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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 155 Rescue of the Wise (Part 2)

While Zhou Hao was thinking about how Qi Yiming and the others could escape from the black hole’s gravitational field, He Zhenzhu was leading the Lightning and the Redemption on a frantic journey.

She already knew Qi Yiming’s current situation clearly through deep space communications.

He Zhenzhu also complained that Qi Yiming was too reckless, but she also knew that she wanted to rescue the Wise Man. Qi Yiming had no other choice, so she could only order the fleet to move forward at full speed.

Fortunately, Qi Yiming was temporarily freed from the danger of being locked by the black hole’s gravitational field after some operations, and now had plenty of time to wait for them to arrive.

After eighteen days of crazy flying, He Zhenzhu arrived at the location where Qi Yiming was as scheduled.

Without any hesitation, He Zhenzhu immediately led the two battleships into the black hole’s gravitational field.

Zhang Qiao, who was also following He Zhenzhu, was not having a good time these days. The fleet that was tracking well suddenly suddenly turned to speed up, scaring Zhang Qiao into thinking that he was exposed.

But when he arrived at the place, he realized that He Zhenzhu was rushing over to save people.

“Third brother…Is there something wrong with this group of people?” After Zhang Qiao and Zhou Hao met, they kept complaining about Qi Yiming’s dirty tricks: “Black hole…that’s a black hole…the most terrifying thing in the universe.” The celestial body… just plunged into its gravitational field without even thinking about it? “What should we do next?”

“What else can we do? Just stare here and see if they can find any way to escape from the black hole’s gravitational field.” Zhou Hao was even more shocked than Zhang Qiao at this time.

Because he has watched the Ares pull the Wise Man sailing in the black hole’s gravitational field for more than ten days. Although it has been falling towards the center of the black hole, the battleship does not seem to be in a hurry.

“Are they trying to defeat the black hole’s gravitational field by relying on the number of battleships?” Zhang Qiao glanced at the other two battleships that were already approaching the Ares.

Zhou Hao remained silent, just watching Qi Yiming’s next move.

Qi Yiming didn’t say much after reuniting with He Zhenzhu, and directly ordered several warships to start a special combination process.

Like the Hammer, Qi Yiming made some adjustments to the combination procedure.

Several warships all retained their respective engines during the assembly process, and the assembly process also stopped at the step of rigid connection.

After opening advanced permissions to several people, Xuefeng started all engines in a strange combination.

“Science officer…calculate the time for us to escape from the black hole’s gravitational field…” After making sure that the conditions of each battleship were normal, Qi Yiming turned to the Ares’ science officer and said.

After a long time, the science officer came to Qi Yiming with a frightened information board. While transmitting the data report, he said to Qi Yiming: “We may have failed…”

Qi Yiming, who was originally full of confidence, was suddenly stunned.

He took the information board from the science officer’s hand and looked at it carefully.

“Are you sure you didn’t make a mistake?”

The science officer looked horrified, but still nodded very seriously: “Absolutely right…”

“Then we are in big trouble…”

Since the Xuefeng had not completed the final combination, He Zhenzhu and the others could only communicate with Qi Yiming through the fleet channel in the bridge of their respective battleships.

They also found that Qi Yiming’s face was not pretty.

“What happened?” He Zhenzhu couldn’t hold back her anger at first, and immediately asked for the calculation results after noticing something was wrong with Qi Yiming’s expression.

Qi Yiming distributed the calculation results to several captains through the fleet channel.

The faces of the few people who had read the detailed report became very ugly. Now they really lost both their wives and their troops.

Not only was the Wise Man unable to be saved, but the Xuefeng was also rescued.

“It’s overloaded… How long will it take if we don’t overload it now?” Wang Sen knew that Xuefeng could use the energy matrix inside the Lightning to provide excess energy to various systems of the battleship, thereby putting the systems receiving energy into overload mode.

“Now that the Xuefeng has not completed the final combination, it is impossible to use the Lightning to provide excess energy for the engine.” He Zhenzhu dismissed Wang Sen’s idea with one sentence.

“There is another way…” Qi Yiming’s tone was deep, as if he had made a very important decision.

“What…” everyone asked in unison.

“Find a way to activate the engines on the Wise One.”

“Then what are you waiting for?” Wang Sen shouted excitedly when he heard Qi Yiming had a new method.

“It’s too dangerous…” Wang Shuhua wanted to stop Qi Yiming: “Although we are now in the gravitational field of the black hole, because the battleship has sufficient power, there is no danger for the time being. But if you want to board the Wise Man, you must Passing through the transport boat, the power of the transport boat is not enough to resist the pull of the black hole’s gravitational field, and it will be swallowed by the black hole in an instant. “

Qi Yiming nodded, Wang Shuhua was right.

The power provided by the engines on the transport boat was too small. If it left the shelter of the battleship, it would be pulled away from the fleet by the black hole’s powerful gravitational field in a few seconds, making it impossible to approach the Wise Man.

“We can use the tractor beam to pull the transport boat, and then slowly approach the Wise Man.” Qi Yiming did not deny Wang Shuhua’s statement, but still expressed his own thoughts.

“No…that way there will be uneven stress points on the transport ship, and the transport ship will disintegrate.” He Zhenzhu also wanted to understand Qi Yiming’s plan at this time, and also spoke out to prevent Qi Yiming from taking risks again.

“We have no other choice but to take risks…otherwise everyone will die here…” Qi Yiming’s voice suddenly became firm.

“Then I’ll get ready…” Wang Shuhua knew that Qi Yiming had made up his mind, so he stopped stopping him. He just chose to be the victim.

“It’s useless for you to go, you don’t have the authority to activate the wisdom brain on board the Wise Man.” Qi Yiming looked at Wang Shuhua gratefully, knowing that Wang Shuhua wanted to take the risk on his behalf.

“Then I’ll go…” He Zhenzhu stood up.

“Do you still have extra energy blocks on your battleship?” Qi Yiming looked at He Zhenzhu.

He Zhenzhu was at a loss for words. In the past few days, the Lightning had consumed a lot of money in order to travel. The last energy block on the battleship had long been put into the battleship’s energy reactor to be used as fuel.

“Don’t make any money… Now I’m the only one who can make it through.”

After saying that, Qi Yiming immediately stood up and went to prepare.

Ten minutes later, the transport boat Qi Yiming was on was sent out of the warehouse by the God of War’s robotic arm.

The remaining battleships fired tractor beams one after another, trying their best to evenly distribute the stress points on the outer wall of the transport boat.

The next second, Ares’ mechanical arm opened the fixed lock, and the originally slack tractor beam was instantly straightened by the strong gravity.

Qi Yiming, who was sitting in the transport boat, heard with his own ears the shell of the transport boat made a harsh sound due to the huge pulling force.

Just when he thought the transport boat was about to disintegrate, the harsh metal friction sound gradually became quieter, but the transport boat did not disintegrate. Through the air-tight helmet, he could see large beads of sweat on Qi Yiming’s face at this time. Drizzle down cheeks and into airtight helmet.

Qi Yiming took a deep breath: “Slowly extend the tractor beam…”

Everyone was holding their breath during the whole process, and the personnel responsible for the control were even more cautious.

Fortunately, the imagined disintegration of the transport boat did not occur in the end.

Qi Yiming steadily docked the transport boat on the bulkhead of the Wise Man under the worried eyes of everyone.

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Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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