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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 153 Discovery of the Wise Man

Chapter 151 Discovery of the Wise Man

But what Ni Di didn’t expect was that when Qi Yiming discovered the message they left behind, the Wise Man had already been flying for 100,000 years.

After leaving the galaxy where the Archaic Star is located, Qi Yiming did not jump off the bridge, but followed the Wise Man’s path into deep space navigation.

In one hundred thousand years, it is not difficult for the Xuefeng, which has a speed of 500 times that of light, to catch up with the Wise One, which is traveling at sub-light speed.

The difficulty is how to find the Wise One, which may have strayed off course.

Because the energy on board the Wise Man is not enough to keep her sailing for a hundred thousand years.

After losing energy, the Wise Man can no longer make orbit corrections, which is very dangerous during deep space navigation.

The best case scenario is to be captured by a certain star, and the worst case scenario is to plunge into an unknown celestial body and crash.

Along the way, the Xuefeng was searching for the Wise Man that might appear at any time. In addition, Zhou Hao and the others were very careful to hide themselves, so Qi Yiming did not notice a little tail following behind.

And this tail is growing rapidly, and the fleet from the Business Alliance is also catching up.

Although they are not the regular fleet of the Business Alliance, they are special warships provided by the Intelligence Agency of the Business Alliance for agents.

Originally, the female president of the Business Alliance wanted to send a regular fleet to intercept the Xuefeng, but the cost of deep space navigation without jumping off the bridge was too high, so in the end she had to send special warships from the intelligence department to catch up.

Half a month later, the Xuefeng arrived at the location where Qi Yiming and the others had calculated that the Wise Man had lost all its energy.

“What to do next?” He Zhenzhu asked Qi Yiming while looking at the red channel on the star map.

“It stands to reason that the Wise Man will fly straight along the tangent of this channel, but the information we obtained does not say much about the energy reserves on the Wise Man. We cannot be sure that this point is the point where the Wise Man loses energy.”

“The Wise Man sails at sub-light speed, and its flight distance of one hundred thousand years is not too far.” Wang Shuhua said and drew a section on the channel: “According to the information obtained, the point we are now at is the earliest point where she lost energy. point.”

Wang Shuhua then pointed to the end of the passage he drew and said: “This point is the point where we calculated that the Wise Man will lose energy the latest. During this distance, the course only needs to be corrected twice.”

Qi Yiming was enlightened by Wang Shuhua’s analysis: “The two points for correcting the channel are not far apart.”

As he spoke, Qi Yiming entered a string of data on the star map, and two tangent lines extending along the original route appeared on the star map.

Qi Yiming pointed to the two new channels and continued: “These two channels are not far apart. We are divided into two groups. He Zhenzhu will lead one way, and I will lead the other. No matter who finds the Wise Man, they can use deep space communication Devices notify each other.”

“I think it’s okay…” He Zhenzhu nodded.

Just do what you say, and the Xuefeng disintegrates again. The Ares is personally commanded by Qi Yiming.

The Lightning and the Redemption combined and entered the first channel under the leadership of He Zhenzhu.

Qi Yiming and the others continued sailing along the original channel for eight days before arriving at the entrance of the second channel.

Zhou Hao, who was following them, was stunned: “Who the hell are these people? Don’t they know how dangerous deep space navigation is? Why are they acting separately?”

“What should we do?” Zhang Qiao also looked at Zhou Hao with a depressed look.

“What else can we do? Chase them separately…”

In fact, when Zhou Hao saw the supporting fleet, his heart completely dropped.

He had seen the battle video of the Xuefeng, so he didn’t think that the dozen special cruisers of the intelligence agency could deal with those warships that could be changed and combined at will.

It’s okay now, the other party has acted separately.

Although they had the advantage in terms of numbers, Zhou Hao knew in his heart that their warships might not be the opponent of this mysterious fleet at all.

But there was no way. The order from above was to find a way to capture this fleet. Zhou Hao could only divide his fleet into two and continue to chase.

