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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 152 A message across time and space

As the captain of the Wise Man, Xue Ming was still very painful when he decided to leave the fleet and make an emergency landing.

The habitable planet in front of them was one of the few they had seen during their escape.

For the sake of the crew, he resolutely decided to leave the fleet and make an emergency landing on the planet in front of him.

At least the people on the ship can have a comfortable living environment.

“Captain, the Wise Man is preparing to make an emergency landing on this planet.” So Xue Ming called the fleet captain: “We don’t have much energy. I’m not sure whether the Wise Man can persist until it finds the next habitable star. ”

After a while, a tired voice came from the fleet channel: “You are allowed to make an emergency landing…the glory of the Federation will illuminate the stars.”

“The glory of the Federation illuminates the stars.”

So the Wise One broke away from the fleeing fleet of the Human Federation and flew towards the habitable planet in front of them.

But the moment the Wise Man entered the atmosphere, an area of ​​blue light suddenly appeared in front of the battleship.

Before Xue Ming could order the captain to change direction, the Wise Man was captured by the strong gravity of the blue light area and slowly pulled toward the center of that area.

Just when there was a commotion on the ship due to panic, the science officer of the Wise Man suddenly shouted: “It’s a wormhole in time and space. We have been captured by the wormhole in time and space. Please notify the fleet quickly…”

But at this time, all the instruments on the Wise Man fell into a state of data chaos. The communications commander only had time to send the words “space-time wormhole” to the fleet before he was sucked into it.

The next second, the Wise Man reappeared in the planet’s atmosphere, but the fleeing fleet that was still in this system disappeared.

“Ni Di… take a look at what’s going on now?” After Xue Ming confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the battleship, he immediately asked the scientific officer Ni Di to confirm the current situation.

Ni Di and his men were busy observing the stars and getting off the ship to take samples for more than half an hour before returning to the bridge to report the situation to Xue Ming.

He held the simple star map he had just drawn in his hand, then opened the Wise Man’s navigation star chart and said to Xue Ming: “By comparing the two star maps, the only thing that can be determined is that we have gone back to the past. How long we can’t be sure. But it’s probably between 70,000 and 80,000 years old.”

But what Ni Di didn’t know was that they traveled through nearly 100,000 years of time.

“So long?” Xue Ming sat down on the captain’s chair.

However, Xue Ming recovered quickly. Anyway, he was at the end of his rope before traveling through time. It didn’t matter whether he wore something or not.

Fortunately, they were on a habitable planet, and the crew on the battleship could still live normally.

But the next second he collapsed again, especially with a group of monks and a bird’s hope.

There is no hope for developing a new civilization. We can only try our best to make everyone’s life better.

But the science officer had a different view.

“Captain, I think our time travel may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for mankind.”

Xue Ming glanced at the scientific officer Ni Di: “Tell me…”

“We monks have no hope, but we can find a way to send the Wise Man back to the Human Federation.”

After listening to Ni Di’s explanation, Xue Ming’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and at the end he even started to tremble with excitement.

Ni Di’s idea was very simple. When he was detecting the surrounding environment just now, he checked the energy reserves of the Wise Man. The situation was not optimistic.

But they can make the Wise One fly to the federal human home planet at sub-light speed. At this time, human beings have not yet left their home star.

It will take at least more than 10,000 years for the Wise Man to fly from its current position to the human federation’s home star. By then, there will be no need for the Wise Man to accurately enter the federal home star system. As long as it passes by humans, there will be a chance to capture the Wise Man.

If successful, humankind’s technological level will definitely develop by leaps and bounds. When the insect swarm is encountered again, there will be more means to deal with the insect swarm, and maybe humans will not have to embark on the road to escape.

After hearing the plan, Xue Ming immediately solicited the opinions of all crew members and received unanimous approval.

So the plan was carried out.

They stopped all the energy-consuming equipment on the Wise Man, leaving only the navigation system, and set the program to automatically wake up the brain every once in a while, and then enter the dormant state again after adjusting the course, so that it can maximize Save energy on board the ship to the maximum extent.

After setting the course, the Wise Man embarked on its journey under the eyes of everyone. On the day of departure, everyone held a small farewell party.

After seeing off the Wise Man, the crew began a hard life using the supplies they moved from the ship.

Of course, it is inevitable that crew members will die due to various accidents and diseases.

It was not until more than ten years later that a team of several thousand people only had a few hundred people left. Science officer Ni Di found Xue Ming, who had long been idle.

“Old Xue…I don’t think we can hold on much longer.”

Xue Ming’s dim eyes said everything.

“I think we have to stay for something. What if the Wise Man fails in its journey and the escaped humans are found? You also know the importance of modular battleships in the strategic strike fleet. What if they need the Wise Man and can’t find it? manage?”

When it came to the fleeing humans, Xue Ming had a little reaction. He slowly looked up at Ni Di.

“I have observed that there is a grand canyon not far from our settlement. There are strong winds above level 10 blowing there all year round.” Ni Di looked at Xue Ming, who was expressionless and had a tendency to fall asleep, and closed his mouth. .

Unexpectedly, Xue Ming spoke: “Continue talking, I’m listening.”

Ni Di then continued: “We can modify the stone walls on both sides of the canyon so that when the wind blows, it will produce specific high-frequency sound waves to convey the information we want to spread.”

“Then why bother? Just use those useless memories.”

“Those things must be destroyed eventually. Don’t forget that this planet we are on is a habitable star. Who knows whether intelligent life will appear in the future. If we get these things, what if they threaten humanity?”

Xue Ming turned his brain that he had not used for many years and thought for a while, then nodded slowly: “But the stone walls will weather, and the movement of the earth’s crust will also change the landform.”

“I’ve seen it. The land under our feet is a huge rock with almost no crustal activity, so that canyon will exist forever on this planet.” Then Ni Di groped his chin and thought for a while. Said: “As for the weathering problem, we can deploy a large amount of solidifying liquid to brush the stone walls on both sides of the canyon.”

“But high-frequency sound waves transmit messages. No one will care about this without special prompts.”

“This is not simple. What kind of murals! Parchments… Let’s make more and throw them everywhere! I don’t believe no one will notice.”

“Soak them all in solidifying liquid?”

“of course……”

“Have you thought about what message to send? How to encrypt it?”

“The encryption algorithm is used by the students at the Battleship Command Academy to talk about love. This can also be used as a preliminary screening.”

“So be it, you will die sooner or later anyway! Instead of waiting here to die in boredom, you might as well find something to do.”

So the remaining few hundred people on the Wise Man began to transform the stone wall under Ni Di’s guidance.

Through Ni Di’s detailed and meticulous calculations, they carved indentations of varying depths on the stone wall.

Then use the skins of animals on the habitable planet to make “parchment rolls”, draw the vague appearance of the Wise Man on them, and throw them around.

The project went on for more than 20 years. When all the work was completed, only Ni Di and one of his assistants were left alive.

“The only thing left is this big stone. Embedding it can add an extra layer of information. This way, the Wise Man will have an extra layer of protection. We can only do this one step. From now on, we can only rely on luck. “After decades of hard work, Ni Di’s face has long been tanned by the sun, and his hands have developed layers of calluses.

But he smiled with satisfaction as he looked at the letter he left behind that would span tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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