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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 160 Fight! !

Although he easily defeated the fleet led by Zhou Hao, Qi Yiming was never happy.

Qi Yiming knew what he wanted to do, but the performance of people like Zhou Hao on the battlefield gave him a great impact.

It’s not that he doesn’t have the confidence to defeat the enemy, but that even in a country in a remote area of ​​mankind that is composed of an alliance of business groups, there is a group of soldiers with such firm beliefs. Those from more powerful countries must not be able to defeat the enemy. How weak would it be.

After all, these people are precious resources for mankind. If these brave and determined warriors are consumed in a war to unify mankind, Qi Yiming will really feel heartbroken.

“They should die on the battlefield against the Zerg, not on the battlefield where human beings are at war with each other.” Qi Yiming muttered quietly.

Then Qi Yiming shook his head again, driving away these thoughts from his mind.

“What am I thinking? Even if I want to use a peaceful means to integrate human forces, then I must have corresponding strength. Without strong strength to rely on, no matter how beautiful my thoughts are, it will be of no use. The human world In the end, strength will speak for itself.”

After thinking about this, Qi Yiming no longer struggled with the current situation. What he should now consider was how to bypass the border blockade imposed by the Business Alliance on them.

Qi Yiming did not believe that the top management of the Business Alliance only sent a small fleet to intercept him.

“Is it possible to fight back all the way like this?” Looking at the navigation path on the star map, that long path almost crosses the entire territory of the Business Alliance. If we fight all the way back like this, not to mention Qi Yiming and the others. It was unbearable. First of all, the combat supplies on the Xuefeng were not enough to support them in such a long combat march.

“It looks like we have to have another meeting…” Qi Yiming frowned: “I hated meetings before, but I didn’t expect that I would have to have meetings every day now.”

Complaints are complaints, but Qi Yiming finally gathered everyone on the bridge of the Xuefeng.

Everyone stood in front of the star map in the Xuefeng bridge, all with sad faces.

To be honest, Qi Yiming and the others are facing a dead end now.

A path that spans almost the entire business alliance would take nearly half a month to fly, even with the support of a jump bridge.

It is impossible to contact the people left behind in the Awakener Galaxy.

Although Xuefeng’s combat power is powerful, it is only for small-scale operations.

If you want to face a huge interstellar fleet alone, it is really no different from dying.

“Perhaps we can choose to cooperate with the business alliance?” He Zhenzhu said weakly, obviously she also knew that her suggestion was a bit inappropriate.

Unexpectedly, Wang Shuhua immediately stood up and objected after hearing this: “Haven’t you seen clearly the hypocritical faces of these so-called high-level people? They are still living a life of drunkenness and dreaming even though they know that there are insect swarms.”

“I’m not just saying this casually…”

Seeing that Wang Shuhua wanted to refute, Qi Yiming hurriedly stepped forward to stop him: “Cooperation is impossible. They don’t care about the survival of mankind and have poured so much dirty water on us awakened people. I would rather lead everyone back than fight back.” Will choose to cooperate with them.”

Qi Yiming looked around and continued: “The purpose of calling everyone here is to let everyone brainstorm and see if there is any good way to bypass the interception of the regular fleet of the Business Alliance and return to the Awakener Galaxy as soon as possible.”

Everyone fell silent, each frowning and thinking.

After a while, Wang Sen timidly raised his right hand.

Qi Yiming smiled and said: “We are not in class here. You don’t need to raise your hands to speak. If you have any ideas, just say it.”

“Why don’t we fly away from the ecliptic plane of the Archaic Galaxy? With Xuefeng’s navigation level, flying away from the ecliptic plane won’t cause us to get lost, right?”

Qi Yiming shook his head: “I have considered this method, but when it left the black hole’s gravitational field, the Xuefeng consumed too many energy blocks and flew away from the ecliptic plane. We couldn’t bypass the Business Alliance without supplies. Fleet on the border.”

Following Wang Sen’s speech, everyone expressed their thoughts, but unfortunately they were all rejected one by one.

In the end, Qi Yiming could only say helplessly: “It seems that we can only go head-to-head with each other.”

“Let’s fight, we may not lose!” He Zhenzhu was also angry at this time. After thinking of so many ways but being rejected, ten people would be angry.

“Then let’s analyze the battlefield situation.” Qi Yiming drew a line on the star map with his hand, and two border maps of the business alliance appeared in front of everyone.

“The only borders we can reach now are these two areas.” Qi Yiming pointed to the star map: “The first chapter is about the border we have to pass after setting off from the ancient galaxy to reach our current location. This is where we came out from. ”

Then he pointed to another star map: “This is a little farther away, but we can also reach our current location.”

“I think the Business Alliance will focus on intercepting us on the line of the Ancient Galaxy.” Wang Shuhua pointed to the border close to the Ancient Galaxy.

Qi Yiming nodded: “Wang Shuhua and I have the same opinion, but no one can say for sure. After all, the Business Alliance has more than one established interstellar fleet. No matter where we choose to break through, we will face a tough battle.”

Qi Yiming took a deep breath and looked at his companions around him: “Pay attention, the hard battle I mentioned may actually result in the death of someone. In the past, except for facing the insect swarm, other battles were small scenes, but this time we have to face It’s a fully-organized interstellar fleet.”

“Mr. Qi, just tell me your plan. Every battle I experience with you is a battle of life and death.” Wang Sen still used to call Qi Yiming Mr. Qi.

He has been following Qi Yiming for the longest time. Except for the recent battles that were about abuse of food, the other battles were all fatal battles in his opinion. However, in the end Qi Yiming still relied on the powerful combat power of the Xuefeng to create A miracle that does not belong to this era.

Although Wang Shuhua has not been with Qi Yiming for a long time, he has a mysterious sense of trust in the Xuefeng: “Führer, please directly issue the battle plan. I believe that the Xuefeng will never let us down. “

Only He Zhenzhu was still a little hesitant. As an awakened person who had just joined Qi Yiming’s team, he didn’t know enough about this new world. He didn’t have an intuitive understanding of the combat power of human warships. He was thinking about the battle plan. Sometimes, consciously or unconsciously, we always compare the combat power of the current human fleet with the combat power of the former human federation fleet.

In her concept, even if the Xuefeng belongs to the most elite strategic strike fleet of the Human Federation, it is impossible to defeat an entire interstellar fleet with one battleship.

Qi Yiming patted He Zhenzhu on the shoulder: “We must have confidence in our federation’s technology. Although this battle will be dangerous, we have a chance of winning.”

Qi Yiming said so, and He Zhenzhu could only smile bitterly and nodded.

“Since everyone thinks we should fight, I will issue a combat order.” Qi Yiming changed his bitter expression and once again stood confidently in front of the star map.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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