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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 169 Precision Firepower

The spindle formation is a commonly used impact formation, and it is also an attack method that can quickly tear apart the opponent’s defense.

It stands to reason that Qi Yiming’s fleet is at a disadvantage in terms of quantity, but it far exceeds the opponent in terms of quality of battleships.

In this case, Qi Yiming should lead the fleet in a long-range artillery battle with the enemy.

Look for opportunities in the opponent’s pull, consume the opponent’s vitality, and then wait for the opportunity to launch an attack to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

But no one expected Qi Yiming to be so confident and take the lead in launching an attack when his own warships did not have an advantage in number.

In fact, it’s not that Qi Yiming is reckless, but that he is confident that he can defeat the enemy in one fell swoop under such circumstances.

“Every ship pays attention to receiving tactical information.” Qi Yiming clicked on the control panel in front of him a few times, and sent the battlefield information collected by the Wise Man to each warship through the tactical data link.

While each ship is receiving tactical data, on the information panel in front of the captains and on the battlefield situation map in the bridge, the enemy warships have already been ordered to attack according to the threat level by the Wise Man.

The target information received by each warship is different. The commander of each warship only needs to attack according to the target information sent on the tactical data link.

But when the attack was launched, the enemy commander laughed.

“Where does this rookie commander come from? If the spindle formation wants to tear apart the enemy’s defense line, concentrated fire attack is the first condition.” Jia Yichao sat relaxedly on the captain’s chair and commanded his fleet to defend.

“Attention, all ships, focus your fire to attack the enemy ship at the front of the spindle formation.”

As the commander of the Lando system defense fleet, Jia Yichao suffered a lot in the early battles.

But fortunately, he didn’t act stupid at the critical moment, and immediately gathered the fleet and launched key defenses.

The administrative star of Lando Galaxy is the top priority, so the defense line here is also the most sound.

Relying on the most sound defense line of Lando Galaxy, he has successfully defended for three days, and he has stabilized the fleet that was about to collapse.

“The enemy fleet has not taken advantage of the attacks in the past few days. It seems that the commander has been changed.” Jia Yichao was still sitting leisurely in his seat and talking to his adjutant in a relaxed tone.

After all, his attack orders had achieved remarkable results.

The Xuefeng’s speed dropped significantly under the enemy’s concentrated fire attack, which caused the entire fleet’s impact speed to slow down.

But Qi Yiming didn’t seem to be in a hurry at all. He still emphasized that each warship should attack according to the information sent by the tactical chain, while Xuefeng only slightly tilted the ship’s energy to the nanorobot production line inside the Guardian.

The Guardian, which received additional energy supply, maintained Xuefeng’s outer armor at a safer level.

Wang Shuhua, Ye Lu and Qiao Shan all seemed extremely anxious.

They knew that if the Spindle Formation entered an artillery battle when the attack was frustrated, it would easily be outflanked by the enemy from both sides and trapped in a pincer attack.

Sure enough, after the Xuefeng reduced its impact speed, the enemy quickly separated two small fleets and circled the two wings and launched an attack.

But they don’t have the right to command, they can only watch, and it’s useless to worry.

Just when everyone thought that the attack was about to end in failure, they suddenly discovered that the situation had changed slightly.

First, there were loopholes in the enemy’s main formation, and warships at several key nodes supporting the enemy’s formation were destroyed or paralyzed one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the enemy fleets that circled around the two wings also suffered a blow, and the fulcrum of the formation they had just formed was also broken.

Before Jia Yichao could figure out what happened, his own fleet fell into a very passive state.

In fact, in this relatively static offensive and defensive battle, the role of the defensive fulcrum is very obvious.

As long as one fulcrum is broken, the entire line of defense must be adjusted accordingly, otherwise it will be easy for the enemy to seize the opportunity to break through.

But the problem is that the defense line set up by Jia Yichao himself, Qi Yiming used the Wise Man’s precise grasp of the battlefield situation to break through several defensive supports in an instant.

It is undoubtedly a fantasy to adjust the defensive formation under such circumstances.

There is no suspense about what happens next.

Qi Yiming seized the opportunity and led the fleet in a concentrated fire attack, tearing a big hole in the defense line that had already lost its defensive fulcrum and exposed flaws.

Immediately afterwards, they launched another attack, easily splitting the enemy’s defensive fleet into two halves, and the fleets on both sides suddenly fell into a melee.

And the melee is perfect for Qi Yiming, who owns the Wise Man.

Qi Yiming can guarantee that in the melee, each warship will never fight independently. Detailed orders are transmitted from the tactical information desk of each warship at all times.

Sometimes they are asked to move to a certain coordinate position, and when they move to the designated position according to the order, they either cover the friendly ship, or they occupy an excellent attack position and send it to a certain enemy ship. A fatal blow.

At this time, there was a sharp contrast between the fleet command channels of both sides.

In Qi Yiming’s command channel, everyone was reporting on their status and results, without any sign of confusion.

And Jia Yichao’s fleet command channel has long been in chaos.

“Our ship was hit by concentrated fire and requested support from friendly ships.”

“Our ship’s main gun was destroyed and lost its combat capability…”

Jia Yichao, who was chatting and laughing with his adjutant just now, was now clinging to the armrest of the captain’s chair in embarrassment, trying hard not to be thrown out of the warship by the strong attraction, and he could not even bother to command the battle.

The melee only lasted twenty minutes, and the defensive fleet showed signs of collapse.

But Qi Yiming didn’t want this group of enemy troops to collapse. He wanted to annihilate them all.

If it is just a defeat, the subsequent work of eliminating the remaining enemies will be very troublesome.

Seeing that the support fleet of the Business Alliance will arrive soon, if this garrison is allowed to break up and hide in the Lando system, problems may arise in the defensive battle at that time.

Therefore, this enemy force must be completely annihilated or captured, and reducing the enemy’s range of activities becomes the top priority.

However, this is not difficult for Qi Yiming. Through the battleship control interface, Qi Yiming transmits his tactical intentions to the Wise Man’s shipboard brain that monitors the entire battlefield situation.

In less than thirty seconds, a detailed combat plan was placed in front of Qi Yiming.

Qi Yiming signed it after carefully reading it and confirming it was correct.

Soon each warship received new tactical instructions.

This fool-like command method actually suppresses the growth of human commanders to a large extent. However, in the war against the insect swarm, the serious lack of experienced mid-level and low-level commanders led to the birth of this tactical system.

Of course, from a tactical perspective, the Wise Man can only avoid making big mistakes.

Moreover, the quality of Qi Yiming’s fleet in this battle was higher than that of the enemy, and Jia Yichao’s commanding ability was indeed not brilliant. This gave Qi Yiming the conditions to use this fool-like command system.

Do a little activity:

The naming rights of Ye Lu’s ship.

I will add a character card of Ye Lu. From the beginning of the event to the end of this week, the readers who get the strongest support can get the naming rights of Ye Lu’s ship.

Event rules: No gifts allowed! ! Note that gifts are not allowed! ! No gifts allowed! The boost I get from giving gifts will be deducted during settlement, so don’t give gifts to add boost.

Friends from other stations can go to the Qidian APP to participate in the event.

You can feel free to do anything else. The counting time will be this weekend, and the winning readers will be announced next Monday.

If you can’t find Ye Lu’s character card on the homepage, you can click More Characters next to it and you should be able to find it.

Special thanks to book friend Zhu Das for the tip. You have obtained the naming rights for Wang Shuhua’s ship. Please send me the name before 6 pm today.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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