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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 178 Strategic Retreat

The energy shield was defeated, and Qi Yiming immediately fell into a dilemma.

If we abandon the Lando Galaxy, the previously occupied systems will have to be abandoned due to lack of troops.

But if he doesn’t give up, even though Zhou Can can drink a pot of these warships in his hand, he will have to answer here in the end.

“The population is still too small. The young people of Gaia’s age, excluding those in important positions, can only build such a fleet. Otherwise, there is no need to plot against the opponent so carefully.” Wang Shuhua took a few pictures helplessly. Get off the armrest of the captain’s chair.

“Now we can only retreat.” He Zhenzhu took the lead in bringing up a topic that everyone had mentioned recently.

“Hey…this Wang Sen, he lost his temper at the critical moment!!” Ye Lu said angrily: “It’s been almost two weeks and he still hasn’t come back. If I had known, I would have personally escorted the drone.”

Qi Yiming shook his head: “This cannot be blamed on Wang Sen. Gaia is not close to here. After he returns, he will have to go to the galaxy where the Engineer is located. It is a bit difficult to come back in a short time.”

“I don’t know what kind of luck this bullshit alliance got. A sample just taken out from the laboratory, without any verification, actually defeated our energy shield in one fell swoop.” Qiao Shan looked at the overload. The shield generator with the mode countdown looks incredible.

“I think we should fight hard. Don’t be reluctant to part with these warships. If they are broken, we can rebuild them.” Yun Mao, who did not know much about the situation on Gaia, said loudly. He is now the top officer of the internal defense force.

Fang Min, who knew the situation best on Gaia, immediately objected: “We are not short of battleships now. What we are short of is people. Without enough manpower, no matter how many battleships we have, it will not help.”

This was the most noisy time in the fleet command channel since Qi Yiming became the head of state. Qi Yiming was heard loud and clear.

“Everyone be quiet!!” Qi Yiming shouted at everyone: “What’s the noise!?”

The fleet command channel immediately fell silent.

After everyone calmed down, Qi Yiming continued: “Get rid of the enemy in front of you first.”

Qi Yiming was not a reckless man. He did not choose to fight to the death with the Alliance fleet when he knew he was outmatched, but once again chose to avoid its edge temporarily.

So after the fleet made some symbolic counterattacks, Qi Yiming immediately ordered the fleet to abandon the last line of defense, and all warships evacuated the battlefield in an orderly manner.

All the battleships came to the jump bridge connecting the Lando galaxy to the outside world to regroup.

Taking advantage of the gap before the enemy could catch up, Qi Yiming immediately used the deep space communicator to try to contact Wang Sen.

Now whether Wang Sen can arrive in time becomes the key point of this battle.

But what disappointed Qi Yiming was that they did not receive a reply from Wang Sen.

Qi Yiming’s last glimmer of hope was shattered by the silent deep space communicator.

He knew that even if he received Wang Sen’s reply now, Wang Sen would still be at least two days away from the Lando Galaxy.

The past two days have passed, and Qi Yiming and the others have long been driven out of the several systems they just captured by the alliance fleet. This is what Qi Yiming least wants to see.

But just when Qi Yiming was about to order the fleet to activate the bridge jump and leave the Lando galaxy, the deep space communicator finally responded.

“This is the logistics fleet. Where is the call coming from?” The voice belonged to Wang Sen. At this moment, Qi Yiming had never thought that the words spoken by Wang Sen’s drake voice could be so pleasant and moving.

Qi Yiming grabbed the microphone of the deep space communicator and immediately asked: “Report your current location.”

“Führer, we have just passed the boundary between the Ancestral Star Territory and the Commercial Alliance, and are rushing to the Lando Galaxy.” Wang Sen heard Qi Yiming’s voice, which was a little unkind, and immediately corrected his attitude and answered Qi perfectly. Yiming asked.

“We are meeting in the Cole Galaxy.” After Qi Yiming gave Wang Sen an inexplicable sentence, he immediately ordered the fleet waiting around the jump bridge to activate the jump bridge.

“Landu Galaxy just gave up?” Wang Shuhua was still a little unwilling and asked Qi Yiming angrily.

“Today’s big step back is to make a leap forward tomorrow.” Qi Yiming didn’t explain much. He just said this and ordered the navigator to activate the jump bridge. The Xuefeng quickly disappeared in the Lando galaxy. This is a galaxy that has just experienced the baptism of war.

When Wang Shuhua heard this, he thought to himself: “This is the rhythm to accumulate strength for counterattack!”

Random no longer questioned Qi Yiming, and also ordered the navigator of his ship Knight to activate the bridge jump and disappear into the Lando galaxy along with Xuefeng.

Seeing those people hurriedly abandoning their defenses and escaping from the enemy fleet, Zhou Can could not help but curse: “They are a bunch of cowards who fled with their tails between their legs as soon as the energy shield was defeated. Don’t be stunned and catch up with me. You must collect and pay for your losses in one go.” Several border galaxies.”

Zhou Can, who was chasing after Qi Yiming’s fleet, really didn’t expect that Qi Yiming would retreat so completely.

After the Alliance fleet followed Qi Yiming and activated the jumping bridge to reach the Proxima Galaxy, they actually lost track of Qi Yiming.

By the time the battleship radar officer discovered Qi Yiming’s traces, Qi Yiming had already led the fleet to the jump bridge connecting the next galaxy.

The fleet did not stay longer before jumping off the bridge. All warships immediately started jumping off the bridge as soon as they entered the range where the bridge jumping could be activated and continued flying to the next galaxy.

The two sides flew in pursuit for two days, and Qi Yiming finally arrived at the Cole system with his fleet.

At this time, Zhou Can excitedly said to the adjutant: “Send a battleship to the capital star to bring back the news that we are about to regain the fallen border star field. Alliance citizens need this good news to boost their morale.”

“Isn’t it a little too early at this time?” The adjutant was still more cautious. He very much hoped that Zhou Can would send a good news to the capital galaxy after completely retaking the border star field.

However, Zhou Can, who was so proud at this time, could not listen to other people’s persuasion, and stubbornly asked the adjutant to arrange the departure of the warship that conveyed the news.

The adjutant couldn’t help but obey the order, and soon the warship responsible for delivering the message was sent out.

“Where is the next galaxy?” Zhou Can asked the navigator with a cup of steaming coffee in his right hand.

“Sir, the next star is the Cole star system adjacent to the Ancestral Star Field.”

“Okay… let everyone work harder and drive out the invading enemies in one go.” Zhou Can became even more happy when he heard this: “After completing the mission, I will report everyone’s achievements in detail. Follow me and you will The future is definitely bright.”

“Thank you, Captain.” There was a flurry of flattery in the fleet channel.

Only Zhou Can’s adjutant stood aside with a frown on his face, seeming to be thinking about this.

Zhou Can patted the adjutant on the shoulder with a smile on his face: “What are you thinking about? Are you so absorbed?”

“The enemy is retreating too fast. I always feel that the enemy is cheating.” The adjutant expressed his worries.

Zhou Can sneered: “What can they do if he doesn’t return it? Their weak military strength is their Achilles’ heel. If the Landu Galaxy is lost, they won’t have the extra troops to defend each galaxy. They can only choose to spit out the swallowed galaxies.” , you think too much…”

The adjutant smiled and kept praying in his heart: “I hope my worries are unfounded.”


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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