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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 181 Fake Surrender

More and more warships joined the encirclement and suppression of Xuefeng and Azure.

But the scene made Zhou Can extremely angry.

Every time Xuefeng and Azure appeared next to them, all the warships participating in the encirclement and suppression would immediately open fire.

Even with the addition of the particle energy cannon, it still couldn’t defeat the Azure’s shield in one blow.

The closest thing to success was when the Azure’s shield strength was wiped out by more than 8,000 points at once. Qi Yiming was so frightened that he did not even attack. As soon as the two warships escaped from the jump, they accelerated back to the jump channel again, breaking away from the enemy. s contact.

Zhou Can was so angry that he threw two water glasses to calm down his rage.

Zhou Can, who originally had a very clear combat idea, was gradually irritated by Qi Yiming’s harassing style of play. When the Xuefeng successfully escaped from under his nose again, Zhou Can finally took advantage.

“The attack cluster continues to compress the enemy’s main fleet’s activity space.” Although Zhou Can was over the top, he still had some sense, so he did not give up suppressing Qi Yiming’s main fleet, but the attack intensity was reduced a lot.

This is all because Zhou Can recalled all battlecruisers and above-level battleships on the front line, preparing to give the Xuefeng a big surprise.

When Zhou Can made all preparations and waited for the Xuefeng to arrive, the Xuefeng returned to his own fleet, and then led the fleet to quickly retreat towards the nearby jumping bridge.

In fact, there is nothing surprising about this. The commanders of both sides benefited from their respective advanced battlefield surveillance systems and were fully aware of what was happening on the entire battlefield.

How could Qi Yiming be so stupid as to choose this moment to make another short-distance jump, knowing that the opponent was gathering heavy troops to take down the Xuefeng in one fell swoop?

The wisest thing to do is of course to return to your own fleet, and then take the fleet to temporarily break away from the enemy and reorganize your formation to prepare for the next battle.

Time passed quickly, and Qi Yiming’s rogue style of play actually delayed him for half a day.

It was less than half an hour before Wang Sen’s logistics fleet arrived in the Cole system, but Qi Yiming’s main fleet was already at the end of its tether.

Qi Yiming, who was originally at a disadvantage in terms of the number of warships, had lost nearly 60% of its effective combat power after half a day of fighting.

The remaining warships were all injured. No matter how much Qi Yiming attracted Zhou Can’s attention, he could not let the fleet continue to engage in guerrilla warfare with the enemy.

What’s more, in order to kill the Xuefeng, Zhou Can had already tightly protected the battlecruiser with more battlecruisers and some battleships.

In desperation, Qi Yiming could only lead the fleet to fly to the jumping bridge.

In fact, when nothing can be done, everyone can quickly escape from the Cole Galaxy.

However, the continued decrease in the number of battleships gave Qi Yiming a modest consolation prize.

When the remaining battleships are arranged closely, the medium-range energy shield of the Azure is just enough to wrap all the battleships in it.

So the Azure became the center of the fleet again, and all the warships closely surrounded the Azure.

Zhou Can commanded the huge fleet to the vicinity of the jumping bridge with a hideous smile.

The modified battlecruiser once again appeared at the forefront of the Alliance fleet. The particle energy cannon carried on the hull had completed charging early, and as soon as it entered the range, it launched a large number of extremely high-energy particle streams. The energy shield deployed towards the Azure.

The rest of the Alliance warships also opened fire.

Although the strength of the medium-sized energy shield was slightly higher than that of the ultra-large-scale energy shield, under the fleet salvo organized by Zhou Can, the energy shield did not even flicker, and was defeated in the blink of an eye. The generator also went into overload mode.

At this moment, Qi Yiming’s entire fleet was exposed to the cannons of the Alliance fleet.

At this time, Zhou Can’s anger slowly calmed down, and he remembered the instructions given to him by Alliance President Genoa.

Moreover, the opponent had no intention of retreating, and seemed to be preparing to make a desperate struggle by jumping off the bridge.

Zhou Can, who didn’t know the truth, thought that the commander of the Xuefeng received an order to defend, and he felt a little aggrieved that such a talented commander and a powerful ancient battleship became someone else. abandoned son.

Zhou Can felt that his opportunity to persuade the other party to surrender had come.

So he just ordered the fleet to tightly surround Qi Yiming and the others, without rushing to launch an attack, and then ordered the communications director to send a communication request to the Xuefeng.

Qi Yiming, who was worrying about how to delay the last half hour, suddenly received a communication request from the alliance fleet commander, and Qi Yiming immediately had a new idea.

“This is the opportunity you gave me to delay time. No wonder I’m so mean…” Qi Yiming ordered the communications director to accept the other party’s communication request and asked Wang Shuhua to contact Wang Sen. He then began to act with Zhou Can. .

The call between the two parties was nothing more than business bragging. Zhou Can said that the league’s top management admired Qi Yiming very much and hoped that Qi Yiming could abandon the dark side and serve the alliance.

Qi Yiming said that not all of the battleships were his people and that he had to be given time to clean up the supervising team on the battleships.

Zhou Can, who really didn’t expect Qi Yiming to talk to him just to buy time, generously gave Qi Yiming ten minutes to deal with the supervising team when he saw that there was hope of persuading him to surrender.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Can contacted Qi Yiming again, and the two argued back and forth about the treatment after surrender.

Qi Yiming used the excuse that the alliance must give him a clear answer before he would surrender, but Zhou Can said that it would take time to discuss with the alliance’s top management, and he could not make the decision.

While the two were arguing back and forth, Wang Shuhua quietly said to Qi Yiming through the fleet channel: “Wang Sen is here.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of space distortion points appeared around the bridge, with more than a hundred in number.

Qi Yiming’s mouth twitched a few times and he cursed in his heart: “How many drones did Wang Sen and his gang bring? Did they mobilize so many transport ships?”

Of course, Zhou Can also discovered the anomaly in the space near the jumping bridge. When he hung up the communication with Qi Yiming with a curse, and was about to order the fleet to launch a general attack, he saw that what emerged from the twisted space was actually a model ship. Various small transport ships.

The largest transport ship is no more than a thousand kilometers long.

When Zhou Can hung up the communication and was about to apologize to Qi Yiming for overreacting, the communications director told him that the other party had rejected all their communication requests.

“Every ship should be on alert.” Feeling that something was amiss, Zhou Can immediately ordered all warships to raise their alert level, but he couldn’t figure out what would happen even if there were hundreds of transport ships to support him?

Zhou Can was puzzled and muttered in a low voice: “Transport ships can’t fight. Could it be that he wants to use the transport ship’s thick armor layer to withstand our firepower and make those transport ships speed up and hit our warship?”

But the next second he saw a scene he would never forget.

Qi Yiming asked Xuefeng to activate all the drones she could control as soon as Wang Sen came out of the jump.

With the existence of the Wise Man, the number of drones that the Xuefeng can control has doubled from the original 50,000 to 100,000.

Dense drones took off from the transport fleet and arrived at the front of the battle line.

Zhou Can was dumbfounded when he saw so many drones. He had never heard of an aircraft carrier that could command so many fighters at one time?

What a failure, only three book friends participated in a small event.

But I still want to thank everyone.

From the results given by the system, we can see that book friend Mosin Fries has obtained the naming rights for Ye Lu’s ship. Please give Ye Lu’s ship a name in the comment area.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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