t it be safer to use that thing?” He Zhenzhu was a little confused.

Qi Yiming guessed some reasons, and he explained to He Zhenzhu: “The possibility of habitable stars producing intelligent life forms is very high. They use parchment rolls instead of memories to ensure that federal technology is not leaked to the greatest extent. “

What were humans doing a hundred thousand years ago? At that time, almost most human beings were still worrying about the next bite of food, and could not travel more than a hundred miles from home in their lives.

What if intelligent life on the ancient planet discovers memory? What if technology develops by leaps and bounds and threatens humanity?

Qi Yiming really admired the crew of the Wise Man. Even though he was in such a bad situation, he was still thinking about the future of mankind.

He Zhenzhu nodded: “In that case, I think there must be more than just that parchment on Taikoo Star. There must be other things left by the crew of the Wise Man.”

Qi Yiming agreed with He Zhenzhu’s statement, but how to find it? Are we waiting for another subsidence on the ancient planet? Who knows how long it will take?

“It looks like we have to read through the history of mankind on the ancient planet. Maybe we will find something.” Qi Yiming had no choice but to say.

As soon as He Zhenzhu heard that he wanted to read historical materials, He Zhenzhu was as big as two heads.

She hates checking historical documents the most. Although the Federation has an intelligent learning system, there are too many human historical documents. If all the information is entered into the learning system, it will be a bit outweighed by the gains and losses. Moreover, this kind of thing cannot be used by non-professionals.

Therefore, the Federation only established a historical document archive for those who need or are interested to consult, and did not establish a database for an intelligent learning system.

When He Zhenzhu was in school, he was tortured to death by those complicated historical events. Later, he chose the battleship command major and got rid of the pain of consulting historical documents every day.

Now he had to consult historical documents again, which made He Zhenzhu roll her eyes in anger.

The group went to the Taikoo Star Human History Archives to check relevant information.

However, the humans of the ancient planet escaped from another habitable planet, and the beginning was the cosmic era, so the historical documents are very simple.

What Qi Yiming is most concerned about is all the legends recorded on the Taikoo Star.

The humans of the Ancient Star who entered the cosmic era were not as enthusiastic about the legends of the Ancient Star as they imagined, and they only recorded a few things.

One of the strange things caught Qi Yiming’s attention.

In a canyon on the Taikoo Star, strong winds above level 10 blow all year round.

Whenever the wind blows in the canyon, the deep space exploration station above the Archaic Star will receive a mysterious signal from the surface of the Archaic Star.

At first, the ancient people thought that there were intelligent life forms deep in the planet’s surface. For this reason, the ancient people went to war and dug three feet into the ground on the ancient planet, vowing to find the underground civilization.

However, it was later discovered that the mysterious signal was caused by high-frequency sound waves generated by strong winds blowing through the canyon and rubbing against the stone walls on both sides of the canyon, and the ancient aliens stopped.

The scientific community has been trying to decipher this signal, but has never been successful.

It’s also a pity that the Taigu people did not break the structure of the stone walls on both sides of the canyon. In addition, the land of the Taigu planet is almost a whole, there is almost no crustal movement, and the texture of the rocks on both sides of the canyon is very special. No matter how wind or sun blows, even if it is After hundreds of thousands of years, there is no sign of weathering.

This technique is very similar to the processing technique of parchment rolls.

Unfortunately, by the time they arrived at the canyon, the wind had stopped.

Although there are resources for downloading the high-frequency sound waves emitted by the stone wall on the Taikoo Star’s public network everywhere, Qi Yiming was afraid of exposing his flaws and would rather work harder. He went to the scene to record himself without downloading it from the Internet.

The group of people had no choice but to find an open space around the canyon to camp and wait for the wind to rise in the canyon.

After waiting for a few days, the wind started blowing in the canyon. Unfortunately, the wind was too weak. When the wind speed did not exceed Level 10, the high-frequency sound waves recorded in the literature could not be generated on both sides of the stone wall.

After waiting for more than ten days, a strong wind of magnitude 10 finally blew in the canyon.

The detection equipment on the transport boat finally captured that magical high-frequency sound wave.

Qi Yiming started analyzing high-frequency sound waves overnight, but unfortunately the progress was slow.

It is true that the frequency of sound waves is fixed, but Qi Yiming tried all the analytical instruments and the conclusions he came to were all gibberish.

This made Qi Yiming almost go crazy.

“I always feel that the data transmitted by this high-frequency sound wave uses some kind of encryption method. We don’t have an encryption algorithm, so all we get are garbled codes.” Without a clue, Qi Yiming found He Damei who was sleeping soundly. , ready to hear her thoughts.

I didn’t expect that a beautiful woman’s sleeping posture could sometimes be so scary.

Seeing He Zhenzhu’s sleeping posture, Qi Yiming had only one thought: “It’s so annoying…”

When Qi Yiming woke him up, He Zhenzhu was still groggy.

Qi Yiming didn’t care whether she heard it or not. He now wanted to find someone to vent his bitterness to: “Beauty He, what encryption method do you think the crew of the Wise Man will use?”

He Zhenzhu was confused and said casually: “You won’t use the encryption program that the seniors tinkered with when we were in the military academy, right?”

Upon hearing this, Qi Yiming was stunned.

He had used all encryption algorithms except the one mentioned by He Zhenzhu.

That algorithm was used by Qi Yiming and He Zhenzhen before they went to the Military Academy. Qi Yiming didn’t remember it after a long time.

Excited, Qi Yiming hugged He Zhenzhu and took a few sips.

He Zhenzhu was so frightened that he suddenly woke up and was taken advantage of. However, there was a reason for the incident, and it was impossible for He Zhenzhu to really catch up and beat Qi Yiming.

He could only silently wipe the saliva from his face, get up and go to the signal receiving station of the transport boat, watching Qi Yiming input the algorithm into the brain.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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