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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 157 Gravity Slingshot

Looking at Xuefeng being pulled back by the black hole’s gravitational field again, Zhou Hao smiled proudly.

He contacted the captain of the Xuefeng through directional communication: “I am Zhou Hao, a first-level agent of the Business Alliance Intelligence Department, captain of the Xuefeng. You have only two options now, either surrender to us or be trapped by the black hole.” Devour.”

Faced with the sudden attack, Qi Yiming was angry but not distracted.

He is very aware of the current status of the Xuefeng. As Zhou Hao said, the completed Xuefeng has no ability to escape the gravitational field of the black hole.

“Fight with them…” Wang Shuhua said angrily: “Even if you die, you will have to pull a few backers.”

Of course Qi Yiming would not sit still and respond to Zhou Hao’s request with Xuefeng’s main gun.

However, in order to stabilize the Xuefeng from being quickly pulled toward the center by the black hole’s gravitational field, the Xuefeng not only supplied all the energy of the ship to the engine, but also supplied most of the energy provided by the Lightning to the engine, making the Xuefeng’s engine Entering an overload state.

Therefore, the attack intensity of the dozen or so main guns on the Xuefeng was not high. They only caused a little trouble for Zhou Hao’s fleet, which was quickly dealt with by Zhou Hao.

Captain Wang Shuhua slammed his fists on the console of Xuefeng’s bridge: “I can’t beat you again and again… I can’t run away… It’s so frustrating.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll get rid of this bunch of bastards sooner or later.” Qi Yiming said to Wang Shuhua in a relaxed tone.

“Do you have a way for Xuefeng to escape from the black hole’s gravitational field?” He Zhenzhu’s senses were very sensitive.

From the beginning, he felt that Qi Yiming was too calm. When encountering such a fatal situation, even people who are not afraid of death will show some psychological fluctuations.

Qi Yiming raised his eyebrows and glanced at He Zhenzhu: “You women still have sensitive senses. Have you ever heard of a gravity slingshot?”

As soon as Qi Yiming finished speaking, He Zhenzhu’s face immediately burst into laughter.

If the Xuefeng was still deep in the black hole’s gravitational field, Qi Yiming would have refuted it if he brought up the gravitational slingshot, but the Xuefeng had already flown to the edge of the black hole’s gravitational field.

If not for the interception of the fleet in front of them, they would have escaped from the black hole’s gravitational field and embarked on the journey back to Gaia.

But the current situation is very different. It cannot get out from the black hole’s gravitational field. Xuefeng can completely use the black hole’s gravitational field as its own power, and use the gravitational slingshot effect to fly out from the black hole’s gravitational field again.

Wang Shuhua also became quiet when he heard the words “gravitational slingshot”.

As an experienced captain, he was certainly aware of the gravitational slingshot effect. However, the sudden incident and the fact that he was about to escape and was intercepted by a group of people made him a little nervous, so he did not think of this method.

“But using the gravitational slingshot effect, the Xuefeng will fly past the edge locked by the black hole’s gravitational field.” Wang Shuhua, who calmed down, expressed his worries: “With the strength of the Xuefeng’s hull, can it withstand the black hole?” Gravity field tearing?”

“We can only trust the Xuefeng…” Qi Yiming was not too sure: “Everyone is wearing spacesuits in the cabin, and be prepared to withstand the pressure.”

So the Xuefeng turned its bow under the strange looks of Zhou Hao and others. The tail engine sprayed out a long tail flame and began to accelerate towards the black hole.

“Holy shit… these people are crazy…” Zhang Qiao exclaimed, “What should we do now?”

Zhou Hao was also confused. Why did he go to such an extreme without even talking about it?

“We are watching here. Although we cannot capture this battleship, we must watch it being swallowed by the wormhole.” Zhou Hao reluctantly issued an order to the fleet to stay on alert.

They saw with their own eyes that the Xuefeng’s speed was getting faster and faster, just like a warrior on the battlefield, rushing forward towards an enemy they knew was invincible.

The atmosphere inside the Xuefeng was equally tense and depressing.

The Xuefeng was accelerating rapidly along the course calculated by the scientific officer, and all four engines were in overload mode.

It can be seen from the channel that Xuefeng will pass the edge of Xuefeng locked by the black hole’s gravity in thirty hours.

It was shown on the channel that if Xuefeng was not torn to pieces by the black hole’s gravity, they would be ejected from the other side of the black hole’s gravitational field by the gravitational slingshot effect one day later.

As the Xuefeng’s speed increased and it got closer and closer to Hedong, the harsh and twisted sound of metal being pulled could be heard from all parts of the Xuefeng’s hull.

Every time there was a sound, the crew members on the Xuefeng would break into cold sweats.

Gradually, the piercing metallic buzzing sound became more and more intensive, until finally the ear-splitting sound of metal friction could be heard on the Xuefeng every minute.

For thirty hours, all the members of the Xuefeng, who had been tortured by this sound, finally came to the moment when fate would judge them.

At this time, everyone was pressed tightly to their seats by the acceleration caused by the powerful black hole’s gravity, and their facial expressions were painful and distorted.

When the Xuefeng passed the point closest to the black hole on the channel, Qi Yiming even lost the concept of time at this moment.

He saw that the countdown that had been set early slowly turned to zero at the last second, and the negative sign originally set before the countdown also slowly disappeared.

When the plus sign appears again on the surface, the timer also changes from red to green.

The whole process was actually just a moment, but Qi Yiming felt like he had spent a whole decade.

The next second Qi Yiming’s realization returned to normal again, and the facial expressions of the crew members were still so painful.

But it was barely able to sail, and everyone was relieved. After all, Xuefeng passed the most dangerous moment safely.

Zhou Hao, who had witnessed the whole process in the black hole’s gravitational field, no longer knew how to describe his mood at this moment.

He slapped his forehead in annoyance: “Gravity slingshot, why didn’t I think of gravity slingshot…”

“Is it too late to go around and block them now?” Zhang Qiao finally returned to normal after a brief period of confusion.

“It’s too late… don’t run now, wait for the Xuefeng to come around and finish us off.”

“But our mission…”

“What kind of missions do you care about at this time? It would be nice to go back if you are alive…” Zhou Hao wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: “Every ship, pay attention, turn… We rushed back to the alliance territory at full speed, and there were three entire ships on the border. The organic military fleet is waiting to support us.”

Although he said this, Zhou Hao did not have any hope that they could successfully escape.

According to his observations of the Xuefeng during this period, the jump speed of the Xuefeng was definitely much faster than that during the period they were tracking.

If the Xuefeng wanted to pursue them, it could completely block them on the way back.

Now he can only do his best and leave things to fate. Whether he can safely withdraw to the commercial territory depends on God’s will.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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