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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 172: Taking Chestnuts from the Fire

Xuefeng entered the jump channel while everyone was stunned.

When Xue Shaopeng saw all this, he laughed wildly. He pulled the adjutant beside him and said, “Look…this is the Xuefeng that destroyed the Second Fleet. We only slightly showed the electronic warfare capabilities that surpassed her.” , actually escaped like this.”

The adjutant also laughed, but he was a little curious. Since Xuefeng was escaping, why did it choose to accelerate into the jump channel in the direction of their fleet?

Xue Shaopeng went on to say: “Look… everyone is already in a panic. The escape is actually accelerating in the direction of our fleet, which shows how poor the Xuefeng commander’s psychological quality is.”

“Sir, since the Xuefeng is about to escape, can our reconnaissance mission come to an end?”

“How could I let go of this perfect opportunity to make a name for myself? Since the opponent’s backbone is about to run away, we might as well do nothing and defeat the enemy before the main fleet arrives. I believe that with our strong firepower Even if the output is high, they won’t be able to hold on for long…”

After Xue Shaopeng saw the Xuefeng enter the jump with his own eyes, he immediately decided to temporarily change his mission. He wanted to single-handedly take back the Lando galaxy from the enemy before the main fleet arrived.

“Every ship pay attention, keep the formation unchanged, and attack the enemy in front of you with all your strength.” After making up his mind, Xue Shaopeng immediately gave orders to each warship and directed his own ship to advance slowly.

But the next second, a shrill alarm sounded in the bridge, and then the fleet command channel became chaotic.

“There is a space distortion in the center of the fleet formation…it’s the Xuefeng…”

“The electronic warfare warship was hit and the engine was damaged…”

“High-energy response…the enemy ship’s main gun fires…”

“The outer armor of the electronic warfare warship was penetrated, and there were casualties!!”

A series of warnings came one after another, making Zhou Shaopeng a little confused.

He immediately pressed the fleet communication button and asked loudly: “What’s going on? Why did the Xuefeng appear in the center of our formation? And it’s so close to the electronic warfare warship?”

“We don’t know what happened, but she suddenly appeared at her current location.”

“You don’t know what it means? The Xuefeng has clearly entered the jump channel…” Suddenly Xue Shaopeng froze in place as if he had been hit by something, and murmured to himself: “Impossible. It’s impossible for the energy of the jump engine to be controlled so accurately?”

But no matter how much Xue Shaopeng denied it, the facts were right in front of him.

Xuefeng indeed appeared in the center of their spherical array, and appeared right next to the electronic warfare warship.

As soon as he left the jump channel, Qi Yiming ordered the weapon commander to reduce the charging intensity of the main and secondary guns to the minimum, in order to use a fast and dense design to instantly sink the enemy’s electronic warfare warship.

The intensity of the Xuefeng’s firepower did not disappoint Qi Yiming. In less than ten seconds, the two electronic warfare warships that Zhou Shaopeng protected at the center of the fleet were severely damaged by the Xuefeng’s intensive firepower. .

After the Xuefeng ship’s dozen main guns were fully charged, the red light from the muzzles announced the sinking of another electronic warfare warship.

Seeing that his precious baby was about to be sunk, Xue Shaopeng shouted like crazy on the fleet channel: “What are you waiting for? Why don’t you hurry up and set fire to the Xuefeng?”

However, although Xue Shaopeng’s fleet directly under the ball formation array often exercises, they have never tried to attack inside the formation.

After all, no one would have thought that one day an enemy ship would appear inside the spherical array.

At Xue Shaopeng’s urging, each warship opened fire one after another.

However, the Xuefeng is almost face to face with the electronic warfare warship, which will inevitably cause accidental damage.

Xue Shaopeng watched helplessly as his precious knot was torn apart by the double firepower of friendly and enemy ships, and then watched helplessly as the Xuefeng accelerated and entered the jump channel again against its own firepower.

A few minutes later, Xuefeng returned to its own defense line.

The entire raid took less than ten minutes, and the Xuefeng was in the jump channel most of the time.

Seeing the Xuefeng returning to his own fleet intact, Xue Shaopeng completely lost his mind.

After being a commander for so many years, when had he ever been humiliated like this?

Today, even for the sake of my own honor, I have to fight to the end with the Xuefeng.

However, as a reconnaissance fleet, the number of warships under Xue Shaopeng’s hands is limited.

In terms of the number of battleships, Zhou Shaopeng does not have an advantage, and is even at a disadvantage. If it weren’t for the presence of two electronic warfare warships, they would probably have been wiped out by Qi Yiming near the jumping bridge.

Now that two special warships were forcibly sunk by Xuefeng in the most extreme way, it can be said that Xue Shaopeng’s reconnaissance fleet has become a dish in Qi Yiming’s eyes.

Killing them Qi Yiming didn’t take much effort, and the Wise Man’s battlefield detection system wasn’t even turned on.

He just ordered each warship to find its own target and fire freely.

Without electromagnetic suppression, the fire control radars of each warship started working normally.

Within a few minutes, a large number of explosive lasers were fired at the reconnaissance fleet led by Xue Shaopeng.

The precise and ferocious firepower immediately woke up Zhou Shaopeng, and the attacking fleet immediately stopped.

Xue Shaopeng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and then remembered to carefully observe the enemy’s defense line.

The mission he received was to detect the enemy’s situation. If he lost too many warships without detecting the enemy’s situation clearly, then Xue Shaopeng could just shoot himself, because even if he went back with the remaining fleet, he would inevitably be sent away. Go to the gallows.

“Sir, let’s evacuate quickly before the losses are too big!!” Xue Shaopeng’s adjutant was also advising at this time.

Qi Yiming’s fleet only conducted one attack, and Xue Shaopeng lost 7 destroyers and two cruisers.

Based on this rate of battle losses, it would take less than half an hour for his direct fleet to be fully accounted for here.

Xue Shaopeng went from being ambitious at the beginning to being furious after being attacked by the Xuefeng, to being powerless now. His emotional ups and downs made him feel as if he had collapsed, and he sat helplessly on his command chair.

He looked up at his adjutant, raised his right hand and waved it feebly a few times: “Retreat.”

There is still room for recovery for Zhou Shaopeng in retreating under this situation. The worst-case scenario is that he will be dismissed from his post due to poor command, and his life can be somewhat saved.

Looking at the enemy fleet withdrawing from the battlefield in an orderly manner, Qi Yiming did not order a pursuit.

The failure to complete this reconnaissance fleet has little impact on the entire battle situation. The most critical situation now is how to deal with those special electronic warfare warships when facing the enemy’s main fleet.

In the face of small-scale fleet battles, he can also use the Wise Man’s precise battlefield detection capabilities to conduct short-distance precise jumps to achieve the purpose of surprise attack.

But in a large-scale fleet battle, suddenly appearing in the center of the enemy’s formation is no different than dying.

Qi Yiming had to find a way to solve this thorny problem, otherwise he would have to abandon the Lando Galaxy and return this transportation thoroughfare to the Business Alliance.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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