At this time, just as Qi Yiming and the others had guessed, the Wise Man had already lost all energy and was relying on inertia for deep space navigation.

In front of the Wise Man’s current course, there is a small black hole that is slowly rotating, swallowing up all the surrounding stars that pass by it.

The Wise Man had already entered the gravitational circle of this black hole, and she was unable to adjust her course after losing energy.

The black hole is like an all-devouring monster, opening its bloody mouth to the Wise Man.

In addition, many parts of the Wise Man’s outer armor were hit by stray stars in the universe, but luckily, the stars that hit her were relatively small, otherwise she would not have been able to fly so far.

The God of War has been flying along the second channel calculated by Qi Yiming and the others for more than half a month, and there is still no trace of the Wise Man.

This made Qi Yiming very anxious.

Because right on their flight path, there was a small black hole fifteen light years away.

If the Wise Man is no longer found, Qi Yiming can only stop the Ares, because if it goes any further, the Ares will be captured by the black hole’s gravitational field.

If Ares were captured, it would be impossible to escape with the power provided by her engines.

Just as the Ares gradually approached the black hole, the radar commander made a new discovery: “Captain… what do you think that is?”

Qi Yiming, who was originally standing behind the radar chief, also noticed something unusual. A green dot suddenly appeared on the radar screen of the Victory.

Qi Yiming finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the green dot. Fortunately, the Wise Man was not swallowed by the black hole.

But the next second Qi Yiming frowned again: “The Wise Man was captured by the gravitational field of the black hole.”

“What should we do?” Wang Shuhua, as the temporary captain of the Hammer, has been following Qi Yiming’s actions. He has no better way to rescue the Wise Man from the clutches of the black hole.

“Depending on the situation, the Wise Man will be completely locked by the black hole’s gravitational field in at most ten days. By then, even if the battle stars of the Human Federation arrive, the Wise Man will not be able to leave.”

“Can’t we use a tractor beam to pull her out?”

Qi Yiming shook his head: “The power provided by the Ares engine cannot offset the gravitational field generated by the black hole. We cannot save the Wise Man.”

After speaking, both of them fell silent. Qi Yiming crossed his hands on his chest and stared at the radar screen.

Wang Shuhua, on the other hand, slowly groped his chin and tried hard to think of a solution.

Suddenly, Qi Yiming ordered the communications manager to contact He Zhenzhu, who was searching on another channel: “Let them come over as quickly as possible and don’t save energy. The energy reserves on the Ares are enough for us to go back.”

“They are coming here sooner or later, why are they in such a hurry?”

“The Ares cannot save the Wise Man, but plus the Redemption, the Lightning, and your Hammer.” Qi Yiming looked at Wang Shuhua excitedly: “The power provided by the engines of the four battleships, plus the Wise Man itself The power is enough to save her.”

Qi Yiming paused and continued: “It’s just that the God of War ventured into the gravitational field of the black hole. First, grab the Wise Man, otherwise she will soon be locked by the gravitational field of the black hole.”

“Then what are you waiting for?” Wang Shuhua understood what Qi Yiming meant: “I know what you mean, aren’t you just afraid that the action will fail and harm everyone?”

Qi Yiming nodded.

“Look at these people.” Wang Shuhua pointed at all the members on the bridge: “They are all your comrades-in-arms. It would be a lie to say that you are not afraid of death, but if comrades-in-arms cannot share the joys and sorrows at this time, can they still be called comrades-in-arms?”


Qi Yiming wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Wang Shuhua: “When did you become such a mother-in-law…”

Qi Yiming looked around for a week, and everyone looked at Qi Yiming with firm eyes. Then Qi Yiming laughed, then walked to the navigation captain and patted him on the shoulder: “The engine is at full power, let’s catch up. !”

I wanted to get perfect attendance, but one night I had to work for 2 minutes late, and I didn’t have enough points to exchange for a leave request. This month’s perfect attendance was missed, and I suddenly didn’t have the energy to write.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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