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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 165 Surprise

Boarding battle is actually the type of combat that Qi Yiming most desires. He knows that Xuefeng’s advantage will be greatly weakened by the number of enemy warships when facing a large number of interstellar warships. But boarding battle Qi Yiming is completely Have the confidence to surprise the other person.

The two warships quickly completed the docking and opened a communication channel for each other’s warships.

Wang Ruilin, who was originally full of confidence and wanted to use his numerical advantage to crush Qi Yiming, turned pale in an instant after the two ships entered the boarding battle.

The first is the difference in the weapons used by combatants on both sides.

When the marine troops dispatched by Wang Ruilin saw the Xuefeng’s internal defense troops holding an electromagnetic assault rifle, the morale they had been inspired by was gone.

A group of people stood helplessly at the entrance of the passage, neither retreating nor advancing.

It’s not that they don’t have thermal weapons in their hands, but when they look at the small-caliber electromagnetic pistols in their hands, and then look at the internal guards on the opposite side who are armed to the teeth, it’s already remarkable that they didn’t collapse in the first place.

But when they informed the follow-up personnel to rush into the Xuefeng with electromagnetic assault rifles that were only used in planetary landing battles, a scene that made them collapse even more happened.

A group of Marines encountered a five-man team on the attack route and thought they had encountered a soft persimmon.

When the ghosts screamed and rushed forward, they did not expect that the five-person team dropped a ball with a diameter of half a meter, and then disappeared at the end of the passage.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that one of the outer armor of the Xuefeng was turned into a hornet’s nest by ammunition flying from the inside of the battleship.

You can see through the bullet holes that the Marines who just wanted to pinch themselves were lying on the ground. In front of them stood a half-meter-high combat robot with a small energy armor of about one square meter on the front. The muzzle of the electromagnetic rotating machine gun on it was white gas, and it was slowly stopping its rotation.

Qi Yiming had no intention of using humans to fight from the beginning of the boarding battle. There were many such in-ship combat robots in the Xuefeng’s warehouse.

The Marines who rushed onto the Xuefeng were quickly wiped out by the internal guards in less than ten minutes.

The surprise Qi Yiming gave Wang Ruiling could no longer be called a surprise, it was already a shock.

Although the regulations for boarding battles of the military in various countries are much stronger than those of the Star Pirates, and they have begun to use thermal weapons, but compared with the Xuefeng’s unscrupulous use of combat robots, it is simply a dimensionality reduction blow to Wang Ruilin.

But now it was impossible to break away from the contact, and it was impossible for Qi Yiming to allow Wang Ruilin to calmly break away from the contact between the two ships.

“Since you want to engage in a boarding battle, don’t blame me for bullying you…”

After giving an order, under the leadership of the combat robot inside the ship, the combatants of the internal defense force rushed into Wang Ruilin’s ship along the temporary passage between the two ships.

The internal security forces that rushed into the enemy ship were quickly divided into groups, and each group was accompanied by three in-ship combat robots.

Under the strong fire suppression of the combat robots, each cabin of the enemy ship was gradually lost.

Soon the internal defense troops occupied the bridge.

Wang Ruilin is also worthy of respect. Knowing that the situation was over, he ordered the fleet to attack his flagship with all his strength without any estimation, and then committed suicide by gunshot.

Qi Yiming saw that he could not use Wang Ruilin to make a fuss, so he quickly withdrew his combatants and continued a fierce battle with the remaining enemy ships.

The captain under Wang Ruilin has a very tenacious will to fight and executes orders very thoroughly.

Not long after Qi Yiming withdrew all combatants, Wang Ruilin’s flagship was sunk by his comrades’ concentrated fire.

“So decisive…” Qi Yiming spat.

However, although the subsequent battle was still difficult for the Xuefeng, the risk of the Xuefeng being sunk was gone, and Qi Yiming no longer had any worries.

With full firepower, the Xuefeng continued to fight for more than two hours before wiping out the entire Commercial Alliance Second Fleet.

Looking at the Xuefeng’s injuries, it was found that the integrity of the internal structural layer had dropped to 23%, and the outer armor was slowly recovering.

Looking at the starry sky filled with debris, Qi Yiming breathed a sigh of relief.

In this battle, even if he had little luck, he would not be able to defeat the interstellar fleet in front of him.

“We can’t stay here any longer. I guess they have already called for support.” Qi Yiming just glanced at the battlefield that had just fallen silent, and immediately ordered the Xuefeng to accelerate into the jump channel and successfully enter the territory of the Business Alliance.

In fact, it is much safer for Xuefeng to enter the territory of the Business Alliance.

After all, there were too many escape paths he could choose.

The Commercial Alliance does not have that many fleets to block the Xuefeng’s channel.

Besides, the bridge-jumping fleet that guards each galaxy cannot do any tricks in front of the Xuefeng.

The only thing we need to worry about is that the Business Alliance continues to intercept them at the border with the Ancestral Star Territory. However, at the border of the Ancestral Star Territory, we can already use deep space communicators to contact the personnel left behind on Gaia Star to come and respond.

With the experience of taking on an entire fleet with a single ship, Qi Yiming is no longer worried about being captured by the Commercial Alliance fleet even with backup.

When the Xuefeng was fleeing wildly within the Business Alliance, Genoa also received a report from the military department.

Genoa looked at the battle briefing in his hand and was speechless for a long time.

No matter how powerful the Xuefeng’s combat power was, she never expected to annihilate the entire alliance’s front-line combat fleet.

And this kind of thing cannot be made public. After all, the news that a single warship wiped out an entire alliance fleet is too shocking.

If it were announced, she would definitely take the blame and resign, and she might even go to jail.

Taking advantage of the situation, Genoa ordered the cessation of the pursuit of the Xuefeng.

“Your Excellency, are you going to let that warship leave like this?” The secretary was obviously a little unwilling.

“What else can we do if we don’t let him go? This kind of thing cannot happen again when a full main fleet is completely wiped out. Even the fleet cannot suffer any more damage, otherwise I will have to be pulled out and shot…” Genoa He threw the battle briefing harshly on the desk in front of him.

“This kind of thing can completely shift the responsibility to the front-line commanders…” the secretary whispered to Genoa.

Unexpectedly, Genoa’s eyes widened and he stared at his secretary: “Do you want this country to fall into civil war?”

The secretary was so frightened that she quickly shut her mouth.

“It’s not like you don’t know how protective those old stubborns in the military are.” Genoa’s tone softened: “Draft a document and say that the Second Fleet suddenly encountered a galaxy-level disaster during the exploration process, and all of them were killed…”

The secretary immediately took out the electronic information board in his hand and started recording.

“All the crew members of the Second Fleet will be posthumously awarded the Alliance First Class Exploration Badge, and the golden blond pension will be doubled… Government departments must properly arrange for families in need.” After speaking, Genoa once again stared at his secretary and said word by word: “You give I kept a close eye on the pensions distributed this time. If anyone dared to reach out, I would chop off their hands. No matter what, these soldiers are fighting to the death for the alliance. Even if there are thousands of reasons, they cannot chill the hearts of the soldiers. Okay, go ahead. Let’s do something.”

After the secretary finished recording, he quietly exited the president’s office.

Genoa was sitting alone at his desk, tapping the fingers of his right hand on the tabletop, and kept chanting: “Xuefeng… Xuefeng…”

But what she didn’t know was that a conspiracy against the business alliance had begun to brew and was on the verge of breaking out.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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