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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 180 Stalemate

With the lessons learned from the past, Zhou Can had actually been preparing for Qi Yiming to make another short-distance precise jump.

When he saw the familiar combination of Xuefeng and Azure again, he immediately ordered the fleet to be on alert, and at the same time mobilized all the powerful battleships in the fleet to the surroundings of the modified battlecruiser.

The only particle energy cannon that could defeat the shield also began to charge. Fortunately, the Xuefeng and Azure launched a fatal attack the moment they appeared beside him.

When Qi Yiming saw the internal movements of the opponent’s fleet, a smile finally appeared on his lips.

He didn’t really go up to fight with the fleet of the Business Alliance. Qi Yiming’s purpose was just to harass and prevent the other party from attacking his main force with all their strength.

However, the fleet of the Commercial Alliance has an absolute advantage in terms of numbers. By mobilizing part of its troops to carry out key defense, Zhou Can still has a lot of mobile troops in his hands to continue to attack Qi Yiming’s main fleet.

There is no other way, Qi Yiming can only let the Xuefeng continue to carry out the attack mission as planned. He believes that as long as the Xuefeng brings greater pressure to the opponent, the Commercial Alliance fleet will first concentrate its forces to deal with the Xuefeng, and then attack again. Concentrate on dealing with Qi Yiming’s main fleet.

Xuefeng and Azure decisively accelerated into the jump channel under the worried eyes of everyone.

Wang Shuhua immediately took over command of the fleet and continued to lead the fleet back and forth in front of the enemy’s formation in search of fighters.

At this time, Zhou Can ordered the fleet to move forward and continue to compress the enemy fleet’s activity space. At the same time, he also ordered the warships responsible for performing key escort missions to be more vigilant and ready to attack the Xuefeng that was about to appear in front of them.

A few minutes later, Snow Peak and Azure appeared accurately near the modified battlecruiser.

The two battleships that had just escaped from the jump were violently attacked by the Alliance fleet at the first opportunity.

Thousands of burst laser beams are also mixed with artistic milky white particle energy beams.

“The shield strength dropped by 5512 points.” Qiao Shan immediately reported the damage to the energy shield to Qi Yiming.

Half of the 10,000-point defense strength was wiped out at once. Qi Yiming had anticipated this situation and was not as nervous as Qiao Shan.

“The Azure gave up all weapon charging, transferred all energy to the shield generator, and tried to increase the recovery speed of the shield. The Xuefeng will also help.” Qi Yiming was very calm.

After giving new instructions to Qiao Shan, he turned around and asked the weapons commander: “Has the charging of the super-heavy main gun been completed?”

It’s not that Qi Yiming doesn’t want to recharge the weapon before the jump, but no matter what form of energy is in the jump channel, it will collapse on its own for no reason. Charging in advance can only be a waste of energy.

“Thirty seconds left…” The weapon commander looked at the charging status of the super-heavy main gun.

Qi Yiming calculated in his mind that with the current state of the Azure’s energy shield, it could still sustain a round of attacks.

The enemy’s attack interval is about twenty-five to thirty seconds. The particle energy cannon’s attack interval is slightly longer, and it takes about a minute to complete a charge.

“Hold on, at least let Xuefeng complete one main gun salvo.” Qi Yiming said to Qiao Shan.

Qiao Shan just nodded silently, and then stared at the status panel of the energy shield in front of him.

At this time, the energy shield restored its defense strength at a rate of 771 points every ten seconds, even though the Azure Sacrifice sacrificed its attack power.

Although the Xuefeng also provided support to the Azure, the Xuefeng needed to quickly recharge the super-heavy main gun. In fact, its support for the Azure was very limited, and it did not increase the recovery speed of the shield much.

Even so, after the Xuefeng completed a main gun salvo, regardless of whether the battlecruiser was severely damaged or not, Qi Yiming must immediately accelerate into the jump channel with the Azure and evacuate from the center of the enemy fleet, otherwise What awaits them is the destruction of the ship and the loss of lives.

But how could Zhou Can let Qi Yiming complete the attack on the battlecruiser so easily.

When he saw the two super-heavy main guns on Xuefeng’s back starting to charge, Zhou Can immediately ordered the modified battlecruiser to adjust its fighting position and try to use friendly ships to protect his body.

At the same time, he commanded his own ship to block Xuefeng’s firing range.

Zhou Can didn’t want to do this kind of thing of blocking the gun holes, but there was no way. He couldn’t order other warships to block Xuefeng’s firing range, otherwise it would easily cause a mutiny in the fleet.

Even asking the battlecruiser to use friendly ships to evade was an order given through a special channel.

The battleships surrounding the Xuefeng did not realize that Zhou Can had betrayed them in order to preserve the trump card in his hand.

Seeing the battlecruiser Qi Yiming neatly hiding behind the fleet group, there was nothing they could do. Their maneuvering space had long been blocked by Zhou Can, and there was no way to adjust the firing range in time. In the end, they could only watch the super-heavy main gun. The two purple beams shot flew past the battlecruiser’s hull.

However, two cruisers and a dozen destroyers were sunk. Another battlecruiser responsible for escort was penetrated by a purple beam of light. It could only slowly leave the fleet and retreat to the rear for emergency repairs.

Even so, Qi Yiming was not upset. Xuefeng and Azure did not stay in place for long. After the main gun was fired, they immediately began to accelerate and soon entered the jump channel, disappearing in front of Zhou Can again.

When the Snow Peak and Azure appeared again, they had already broken away from contact with the Alliance fleet.

At this time, the Xuefeng fully supported the Azure, allowing the Azure’s shield recovery rate to reach 1321 points every ten seconds.

A minute later, the energy shield’s defense strength returned to 10,000 points again. Qi Yiming just said to Qiao Shan: “Let’s go…”

The two battleships turned around and entered the jump channel again.

This time, Qi Yiming was not prepared to fight with the battlecruiser, but instead aimed to kill and injure the enemy’s effective forces.

There is no requirement for the Azure to fully provide energy for the shield generator. They only need to ensure that the Xuefeng and Azure immediately evacuate from the enemy fleet after the shield withstands the second blow.

As a result, the number of injuries faced by Zhou Can increased rapidly.

The battleships originally arranged for key defense were quickly sunk or severely damaged one by one by the Xuefeng, which changed its style of play. The modified battlecruisers were gradually exposed to the Xuefeng’s gun muzzle.

Zhou Can had no choice but to mobilize the fleet again from the confrontation front to supplement the escort fleet.

Wang Shuhua, who was traveling with the fleet, felt very strenuous, and the fleet suffered very heavy losses.

Under the continuous attacks of the enemy fleet, they had lost half of their destroyers, and more than a dozen cruisers broke away from the fleet, activating the nearby jump bridge and leaving the Cole system.

But as time went by, Wang Shuhua felt keenly that the pressure on his shoulders was weakening.

On the enemy’s front, many heavy-firepower warships were mobilized away from the front.

Wang Shuhua knew that Qi Yiming’s plan was working, but he was very worried about Qi Yiming and Qiao Shan, fearing that something would go wrong with them.

Fortunately, what he had been worried about did not happen, but things were developing in a good direction.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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