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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 168 Expansion

Under Qi Yiming’s instructions, everyone quickly entered the state.

The fleet reorganization was taken over by Wang Shuhua, and Wang Sen was assigned by Qi Yiming to be responsible for the logistics support of the entire fleet. During this trip, Qi Yiming found that Wang Sen was indeed not suitable to be a front-line commander.

As for the others, Qi Yiming asked them to be the captain of a battleship they liked. As for the positions, they could only be assigned after Wang Shuhua reorganized the fleet according to the organization he gave.

In fact, Qi Yiming’s fleet organization for Wang Shuhua is very simple. With the number of warships he currently has in hand, if based on the former Federation’s interstellar fleet organization, it is simply impossible to form a full interstellar fleet.

The former Human Federation adopted a very large fleet organization, which means that a fully equipped interstellar fleet consists of 5 Titan-class super flagships, 10 Chimera-class aircraft carriers, 50 Warrior-class battleships, and 100 Blade-class battlecruisers. , composed of 500 Grizzly-class cruisers, 800 Sickle-class destroyers and 1,300 Petrel-class frigates.

These are just combat ships. Each battle will also have fifty to sixty special destroyers assigned to the fleet that are responsible for battlefield electromagnetic suppression and battlefield intelligence collection.

Coupled with some logistics transport ships and battlefield maintenance ships, Ling Ling finally came to a fully-equipped interstellar fleet with nearly 4,000 warships.

The few battleships in Qi Yiming’s hands are not even a fraction.

Wang Shuhua looked at the fleet establishment list in his hand, with mixed feelings in his heart: “There are only a few battleships, and you give me such a large establishment, what should I do?”

Later, Wang Shuhua simply divided all the warships on hand into two groups. The combat group and the logistics group were simple and crude.

Qi Yiming didn’t say much after reading it. He just nodded and gave Wang Shuhua a thumbs up.

In fact, as far as the current situation is concerned, the fleet establishment is not important. The warships in Qi Yiming’s hands were all built by the Engineer in the past few months, and the technical standards are all those of the former Human Federation.

Therefore, the number of battleships cannot be said to be crushing, but the quality of battleships can definitely crush any established fleet.

If coupled with the optimization of the firepower output of each warship by the Wise Man on the battlefield, Qi Yiming can actually directly order the entire army to attack at the beginning of the battle without any command at all.

“Let’s do this for now. The current population on Gaia is too small and can only support a fleet of this size. When our power expands and we have enough population, the fleet organization list in your hand will definitely be realized. Yes.” Qi Yiming patted Wang Shuhua on the shoulder.

Wang Shuhua also understood that it was very easy for Qi Yiming to quickly expand the size of the fleet with the Engineer at his side, but it was no use having a battleship but no one to pilot it.

Two days later, the fleet was reorganized. Qi Yiming waved his fleet and followed the order, heading straight for the border system between the Commercial Alliance and the Ancestral Starfield.

At first, Qi Yiming thought he would encounter fierce resistance. After all, to the citizens of the Business Alliance, Qi Yiming and the others were considered an invasion by foreign enemies.

But as Fang Min said, the fleet only encountered small-scale resistance when attacking the free airport in the border system. When the fleet occupied the airport and prepared to seize the administrative star below the airport, the ground actually sent a letter of surrender early.

None of the forces that knew the news had much reaction. Only the official business alliance sent a stern warning to Qi Yiming.

However, Qi Yiming just glanced at it and threw the warning letter aside.

Moreover, the fleet did not stay at the border for long. After establishing a small forward base in the newly occupied galaxy, the fleet was broken into pieces and immediately radiated to the surrounding galaxies.

In just one week, they successively occupied four galaxies. Although only one of the four galaxies has habitable planets, the other three galaxies are all resource galaxies.

There are a large number of rare mineral deposits inside them, and capturing these three galaxies is of great significance to Qi Yiming’s future development.

In the end, all the fleets gathered in the Lando star system, which was an important channel connecting the borders of the Commercial Alliance.

By observing the star map, we can know that as long as Qi Yiming captures this galaxy, he can cut off the connection between the commercial alliance and the current occupied area.

In this way, Qi Yiming can calmly complete the digestion of the occupied area, and at the same time, the defensive pressure will be greatly reduced.

However, the senior officials of the Business Alliance are not fools. They also understand the importance of the Lando System, so they have deployed a large number of warships in the Lando System since the rebellion began.

If he wants to capture this galaxy, Qi Yiming may have to put in some effort.

However, according to the news brought back by the survey fleet sent earlier, although there are a large number of fleets stationed in the Lando system, the combat effectiveness of these fleets is not very strong.

Most of the warships are temporarily requisitioned caravan frigates, and only a small part of the fleet belongs to the local garrison.

After obtaining detailed information about the fleet stationed in the Lando system, Qi Yiming immediately ordered the fleet to start attacking and eliminate all enemies in the Lando system as quickly as possible to avoid long nights and dreams.

A battle of this scale is the best way for Qi Yiming’s fleet to train their troops.

Therefore, Qi Yiming did not let the Xuefeng rush to the front line, but just pressed the formation behind the fleet and stabilized the fleet from disintegration when necessary.

However, as the fleet commander, Wang Shuhua performed very steadily, making maximum use of the excellent performance of his own warships even when the number of warships was not dominant.

Through large-scale maneuvers, they pulled the formation of the Lando system’s garrison fleet, fought several beautiful annihilation battles while the garrison fleet was exhausted, and successfully ate up several A-class fleets led by battlecruisers in the garrison fleet.

In the end, the defenders of the Lando system had to gather the fleet and huddled in the sky above the habitable planets of the Lando system in a final desperate struggle.

After many trials, Wang Shuhua commanded the fleet and was unable to successfully break through the enemy’s defense line. Only then did he ask for help from Qi Yiming, who had been staying behind.

In fact, according to Qi Yiming’s idea, he did not want to take over the command prematurely.

This kind of hard nut is a good training opportunity for the current fleet under Wang Shuhua. However, intelligence collected from all parties shows that the Business Alliance has regrouped two full fleets and is on the road day and night. I hope Get here before Qi Yiming takes over the Lando Galaxy.

As the only entrance to the border system and the hinterland of the Business Alliance, Qi Yiming did not dare to make any mistakes at this time. Since the purpose of training troops had been initially achieved, stabilizing the current situation became the focus.

So Qi Yiming took over the command of the fleet again.

Under the eager eyes of everyone, the Xuefeng slowly came to the front of the battle line and turned on its flagship lights.

“Attention, all ships, use this ship as the base point to arrange the spindle formation…”


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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