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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 189 Even the big guys get slapped in the face

After careful consideration, Qi Yiming quickly reached a preliminary cooperation agreement with Fei Min.

Fei Min held a grand welcome dinner for Qi Yiming that day.

After the dinner, Fei Min took several speakers from the Fei family to meet Qi Yiming. Qi Yiming left the secret room after making his position clear.

As for how to coordinate within the Fei family, Qi Yiming is not very concerned.

A family that has been around for hundreds of years has its own internal system.

Qi Yiming only cared about when he could see the big boss from the Academy of Sciences so that he could take him to the research base of the War Spear.

Fei Min acted quickly, and three days later he took Qi Yiming to the Remi Galaxy of the Cloud Ring Federation, where there was a research institution affiliated with the Cloud Ring Federation Academy of Sciences.

This institution is a secret research institute specially set up to study the War Spear.

As for how Fei Min knew about this place, according to his explanation, more than half of the research funds for this institute were provided by the military-industrial enterprises under the name of the Feishi family. As the contemporary patriarch of the Feishi family, it is not surprising that he knew about this institute. .

The director of this research institute, Luo Shijie, is a well-known ancient warship research institute in the Cloud Ring Federation, and has presided over many reverse engineering projects of ancient warships.

When the Cloud Ring Federation discovered the War Spear eight years ago, he was assigned to take charge of the reverse engineering task of the War Spear.

But the famous Luo Shijie was actually aboard this ancient battleship.

In the past eight years, apart from being able to successfully open the hatch of the War Spear, there has been no progress in scientific research.

If there are no results this year, his position as director of the research institute will most likely not be preserved.

Luo Shijie, who was originally trying to crack the ship’s brain on the War Spear, heard that his financial backer father, Chief Fei, had arrived. He immediately put down his project and returned to the institute’s office, where he welcomed Fei Min with great enthusiasm.

There is no other way. If the sponsor’s father doesn’t take care of him, they will have to drink from the northwest wind in a minute.

Fei Min did not show off and greeted Luo Shijie with the same enthusiasm: “Our great scientist, how is the recent progress?”

Luo Shijie’s mouth twitched. He was most afraid of others asking him this question, but Fei Min asked him and he had to answer, so he had to bite the bullet and said: “The progress is good, and it is expected to crack the onboard brain of this ancient warship by the end of the year. “

Qi Yiming, who was standing aside, burst out laughing.

Qi Yiming knows how powerful the strategic strike fleet’s shipboard brains are. Although they are not yet true artificial intelligence, they are only one step away from true artificial intelligence.

Even if the perverts from the former Human Federal Academy of Sciences used the super intelligence in their hands to violently crack it, it would take more than thirty years. Qi Yiming simply did not believe that the person in front of him could crack the ship in just eight years. Intelligent firewall.

Luo Shijie knew that he was bragging, so he awkwardly looked at Qi Yiming who was holding back his laughter and said, “Mr. Fei, who is this?”

Fei Min said with a smile: “Don’t mind Mr. Luo, this is an incompetent junior in my family who has been spoiled by me. Hearing that I am coming to visit the ancient battleship this time, he clamored to come with me.”

This was another father who was a financial sponsor. Luo Shijie was really embarrassed and could only hide his anger with awkward laughter.

Of course, Fei Min knew the current research progress. He just patted Luo Shijie on the shoulder and whispered: “Don’t worry, we will not reduce investment. I came here just to know the real research progress so that I can make a budget for the company’s next fiscal year.” ”

Luo Shijie’s eyes lit up when he heard this, and he knew it was time to solicit sponsorship again.

As long as he can attract a large amount of research funds for the institute today, he can still hold the position of director of the institute for a few more years.

So Luo Shijie quickly opened the independent storage device in the office, retrieved the research data of the past few years from it, and said to Fei Min: “There are still some research results in the past few years. We have roughly sorted out everything inside the ship.” Routing of energy pipelines and precision equipment.”

As he spoke, he opened a drawing, which was densely filled with various lines.

Fei Min didn’t understand either, so he just glanced at it symbolically and nodded.

Seeing that Fei Min was very satisfied, Luo Shijie explained more enthusiastically, and retrieved another piece of information from the database and said: “This drawing is the main drawing of the three special shooting guns on the battleship, but it has not been verified yet. , I don’t know if the same thing can be made.”

When Qi Yiming heard this, he also glanced aside. The question was how could he understand this. However, Luo Shijie was able to reverse engineer the structure of the super-heavy main gun and draw detailed drawings. Qi Yiming still admired the man in front of him.

You must know that the super-heavy main gun was the work of hundreds of scientists from the Federal Academy of Sciences.

Of course, Fei Min nodded happily. Isn’t this what all these years of investment are for? Let’s not talk about the power. As long as they can create a physical object according to the drawings, then their investment will definitely not be a loss.

Seeing that Fei Min was in a good mood, Luo Shijie continued: “According to my research in the past few years, this battleship itself seems to be a main gun. Although I have not yet figured out the design principle, I believe in my guess. There should be nothing wrong with that.”

Qi Yiming stood aside and nodded secretly, his view of Luo Shijie changed a lot.

Judging from these introductions, Luo Shijie is really capable, but the job he took on is a bit tricky, which is why he has been frequently laughed at and slapped in the face in recent years.

Of course, Fei Min would not forget the real purpose of coming today. He said to Luo Shijie: “My junior is very obsessed with ancient battleships. I know this is a bit against your rules. I wonder if you can be accommodating and let my junior come on.” Ship tour?”

Luo Shijie looked very embarrassed: “Mr. Fei, you know the regulations of the institute. Moreover, there are armed personnel standing guard on the ship. This is very difficult for me to handle.”

Fei Min didn’t force it, but said to Qi Yiming in a complaining tone: “I said this is impossible, you have to come…”

Watch people doing things and listen to what they are saying. Although Luo Shijie is a scientific researcher, his interpersonal skills are not low at all, otherwise he would not be the top leader of this scientific research institute. Fei Min seemed to be teaching Qi Yiming a lesson, but in fact he was telling Luo Shijie.

When Luo Shijie saw it, he was finished! The sponsor’s father was angry. In order to get research funds for the next year, didn’t he just want to visit?

Arrange…arrange now! Even if you regret it and don’t want to visit today, I will tie you to a battleship and take you for a spin.

So Luo Shijie said in embarrassment: “This matter must be kept secret. The security staff will change shifts every two hours. There will be 5 minutes in between when no one is standing guard. At that time, I can take this gentleman to visit for a while.”

Fei Min immediately said to Fei Min with an embarrassed look on his face: “I’m so sorry for causing you trouble…”

Next, the two of them exchanged business information, which made Qi Yiming standing beside him feel his skin crawling all over, and he wished he could stay away from these two people immediately.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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