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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 192 Particle Light Spear! emission!

“Haha… you still want to run?” Luo Shijie, who was standing next to Qi Yiming, laughed loudly when he saw the dense warships on the radar screen of the War Spear.

Qi Yiming also laughed: “Haha… do you think I can’t run away?”

“How can you control this battleship by yourself? Even if you can control it, it’s just a battleship. Look at the other side…” Luo Shijie pouted and gestured to Qi Yiming to look at the radar screen of the War Spear.

“Isn’t it just that there are more battleships than me? What’s so scary about this? Ask the people around you, when was the battle we participated in a battle in which there were fewer people bullying more people?”

Luo Shijie looked at Qi Yiming as if he were a fool: “Are you sure there’s nothing wrong with your mind?”

Qi Yiming directly ignored this extremely rude question and issued the combat order on his own.

“Zhi Nao, start the combination program…”

“Combined? Do you think your battleship is the Transformers from ancient movies?”

Qi Yiming ignored this scientist who thought he was very smart.

As Qi Yiming issued the combination command, the shipboard brain began to operate.

“Multiple modular warships detected to initiate combination process…”

Because the War Spear is currently the highest-level battleship, the shipboard brain has defaulted to the combination process centering on the War Spear.

As the combination process began, the Xuefeng broke away from the connection with the War Spear and began to disintegrate.

The garrison fleet that had already ceased fire found that the Xuefeng that had just left them helpless suddenly disintegrated on its own.

“Holy crap… what the hell is going on? I just beat you so much that you peeed blood and you didn’t react at all. Now that I have ceased fire, you are falling apart?” The commander of the garrison fleet looked at the few generals who had just been killed suspiciously. Xuefeng’s main gun was thrown away from the hull.

“Captain? Should we fight or not?” The adjutant was also a little confused and didn’t know what to do at this time.

“Try firing a shot?” the commander said cautiously.

So the garrison fleet’s flagship main gun began to charge, but before the main gun could complete charging, the War Spear took the lead in launching an attack.

The three super-heavy main guns fired at the same time, directly splitting the garrison fleet’s flagship into three parts.

Then Qi Yiming issued a warning to the remaining warships of the Yunhuan Federation garrison fleet through wide-area communications: “If you don’t want to die, get out of here, otherwise the warship just now will be your example.”

In fact, Qi Yiming was also bluffing at this time. The Xuefeng was now being decomposed and had not really entered the assembly process. The War Spear could still launch an attack.

Qi Yiming took this opportunity to scare away the enemy ships around him, lest these people interfere with the normal progress of the combination process.

With the flagship as an example, the remaining enemy ships dared not take the initiative to launch an attack. They all broke away from the War Spear and retreated to what they considered a safe distance.

After the Xuefeng was decomposed, the Probe still flew to the bow of the War Spear under the guidance of the system, where a combination position had been reserved for her.

The Guardian and the Hammer completely entered the interior of the War Spear.

As for the Redemption and Lightning, they fit on the left and right sides of the War Spear respectively.

Seeing everything happening in front of him, Luo Shijie was dumbfounded.

He never thought that battleships could be joined together one by one like building blocks to form a new battleship.

But he is worthy of being a scientific researcher. After a brief moment of confusion, he immediately pulled Qi Yiming and asked: “This design doesn’t seem to have any benefits?”

Qi Yiming was actually too lazy to explain but couldn’t resist Luo Shijie’s interrogation and could only say helplessly: “These modular battleships are actually parts of a battle star, but it is impossible for something like a battle star to participate in wars all year round, so Federation scientists used this compromise method to design each system on the battle star into a battleship. Normally, the main body of the battle star would stay somewhere. When needed, all the battleships would be combined with the battle star. The main combination is enough.”

After hearing this, Luo Shijie nodded as if he understood, and all his attention was focused on the battle star in Qi Yiming’s mouth.

“What is a battle star?” Luo Shijie asked weakly. In fact, he had roughly guessed it from the name, and had imagined the ultimate weapon like a battle star in many of his scientific research projects.

Qi Yiming didn’t speak, but looked at Luo Shijie like he was an idiot.

While the two were talking, the War Spear had completed the assembly process, and the bridge they were on became lively. Many staff members had moved to the bridge of the War Spear because of the completion of the assembly.

After all the crew members entered the new fighting position, Qi Yiming ordered the weapon commander to turn on the fire control radar and start searching for enemy ships.

“Are you okay? The Cloud Ring Federation’s fleet is still 70 light miles away? Can your fire control radar lock on an enemy so far away?”

Before he finished speaking, he heard the weapon commander shout loudly: “The enemy search is completed, please confirm the target…”

Qi Yiming glanced at Luo Shijie and said lazily: “Just that battleship.” Qi Yiming randomly selected an enemy ship.

The weapons commander was also very confused at this time. Although he knew that Xuefeng’s main gun had a very long range, it was far from being able to focus 70 rays on a warship.

He was a little confused and couldn’t understand that the captain had just upgraded Xuefeng’s battleship level to the battleship level, and now it was starting to expand?

However, the weapons commander waited for a long time and did not hear Qi Yiming’s order to see which gun crew was charged. When he was about to turn around and ask, Qi Yiming issued an order to the ship’s brain.

“Charging the particle light spear…”

What follows is a series of instructions issued by the ship’s intelligent brain.

“The particle light spear is charging…countdown to 40 seconds…”

“All personnel are prepared for impact and wear anti-dazzle goggles.”

“Countdown to 20 seconds…”

“The particle spear triggers the safety to open…”

At this time, a red button popped up on the console in front of Qi Yiming.

“Countdown to 10 seconds…”

“This ship is in gravity lock mode…the launch port is open…”

The shielding armor inside the circular bow of the War Spear quickly folded in around, revealing the black hole of the gun muzzle.

Luo Shijie suddenly felt his feet sink. No matter how hard he tried, he could not lift any of his feet.

Qi Yiming whispered to him: “Don’t bother, even the War Spear cannot move under the gravity lock state.”

“Countdown to 5 seconds… correct the trajectory… 3… lock on the enemy ship… 1…”

When the countdown reached zero, Qi Yiming pressed the red button that popped up in front of him.

Luo Shijie suddenly felt a violent movement on the War Spear’s hull, and the War Spear’s hull seemed to move back a few meters.

A white particle beam with a diameter of more than two hundred meters spurted out from the bow of the War Spear.

Even if everyone was wearing anti-glare goggles, they could feel their eyes being stung by the sudden bright light.

The white light lasted for more than 20 seconds before gradually weakening.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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