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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 18 Development Mission

After helping the Wang family successfully repel Zheng Hu’s raiding fleet, Qi Yiming finally gained a foothold in the Wang family.

Since he did not accept Wang Zhengfeng’s generous gift, he had to stay on the Gray Rock Star for a while until he collected enough energy blocks to support his long journey before he could say goodbye to the Wang family.

Qi Yiming is not in a hurry. Going to the former federal capital star is a long journey, and he doesn’t care how early he starts. According to Qi Yiming’s wish, he just needs to reach the capital star before he dies of old age.

So the star thieves around the Wang family were once again in bad luck.

Qi Yiming leaves early every day and returns late every day, single-handedly completing all the tasks on the Wang family’s task list related to clearing out the star thieves.

Logically speaking, Wang Zhengfeng should be happy that the security environment around Xuannv Galaxy has improved, but he has not been happy at all these days.

For no other reason, Qi Yiming had almost finished replacing the high-concentration energy blocks in the warehouse.

So much so that the number of energy blocks to be distributed to retainers next month is not enough.

“Wang Sen, this Qi Yiming has high combat power and is indeed of great benefit to our Wang family. The problem is that the number of energy blocks we have is a bit insufficient.” Wang Zhengfeng scratched his head in pain.

“Father, I will ask the people below to increase production capacity as soon as possible and fill the gap in the energy blocks in the warehouse.”

“This is secondary. The main thing is that we can’t let Qi Yiming continue like this. What will you do to the other retainers if this continues?”

Although Wang Zhengfeng expelled some retainers who had just joined the Wang family as punishment because they fled the battlefield.

But Wang Zhengfeng, the retainer who could stay, didn’t want these people to just hang around and wait to die. To put it bluntly, if retainers had extra money, they could increase the combat power of their own battleships. The increase in the combat power of the retainers was equivalent to the increase in the Wang family’s combat power.

But the problem is that Qi Yiming has cleared all the tasks of clearing out the star thieves, and Wang Zhengfeng’s speed in completing the tasks cannot keep up with Qi Yiming’s speed in clearing out the star thieves.

Wang Sen looked at his father who was both in pain and joy and rolled his eyes: “Father, why don’t you let Mr. Qi go to an unfamiliar galaxy with me to explore.”

“Go on.” Hearing Wang Sen’s thoughts, Wang Zhengfeng suddenly became interested.

“You can appoint Mr. Qi to go with me to carry out the development mission, and the merit points will be higher. This way Qi will not have to waste time and effort to accumulate merit points when he shows up, and it will also give other retainers the opportunity to make extra money.”

“Well, that makes sense. But isn’t it a bit inappropriate for us to send out the pioneering team before Elder Fang Minfang leads the team to develop? You don’t know that the operating expenses of a pioneering fleet are very high. Let’s No matter how rich the Wang family is, they can’t afford to have two pioneering fleets working at the same time.” Wang Zhengfeng said with a frown.

“Father, have you forgotten Mr. Qi’s combat power? In the past, the cost of developing a fleet was high because it was necessary to organize a full fleet led by cruisers before it dared to set off. But Mr. Qi’s combat power only needs to be equipped with a supply ship. Able to complete pioneering tasks alone.”

Wang Sen and his father murmured in the conference room for a long time and finally decided to send Qi Yiming to the K-28 galaxy to perform a pioneering mission.

Qi Yiming didn’t react much when he was briefed on the mission, but when he finally heard that the merit points were as high as 500, Qi Yiming pulled Wang Sen towards the airport where the Xuefeng was parked without saying a word.

He kept complaining along the way: “Why didn’t you tell me earlier about a mission with such a high merit value? It made me leave early and come back late every day…”

In fact, the past two days have been quite painful for Qi Yiming. After all, going out to fight Star Thieves every day means crushing the game, but no matter how much you do, it will be very boring.

In addition, that old fox Wang Zhengfeng secretly increased the exchange price of energy blocks.

Originally, it only took 50 merit points to exchange for an energy block, but now it has increased to 100 merit points to exchange for one.

Qi Yiming realized that it was nothing, it was just a matter of killing a few more groups of star thieves.

The problem is that this has made life miserable for the other retainers. It was not easy for the retainers to earn merit points by completing tasks, but their lives were even more difficult. However, due to Qi Yiming’s tyrannical fighting power, they dared not speak out in anger.

This time it was better. I heard that Qi Yiming was going to lead a team to do a pioneering mission. The retainers rushed to tell each other excitedly, and some even celebrated grandly.

But these are not important to Qi Yiming, he only wants merit points. After learning that this pioneering mission had a total of 500 merit points, Qi Yiming happily set off on the Xuefeng.

He didn’t even wait for his supply ship.

Seeing the Xuefeng riding in Juechen, the captain of the supply ship scratched his head and asked Wang Sen: “Young Master, should I give chase now?”

“How to chase? Can the supply ship catch up with Xuefeng at a speed? Forget it, Mr. Qi must have his own considerations.” Wang Sen helplessly let the supply ship return to its berth.

In fact, Qi Yiming didn’t want to bring a supply ship at all. He had to know that if he brought one more battleship back, he would have one more captain to share the 500 merit points with him. Qi Yiming didn’t want others to eat from his bowl. .

Besides, he was the only one on the Xuefeng, so what kind of supply ship did he need? As long as there is enough energy, the food synthesis machine on the ship can provide Qi Yiming with basic life support.

The K-28 galaxy is 27 light years away from the Xuannv galaxy. At the speed of the Xuefeng, plus the exploration time, it would take half a month to go back and forth.

When Wang Zhengfeng heard that Qi Yiming set off as soon as he received the mission, he breathed a sigh of relief: “I can finally relax for half a month.”

Two weeks later, Wang Zhengfeng held a grand welcome ceremony at the Gray Rock Star Airport. Don’t misunderstand, he was not welcoming Qi Yiming, but welcoming another pioneering fleet of the Wang family brought out by Fang Min.

Strictly speaking, Qi Yiming’s mission this time can only be regarded as a prelude to the development mission. Just like when Wang Sen met Qi Yiming, Wang Sen was also doing the development mission at that time, but he was only responsible for the early investigation and filter.

Fang Min’s pioneering mission this time was considered a pioneering mission in the true sense. Not only did he find a better livable planet for the Wang family, but he also brought back a lot of people to the Wang family.

Population is an indispensable resource for the Wang family in the development stage.

Only with a large population base can the Wang family select qualified battleship pilots to form more interstellar fleets.

Battleships are not a problem, as long as you have money you can buy them, but it is very embarrassing for no one.

Seeing the people being driven off the ship like cargo, Wang Zhengfeng couldn’t help but feel a sigh of relief.

My ancestors, like these people, were used as a strategic resource and suffered various plunders.

It’s just that Wang Zhengfeng’s ancestors were lucky. Through their efforts, the Wang family was as strong as it is today.

“Be kind to those people and let them adapt to the new environment as soon as possible.” Wang Zhengfeng ordered the retainers responsible for settling the plundered people.

In fact, signs of human activities can be seen on many naturally habitable planets in this star field. The difference is that some humans have already stepped into the universe while others are still living like savages.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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