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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 156 Rescue the Wise Man (3)

It didn’t take much effort for Qi Yiming to enter the interior of the Wise Man.

After all, the Wise Man’s outer armor was penetrated by meteorites in many places.

Seeing Qi Yiming successfully enter the Wise Man, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

And the moment Qi Yiming stepped into the Wise Man, the transport ship also reached the end of its life. It could not withstand the strong gravity of the black hole and was torn into pieces.

Time was running out, and Qi Yiming had no time to be afraid.

Holding the box containing the energy block in his hand, he walked quickly to the power cabin of the Wise Man, and successfully restarted the Wise Man’s control system and brain.

“Welcome aboard… Lieutenant Colonel Qi Yiming…”

“Confirm the battleship members, I need to transfer permissions…”

A few minutes later, Qi Yiming successfully took control of the Wise Man.

“Zhi Nao, check the status of the two engines of the Wise Man.”

“Engine No. 1 was severely damaged and unable to operate. Engine No. 2 was damaged by 13% and its output power dropped by 22%.”

“Start the No. 2 engine and run it at full power…” After learning that the No. 2 engine was still working, Qi Yiming immediately ordered the ship’s brain to start the engine, regardless of whether the No. 2 engine was damaged.

The power system that had not been running for many years was suddenly awakened, and the Wise Man’s hull actually began to tremble violently.

This made Qi Yiming nervous for a while. Fortunately, there was no accident in which the Wise Man could not operate normally. The nozzle of the No. 2 engine sprayed out a long tail flame after dozens of seconds.

Seeing that the Wise Man’s engine started smoothly, everyone couldn’t help but cheer.

“Science officer, calculate quickly…can the current power push us out of the black hole’s gravitational field?” He Zhenzhu hurriedly urged the Lightning’s science officer to go to work.

Ten minutes later, the science officer happily took the calculated data and nodded quickly to He Zhenzhu.

“Successful… In another one hundred and seventy hours, we can escape the gravitational field of the black hole.”

“Did you hear that?” At this time, He Zhenzhu couldn’t help but shouted in the fleet channel: “Qi Yiming, did you hear that? You succeeded!!”

After hearing the result, Qi Yiming just slumped in the bridge of the Wise Man. At this time, his whole body was exhausted and it was difficult to even smile.

Fortunately, his efforts were not in vain. Xuefeng was slowly escaping from the black hole’s gravitational field in a strange shape.

At this time, Zhou Hao and Zhang Qiao were both shocked. They really could not imagine that Xuefeng would escape from the black hole’s gravitational field in this state.

“Lao San… can our warship do this?” Zhang Qiao asked Zhou Hao while looking at the Xuefeng that was slowly flying towards the edge of the black hole’s gravitational field through the monitor.

Zhou Hao shook his head: “Even if all our warships are added together, it is impossible to escape from the gravitational field. Our warships did not have redundant power from the beginning of their design to help the warships get out of this situation.”

“It’s truly an ancient battleship…it can actually be so powerful.”

“I think they can barely reach the escape velocity…” Zhou Hao glanced at the Xuefeng’s acceleration on the monitor. The value above was indeed only a little greater than the escape velocity.

“That’s awesome…but why do they fly in such a strange way? Isn’t it good to combine them together?”

“Perhaps if they fly with a single ship, their own kinetic energy is not enough to offset the pull of the black hole on them. How can they save the ship?”

“Can you fly with this weird posture now?”

“The facts are in front of us, what’s there to doubt?”

“Then what should we do? The higher ups asked us to capture this battleship…”

“This situation is most beneficial to us now. When they are about to leave the gravitational field, we will block them. Even if we cannot capture the Xuefeng, we must sink her.”

More than a hundred hours later, Xuefeng finally flew to the edge of the black hole’s gravitational field. As the battleship gradually moved away from the center of the black hole, Xuefeng’s acceleration became faster and faster.

Seeing that he was about to escape the gravitational field of the black hole, Wang Shuhua’s voice rang out in the fleet channel: “Look at the radar… there is a warship appearing in our channel.”

“Where did this wretched place get a battleship…” He Zhenzhu muttered and looked at the Lightning’s radar commander.

I saw that the Lightning’s radar director was looking at the twenty-odd red dots that suddenly appeared on the radar screen with a confused look on his face.

“There really are battleships.” He Zhenzhu looked at the radar screen in disbelief.

Qi Yiming also stood in front of the Wise Man’s radar control console and looked at the twenty red dots: “Are we being followed?”

This was Qi Yiming’s first thought, otherwise who would have nothing to do and sail in deep space like them without resorting to jumping off a bridge.

He Zhenzhu and the others also looked at each other in confusion. As they followed the Wise Man, they did not pay attention to the situation behind them. Indeed, they did not notice that there was a tail hanging behind them.

“What are you afraid of… With Xuefeng’s combat power and these few small fish and shrimps, how can we still be afraid of them?” After following Qi Yiming for a long time, Wang Sen’s vision has become much higher.

The cruiser that was once regarded as a super powerful cruiser in his eyes has now become a small fish and shrimp.

But Qi Yiming shook his head and said: “The Xuefeng is in its current state and there is no way it can fight.”

He Zhenzhu also nodded: “I heard that the warships of the strategic strike fleet are in a semi-combined state and the weapon systems cannot work properly.”

“This is indeed the case. If you want to fight, all the warships must be in a single-ship decomposition state, or there must be one fully assembled warship, otherwise it will be impossible to fight at all.” Qi Yiming added an explanation.

“However, we can’t escape the black hole’s gravitational field as a single ship…” Wang Sen finally understood the Xuefeng’s current situation and said extremely worriedly.

“They calculated the timing well and deliberately blocked us at this time.” Wang Shuhua clenched his fists, wishing to punch this group of people into the center of the black hole.

“It’s useless to be angry. It’s all our fault for being too careless along the way.” Qi Yiming comforted Wang Shuhua: “Let’s contact the other party first. Maybe we are overthinking, or they may be an expedition fleet passing by and seeing us. Just here to help.”

But when Qi Yiming was about to establish contact with the other party, Zhou Hao ordered the fleet to set up a formation and launch a surprise attack.

Hundreds of blasting laser beams enveloped the Xuefeng like a big net.

“Fuck…” Qi Yiming cursed in a low voice and issued an order to the ship’s brain: “Ares, activate the emergency combination procedure and include the Wise Man in the combination.”

Although Naruto Qi is on the Wise Man, he can still issue combination orders to the Ares through the fleet command system.

“The emergency combination procedure is started, steps 221, 3112, and 4231 are skipped, and the Wise Man has been included in the combination.”

Xuefeng, which was originally in semi-combination mode, completed the preliminary combination within ten seconds. The main body began to slow down and flew on the same plane as the Wise Man.

Although the two warships are within the gravitational field of the black hole, the two warships are still approaching slowly and with difficulty.

In the end, the Wise Man was placed on the upper part of the Ares’ bow.

But even so, Xuefeng still suffered intensive attacks during the combination process.

Multiple parts of the ship’s hull were penetrated by explosive lasers, and hundreds of crew members were thrown out of the battleship.

Moreover, after the combination was completed, Xuefeng was once again pulled toward the center of the black hole by the gravitational field of the black hole because it lost the engine thrust of the Lightning, Redemption, Hammer, and Wise Man.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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