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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 166 Chaos arises

In the Calero Galaxy of the Business Alliance, in the meeting hall of the Kabul Business Family, a group of gorgeously dressed business nobles were whispering in the hall, and the scene seemed a bit chaotic.

At this time, a middle-aged male voice with a strong voice interrupted everyone’s discussion.

“I believe you have heard the news about the destruction of the Second Fleet?” As the head of the Kabul family, Vincent Kaboul has been involved in politics and business for nearly a century, and has already reached out to the military.

The news of the destruction of the Second Fleet was immediately notified to him by the military boss.

“Everyone here is the core member of the family, so I won’t beat around the bush.” ​​Vincent Kaboul pointed to the information board in front of everyone and continued: “The above is the power we can control. If our family wants to be in power, this is an excellent opportunity.” Opportunity.”

“Uncle, what do you mean?” Femi Kabul is the most promising member of the younger generation in the family.

He glanced at the information on the information board and looked at his uncle with a somewhat uncertain look.

“Our ancestors have been living under this starry sky since before the establishment of the commercial alliance. When the alliance was established, our family was fully capable of establishing a territory on our own.”

Seeing that Uncle Vincent seemed to be telling the ancient history of the family’s development, Femi interrupted him: “Uncle, that is all in the past. We have to focus on the future, right?”

“Don’t worry, little Fermi. I just want to tell you that our family has contributed a lot to the alliance, but in the end we only received preferential treatment of five thousandths of the tax rate within the alliance. Members of our family cannot even enter politics. Do you think this is fair? “

Hearing this, Fermi was also filled with indignation.

As an ambitious young man, his biggest wish is to enter politics and then reach the pinnacle of power.

However, the shackles that have been placed around the necks of the Kabul family members since the founding of the Alliance caused the aspiring young man to lose the opportunity to gain access to rights early on.

“Of course it’s not fair…” But after saying this, Fermi sat back in his seat like a deflated rubber ball: “But members of the Kabul family cannot enter politics. This is a condition that the alliance government exchanged for low tax rates.”

“Bullshit low tax rate. If it hadn’t been for the strong support of the family ancestors, they wouldn’t have been able to fight a decent war.” Vincent Cabourg suddenly slammed the coffee table next to him.

“What’s the result? When the business alliance is established, the first one to be abandoned is our Kabul family. They are afraid that we will seize power from them.”

“But uncle, what’s the use of talking about this now?” Femi muttered softly.

The core members of the Kabul family who participated in the meeting began to whisper to each other again, and most of them were cursing the perfidy of the top executives of the business alliance.

“Shut up…” Vincent stood up and walked to the center of the meeting hall: “One of the alliance’s main fleets has been wiped out. The second fleet originally stationed in the Calero system was destroyed. This is an excellent opportunity for us. Chance.”

The venue was buzzing with discussion again. Vincent raised his voice and said loudly: “I have only one request for you now. Use all the resources in your hands to cause chaos in the alliance. The more chaos, the better!!”

“But, uncle…what good does this do to us?” Femi looked at the slightly excited Vincent Kaboul in confusion.

Everyone else looked at Vincent with the same look.

Vincent Kaboul stopped and looked around and said loudly: “We will build our own empire.”

“Empire?” Femi’s eyes were suddenly filled with desire for power.

“Yes, only the noble royal family can fully demonstrate the greatness of our Kabul family.” Vincent calmed down his excitement: “All of you here are core members of the family. Your fate is closely tied to the fate of the family. I don’t need to say more about this. I can’t reveal the detailed plan to you yet. Now you just need to follow my arrangements. I will naturally explain everything to you after the incident.”

The members of the Kabul family actually don’t have many choices. As Vincent said, the rise and fall of the family is closely related to each of them.

Soon everyone left the meeting hall and used all the resources at their disposal to try to throw the alliance’s stable political situation into turmoil.

At this time, Qi Yiming and his friends were wandering through the Business Alliance in confusion.

The battle at the border a few days ago seemed to have nothing to do with them. The security force responsible for guarding the bridge jump did not even conduct too many inquiries on the Xuefeng.

“What the hell is going on? You were fighting life and death just a second ago, why is there no movement now?” After Xuefeng activated the jump bridge to the next galaxy again, he looked at Wang Shuhua standing next to him in confusion. With Congratulations Pearl.

“You have a bone disease? Isn’t it a good thing if people don’t chase you?” He Zhenzhu rolled her eyes at Qi Yiming: “You have to be chased like a rabbit to be happy?”

“Perhaps the powerful combat power of the Xuefeng scared the big guys at the Commercial Alliance Military Headquarters, and now they feel like they are trying to avoid the enemy?” Wang Shuhua groped his chin as if talking to himself.

“Anyway, we can rush back to the Awakener Galaxy in half a month. I hope the road ahead will still be so smooth.” Although Qi Yiming didn’t understand the business alliance’s approach, he could easily go back to Qi Yiming. Yiming was still very happy.

But when they were about to reach the junction of the Business Alliance and the Ancestral Star Territory, something suddenly happened in the Business Alliance.

The waterway that was originally crowded with commercial transport ships suddenly flooded with a large number of armed merchant ships. Qi Yiming even saw dozens of interstellar fleets led by battlecruisers.

Qi Yiming was a little nervous at first, thinking that this was not for the Xuefeng, right?

But gradually he discovered that something was wrong. All the battleships were moving in the same direction.

Curious Qi Yiming stopped an armed merchant ship on the road and asked about the situation.

The captain of the armed merchant ship just hurriedly said a few words to Qi Yiming and continued on his way.

“Uprising? The high-level officials of the alliance embezzled pension funds? The families of the war dead were sent to remote star areas to mine? Where is this? Why did the chaos suddenly break out?” Wang Shuhua was confused for a moment.

However, Qi Yiming did see some clues.

“Maybe there was something wrong with the fleet we killed, and the current situation was caused by the push of thoughtful people.” Qi Yiming licked his dry lips.

He was having a headache about how to expand his own power, but he didn’t expect that his desperate efforts to kill a fleet actually caused chaos within the business alliance.

How could he, as an ambitious man, miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

“Our opportunity has come. Let’s return to the Awakener Galaxy to prepare for war.” Qi Yiming urged the navigator to speed up the voyage.

“What do you mean?” As a woman, He Zhenzhu’s sense of smell is still not very sensitive in this area.

Wang Shuhua said from the side: “This is indeed a rare opportunity.”

“You two are so busy talking about this, what chance do you have?”

Qi Yiming and Wang Shuhua looked at each other and saw excitement in each other’s eyes.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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