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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 20 Major Discovery

Looking at the kowtow-worm Wang Sen, Qi Yiming was speechless for a while.

Wang Zhengfeng asked Qi Yiming with a smile: “Mr. Qi’s preliminary exploration was completed so quickly?”

“What’s so difficult about this? It doesn’t take much effort to go around in a circle.” Qi Yiming waved his hand.

“How is the result?”

“There are indeed traces of human activities there. K-28 has a total of 6 planets, 3 of which are in the habitable zone, but only one planet is suitable for human habitation.”

“Are there humans up there?” Wang Zhengfeng looked at Qi Yiming with glowing eyes.

Qi Yiming nodded: “There are many people.”

“Great, Mr. Qi, don’t worry about what’s going on here. Let’s take the transport ship to rob people.” Wang Zhengfeng quickly stood up from his seat and walked out of the venue, telling his men to arrange the transport ship.

Qi Yiming glanced at Fang Min, who was standing aside, shrugged his shoulders and followed Wang Zhengfeng.

Before setting off, Qi Yiming said to Wang Zhengfeng again: “You must not take revenge on the Zheng family at this time. They definitely have back-ups.”

Wang Zhengfeng nodded perfunctorily and did not take Qi Yiming’s words to heart.

Upon seeing this, Qi Yiming didn’t say anything more and went straight back to the Xuefeng to go to the K-28 galaxy again.

Wang Sen was also in the team. He was responsible for robbing people, while Qi Yiming was responsible for security.

The habitable planet in the K-28 galaxy is called Yarrow by the locals, and its technological level is in the middle of the industrial revolution.

“Eh… why is there still a fight?” Qi Yiming looked at the images from the reconnaissance satellite released by the Xuefeng in surprise.

A war on the ground affecting the entire Yarrow Star is in full swing.

Qi Yiming contacted Wang Sen: “What should I do?”

Wang Sen said as if he was used to it: “If they beat them, we can catch them.”

“Then you do it and I’ll watch for you.” Qi Yiming turned off the communication and ordered the Xuefeng to fly next to the transport ship.

The Yaluo star did not have the power to threaten the transport ship. Qi Yiming was fine for a while, so he ordered the Xuefeng to turn on the exploration radar and conduct a careful scan of the planet beneath his feet.

The last time I came here, I launched a reconnaissance satellite. After confirming that there were humans on the ground, I left without carefully investigating the Yaluo star.

The Xuefeng automatically divided the two factions who were fighting fiercely on Yarrow into red and blue. At first, Qi Yiming did not pay attention to the form of the battlefield on the ground.

The long wait was really boring, and Qi Yiming finally became interested in the war on the ground.

Looking at the situation map of the ground battlefield, Qi Yiming became more and more curious.

The situation map gave Qi Yiming the feeling that the war on the ground was fought around a huge canyon on the planet.

“What has been discovered that makes these people work so hard?” Qi Yiming curiously enlarged the investigation image.

The canyon is very deep, but its bottom is unusually flat, and there seems to be something inside that is very large.

The orbit of the reconnaissance satellite is relatively high, and the images returned are somewhat blurry.

Qi Yiming controlled the satellite to lower its orbit and launched reconnaissance again.

At the same time that the new reconnaissance pictures were sent back, Xuefeng’s shipboard brain also made a discovery: “The destroyer Lightning was discovered.”

Qi Yiming was so shocked that he fell off the captain’s chair.

Qi Yiming rubbed his aching butt and carefully looked at the new pictures sent back by the reconnaissance satellite.

Above it was a spaceship nearly three hundred meters long, parked quietly there.

“Zhi Nao, send a directed communication request to the Lightning.”

After a few minutes, Zhinao replied: “No one answered!”

Qi Yiming lowered his head in disappointment and murmured to himself: “I know I shouldn’t have high hopes.”

“Send the identification code and order the Lightning’s onboard intelligence to report on the battleship’s situation.”

“The Lightning did not receive the identification code.”

“It seems that there is no energy at all. I don’t know what the crew of the Lightning did with her after landing?”

Under normal circumstances, after a federal warship turns off all equipment and enters sleep mode, half an energy block can sustain it for thousands of years. The Lightning is completely exhausted and should not enter sleep mode.

Qi Yiming originally wanted to let Xuefeng’s core cabin escape directly and land directly next to the Lightning.

But looking at Wang Sen who was busy plundering the population not far away, fortunately Wang Sen did not notice anything unusual on the ground battlefield, nor did he notice the existence of the Lightning.

Although the federal warship has an advanced identification system, except for the personnel entered in the warship database who can command the shipboard brain under certain authority, the rest of the personnel need the captain’s consent to even board the ship, so Qi Yiming is not worried that Wang Sen will use the warship take away.

But the problem is that no matter how advanced the identification system is, you can find a way to break it as long as you have enough time.

I have to say that Qi Yiming’s luck is pretty good.

Within a few hours, after Wang Sen’s crazy plundering, the transport ship he brought was already filled with frightened humans.

The war on the ground had long since stopped due to the sudden appearance of a giant space battleship.

The human weapons on Yarrow pose no threat to the transport boats that break into the interior of the planet. They can’t even injure the marines who go to arrest people.

They could only watch as their companions were captured by this group of “alien”.

In fact, Qi Yiming couldn’t understand at first why the Wang family regarded population as a strategic resource.

As he gained a deeper understanding of the Wang family, he gradually understood.

Although the planet where the Wang family is located has entered the space age, it does not have the capital to promote large-scale automated production, and can only rely on a huge population to fill this gap.

In the interstellar era, a project often requires hundreds of thousands of people to work at the same time. Without a huge population base, it is impossible to cultivate a large group of workers. How can the Wang family develop?

This situation is not just limited to the Wang family, there are many families in the Xuanwu Galaxy who are worried about the population problem.

Before being unable to develop new colonial planets, it is a common choice for all forces to plunder the population of habitable planets, and sometimes they will even fight for a livable planet with a large population.

And the Yaluo planet where they are currently is a habitable planet with a huge population.

After a period of crazy plunder, Wang Sen connected to Qi Yiming’s communication: “The transport ship is full. I have to go back first to settle these people before coming back.”

“I’m watching here in case other forces come to plunder it.” Qi Yiming was supposed to escort the transport ship back together, but the destroyer he was thinking about was still here, so how could he be willing to leave.

Wang Sen thought for a while and said: “You are right. I will go back as quickly as possible to tell my father about the situation here and ask him to send more transport ships over and send some more personnel to protect him.”

“There is no danger along the way, but you still have to be careful.” Qi Yiming is not reckless. He knows how to measure. If there is a great risk on the way back, he will not trust Wang Sen to go back alone.

Watching the transport ship enter the jump mode, Qi Yiming ordered the Xuefeng to end the combination.

Xuefeng split in two and slowly separated.

After Qi Yiming gave the guard order to the Probe, he took the Guardian’s core cabin into the atmosphere of the Yaro star and flew quickly to the location of the Lightning.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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