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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 183 A solid step

After watching the remnants of the Ninth Fleet leave the Lando Galaxy, Qi Yiming set about arranging the defense of the Lando Galaxy.

Because the Lando Galaxy is the only channel for the Business Alliance to connect to the border star field, Qi Yiming only needs to keep an eye on the entrance to the Lando Galaxy and the hinterland of the Business Alliance.

As long as there is no large-scale enemy attack, defense is not difficult.

Qi Yiming placed all the fleets at hand in the Lando galaxy. As for the other galaxies he occupied, Qi Yiming handed them over to Qiao Shan and asked him to take a dozen warships to sort out several galaxies.

All warships that did not explicitly express surrender would be sunk.

After arranging the defense of the Lando galaxy, the next step is to accept the several administrative stars that occupy the galaxy.

Qi Yiming is not very concerned about several resource galaxies. What he cares about most is the two habitable planets.

These two livable planets are different from Gaia. Although they are located on the border, the alliance has been operating here for hundreds of years.

The quality of the population on the planet is still very good.

The combined population of the two habitable stars is close to 10 billion. Adding in the colonial population of several resource galaxies, the population under Qi Yiming’s control is now close to 15 billion.

This greatly alleviated Qi Yiming’s problem of insufficient manpower.

As for the management issues on these planets, as Wang Shuhua said at the beginning, humans on several planets have no response to the change of political power.

It seems that the just-concluded battle for the Frontier Star Territory did not have much impact on their lives.

This will help Qi Yiming establish a new order.

After a series of purges, Qi Yiming decisively kicked out die-hard members of the alliance from all management levels, and transferred a large number of administrative personnel from Gaia to various government departments.

At the same time, the blockade on humans on the planet was also relaxed, allowing them to purchase personal aircraft and leave the planets where they lived.

Of course, Qi Yiming’s own calculations were also involved.

After Qi Yiming’s management, Gaia Star has formed some large enterprises, especially the rapid development of private spacecraft manufacturing industry.

As the number of private spaceships on Gaia becomes saturated, promoting the right to free navigation on newly occupied planets will not only provide these large enterprises with new business growth points, but also bring benefits to Qi Yiming’s government. Received more taxes.

This allows Qi Yiming to have more of himself to build a large number of warships to enrich his defense power.

Qi Yiming was not in a hurry to continue to expand his territory after taking over the border star region of the Business Alliance.

After locking the only entrance to the Lando Galaxy, Qi Yiming had plenty of time to deal with internal affairs.

Once the population on these planets is completely digested, Qi Yiming will have a solid rear area, laying a solid foundation for his subsequent plans.

The new policies implemented by Qi Yiming on the occupied planet showed great vitality from the beginning, especially free navigation.

In the interstellar era, for those humans who will never be able to enter space in their lifetime, this reform is much more attractive to them than Qi Yiming’s direct payment.

Especially those elites who live a pretty good life.

For a time, the activity level in the border star field was actually several levels higher than before Qi Yiming occupied it.

All airports are overcrowded, and private spaceships are everywhere scurrying around the galaxy.

Qi Yiming is not afraid of these people leaving the border star field, because they know that as soon as they leave Qi Yiming’s sphere of influence, they will soon be sent back to the ground again. Those high-ranking managers of the Business Alliance will not allow free navigation in this area. Something happened right under their noses.

Of course, as time goes by, this crazy situation will gradually subside.

After all, most humans are still used to living on the ground. Of course, their future lives will not be limited to just one planet. As long as they want, they can go to any administrative planet under Qi Yiming’s rule to start a new life at any time.

Qi Yiming threw all these complicated administrative issues to Fang Min and Liu Bishu.

He retained veto power only on key issues while retaining a firm grip on fleet command.

After all, the military is the most effective means to ensure that he can realize his dream.

As for administrative issues, Qi Yiming’s only requirement is stability.

The chief executive of all regions has a one-vote veto. As long as there is a disturbance in the area under the jurisdiction of the promoted chief executive, he will be replaced immediately.

As for the issue of conscription, Qi Yiming tied various benefits enjoyed by citizens with joining the army.

Especially the right to free navigation, which means that if a family wants to enjoy the right to free navigation, one person must register for military service.

Only families registered for military service can enjoy free navigation rights.

Coupled with the extremely high welfare benefits that only citizens can enjoy, military service registration windows set up in various cities were suddenly overcrowded.

In less than two months, Qi Yiming’s active military personnel can support him in organizing a sizable interstellar fleet.

After a large number of scientists joined the Academy of Sciences, its analysis of the technological heritage of the former Human Federation has also developed rapidly.

The industrial aspect is also making rapid progress, especially the improvement of automation.

Qi Yiming was very satisfied with the quality of the population on the newly occupied habitable planet.

A large number of engineers have been filled into various jobs.

Qi Yiming looked at the administrative reports sent by governments at all levels, and the smile on his face never broke: “It is really a blessing to have enough manpower.”

Qi Yiming often said to Hao Chenqi who was following him.

Not long ago, Hao Chenqi officially resigned from the position of captain of the Redemption. According to her own words, she really didn’t like the scene of fighting and killing. In the past, she followed Qi Yiming to fight everywhere because he knew that Qi Yiming was indeed short of manpower. Now since As long as she has enough manpower, she still hopes to be able to leave the army and do some administrative work.

Qi Yiming didn’t force it, after all, everyone has his or her own ambitions.

So Hao Chenqi changed his position from a captain to Qi Yiming’s administrative secretary.

Her husband Chen Cheng became the commander-in-chief of the Border Star Territory Army, responsible for the defense of all planetary surfaces, and also broke away from the Star Fleet.

As for Ye Lu and Wang Shuhua, they each have their own fleets.

With enough manpower, the Engineer’s production speed finally no longer needs to be suppressed.

In just half a month, hundreds of cruisers left the slipway to join the fleet.

In order to more conveniently command fleet operations, Qi Yiming appointed Wang Shuhua as commander of the New Federation’s Second Fleet and Ye Lu as commander of the New Federation’s garrison fleet.

By the way, I forgot to mention that just after Qi Yiming completely occupied the border star field and clarified the management responsibilities of governments at all levels, a grand founding celebration was held.

This is what Fang Min and others unanimously requested. If the country is not established, it will always be unfair to those of them who are engaged in administrative work.

Qi Yiming simply took the easy way out and directly inherited the political system of the former Human Federation, making arrangements in advance for the logical movement to regain the territory of the former Human Federation.

Star calendar year 3352, Qi Yiming’s nearly 7 years of hard work since his awakening finally took a solid step in this new world, laying a solid foundation for him to unify mankind and realize his ideals in the future.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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