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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 185 Distress Signal

At first, Wang Shuhua didn’t pay much attention to this mysterious signal, and he didn’t order his communications director to decipher the content of the signal.

But every once in a while, a set of identical signals would be sent from the opposite side, which made Wang Shuhua a little curious.

So Wang Shuhua asked the communications director of the Knight to try to decipher this set of signals.

But no matter what method the Knight’s communications director used to decipher it, all he could get was a bunch of gibberish.

“Are you sure you have tried all the methods?” Wang Shuhua asked the communications director of the Knight with some confusion.

The communications director spread his hands and said, “I did try every method I could think of, and all I could decipher was a bunch of gibberish.”

“This is strange. Who would show no problem and use a deep space communication device to send such garbled codes?” Wang Shuhua couldn’t help but groped his chin.

“There is another strange thing…” the communications director said to Wang Shuhua hesitantly: “What is strange is that the beginning and end of all the garbled codes I deciphered are the same.”

“Same? What do you mean?”

“After data comparison of the garbled codes decrypted by all the methods I have used, the first few lines and the last few lines of these garbled codes are exactly the same.”

“What? How is this possible?” Wang Shuhua stared at his communications director, as if he wanted to see through his mind.

In the end, Wang Shuhua confirmed the matter through the explanation of the communications director.

Indeed, as he said, the garbled codes deciphered using different methods are indeed exactly the same.

This is very unusual.

Wang Shuhua didn’t want anyone to be so bored as to use a deep space communicator to send such meaningless garbled codes. He guessed that the set of garbled codes itself was a special set of communication secret words.

“Can the technology currently mastered by humans be able to achieve this level?” Wang Shuhua asked the communications director.

The communications director thought for a while and said: “If I can send this kind of garbled code, I can use two different decoding methods to decipher the exact same garbled code. No more, I can’t do it.”

“How many ways did you use to decipher this set of signals?”

“Thirteen types.” The communications director paused and continued: “As far as I know, there are experts who can decipher the same garbled code using 8 decoding methods. No matter how high it is, I have never heard of it.”

Wang Shuhua knew that he had encountered something terrible, so he immediately archived this set of mysterious signals and sent people to the Academy of Sciences branch in the Lando galaxy for research.

One day later, after the head of the Lando Galaxy Branch of Scientific Research spoke to Wang Shuhua, Wang Shuhua immediately used a deep space communicator to contact Qi Yiming, who was inspecting the Cole Galaxy, and reported the matter.

Qi Yiming immediately stopped forming and quickly rushed to the Lando Galaxy to join Wang Shuhua.

It was two days after Qi Yiming got this set of signals. At this time, Qi Yiming was still on his way to the Lando Galaxy.

But when Qi Yiming analyzed this set of signals through the Xuefeng’s shipboard brain, the Xuefeng’s shipboard brain immediately gave accurate information.

The signal contained a very short capacity, only a few words.

“I am Claire von Manu, captain of the cruiser Thunder of the Human Federation Garrison Fleet. I am blocked on the way to the Lando system. Anyone who receives this message please inform Qi Yiming immediately that I need help.”

Qi Yiming was excited and confused after seeing this message.

What was exciting was the discovery of another survivor of the former Human Federation. What was puzzling was how could this captain who called himself Claire be on the battleship of the Business Alliance?

Qi Yiming did not doubt Claire’s identity, because Xuefeng’s shipboard brain had already told Qi Yiming when it deciphered this set of signals that this set of signals was a distress signal specially developed by the Human Federation.

This signal is for asking for help, but its most important function is to identify one’s identity.

In the vast universe, humans are not sure that only human beings are the only intelligent creatures that exist. In order to prevent the rescue fleet from falling into an ambush by an alien race, this encoding method of distress signals was specially developed.

The prefix and suffix of the signal are always the same. The garbled code deciphered by the prefix is ​​just garbled code to the uninformed person, but to the shipboard brain, it is a picture of a double helix structure of the gene chain, and the suffix is ​​a picture of a human being. A picture of a man’s appearance, with the subject of the message in the middle.

This encoding method of distress signals is something that every captain must learn and master.

As for why this Claire came to Qi Yiming on the battleship of the Business Alliance, I didn’t bother to think about it. Since the other party sent a distress signal in this way, it meant that the other party also knew Qi Yiming’s identity and wanted to join Qi Yiming’s team.

No matter what, Qi Yiming had to find a way to get this person out.

Three days later, the Xuefeng arrived near the jump bridge leading to the Commercial Alliance from the Lando System to join Wang Shuhua’s defense fleet.

Soon Wang Shuhua came to the bridge of the Xuefeng to discuss the rescue plan with Qi Yiming.

Qi Yiming did not dare to use the deep space communicator to contact the battleship. It was obvious that the other party was also operating in secret, otherwise it would not have used such a complex encryption method that only the awakened people knew to send information.

But the problem is that Qi Yiming can’t determine which battleship Claire is on. What if the fleet all activates and jumps over the bridge, flies over, and then sinks the battleship Carlisle is on?

“I think that since this Claire dares to send information, he must have a way to notify us of the battleship he is on in time.” Wang Shuhua thought for a while and said.

Qi Yiming was not sure, but he could not refute Wang Shuhua.

Now this situation can only bet on Claire’s ability to send the message again at the critical moment.

“Then when will we take action? To what extent will the scale be controlled?” Seeing Qi Yiming’s silence, Wang Shuhua guessed that Qi Yiming was ready to take a risk, so he asked for the specific time of action.

“The Xuefeng will go over with a transport ship full of drones.” Qi Yiming crossed his arms over his chest and said slowly: “We are just going to rescue people. If the entire fleet goes over, we will give the Business Alliance a The illusion is that we are not satisfied with the status quo, and a large number of fleets may come to attack the Lando galaxy again. “

“Indeed, we still need time to digest the results of the victory. It is indeed not suitable to start another war with the Business Alliance.” Wang Shuhua nodded.

“We still need to prepare for the response. In case the opponent misjudges and launches a large-scale attack, we can be prepared.” Qi Yiming thought for a while and continued.

“I will mobilize all warships except the garrison to assemble in the Lando system, and the remaining transport ships carrying drones will also be on standby near the jump bridge.”

Qi Yiming nodded. He believed that Wang Shuhua was not an impulsive commander, so he was very relieved about Wang Shuhua’s deployment.

Currently, the administrative stars of the New Federation are at a critical moment of regime change. As Wang Shuhua said, this time is indeed not a war with the business alliance.

Although there is a big bug like Xuefeng, the business alliance will not be able to do anything about them for a while, but it cannot prevent those politicians who have no limits to introduce other forces to deal with Qi Yiming for their own interests.

After all, a government with awakened people in power is fundamentally the natural enemy of all human forces and countries. If it acts too strong, it is likely to be beaten by a group of people.

Before completely digesting the victory in his hands, Qi Yiming will never show a strong desire for expansion to prevent the New Federation from becoming a public enemy of the human world.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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