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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 200 What's wrong with being a thief who steals a country?

After Fei Min learned that the special service fleet on the Eastern Front had been defeated, he went crazy and frantically vented his emotions in the office until he remembered that there was another fleet on the Western Front chasing the enemy.

Fei Min immediately pressed the communicator on his desk and called his military adviser: “Where is Fei Zheng’s fleet now?”

“I just received news a few days ago that they have chased us to the border between the Cloud Ring Federation and us.”

“Hurry up and let Fei Zheng come back with the fleet.” Miraculously, Fei Min did not ask Qi Yiming to return to defend the capital galaxy.

“Won’t the fleet of the New Federation come back together?” the military adviser asked Fei Min curiously.

Fei Min took a deep breath and said: “The current situation is extremely unfavorable to us. If that Qi Yiming has any bad intentions towards us, we have no ability to resist at all.”

“This…” The military adviser didn’t know what to say anymore. He thought to himself, are all politicians like this?

Not only do you want to take advantage of others’ critical moments, but you also want to guard against others?

“What? Do you have a different opinion?” Fei Min certainly saw the concerns of the military adviser.

“The New Federation is our nominal ally! Do you need to be so defensive?”

“At times like this, let alone allies, sometimes our own people can’t even be relied upon!!”

Seeing Fei Min being so determined, the military adviser stopped talking and turned around to go out to arrange things.

Because the distance pursued by Fei Zheng and the others was too far, beyond the contact range of deep space communication equipment, Fei Min could only send a messenger to pursue Fei Zheng.

Fortunately, although the Cloud Ring Federation concentrated its forces to attack the eastern defense line, the special service fleet still had a large number of experienced grassroots commanders.

Although the Yunhuan Federation used wheel tactics to defeat the special service fleet by relying on its large number of troops, their surprise battle was not easy.

Thanks to the efforts of commanders at all levels of the Special Forces Fleet, the Cloud Ring Federation was crippled by two fleets. The remaining two fleets also suffered some losses and were unable to quickly organize a new offensive.

In addition, the warships of the special service fleet that collapsed from the battlefield have also returned to the capital system of the Fermi Republic one after another. Although the number of warships that can return is only a little over a thousand, most of them are cruisers and destroyers, but The capital system of the Fermi Republic is safe for the time being.

When the messenger sent by Fei Min caught up with Fei Zheng, it was already ten days after the Eastern Front was penetrated.

Fei Zheng was stunned when he learned that the Eastern Front had been breached and the capital system was in danger.

Qi Yiming was much calmer and hurriedly asked about the specific situation.

The messenger Qi Yiming said: “When I came out, the fleet of the Cloud Ring Federation was resting in the Oak River system four systems away from the capital system. Although the special service fleet was defeated, it also caused considerable losses to the fleet of the Cloud Ring Federation. ”

“How many warships did the Cloud Ring Federation dispatch?”

“It is said that there are 4 full star fleets.”

Qi Yiming nodded silently. At this time, Qi Yiming figured out why he always felt like something was wrong while chasing him all the way. Now he figured it out.

“Commander Fei, you and your fleet will return immediately for reinforcements. Leave a dozen cruisers for me and I will hold off your rear.”

Fei Zheng, who was already panicking, woke up as if from a dream when he heard Qi Yiming asking them to come back for help immediately.

So Qi Yiming left more than twenty warships behind and immediately led the remaining fleet on a starry night journey, hoping to reach the capital galaxy before the Cloud Ring Federation launched another attack.

Qi Yiming originally thought that Fei Zheng would retreat with a large fleet, and whether the fleet responsible for luring them by the Yunhuan Federation would come out to entangle them.

But after waiting there for several days, there was no movement from the other party.

After repeatedly confirming that the enemy had no intention of entangled with them, Qi Yiming took the remaining battleships and flew towards the capital galaxy of the Fermi Republic.

When Qi Yiming arrived at the Proxima Galaxy, which is far away from the capital galaxy, he discovered that all the warships of the New Federation were refused entry to the capital galaxy of the Fermi Republic.

Qi Yiming was furious. What the hell was this done by a human being?

Qi Yiming immediately contacted Fei Min and asked him: “Why don’t you let my fleet enter the capital system?”

Fei Min also wanted to find other excuses to fool him, but was Qi Yiming so easy to fool?

Although both sides were using each other, Qi Yiming couldn’t bear to be guarded like a thief.

Since you think I am a thief, I will act like a thief for you today.

Without saying a word, Qi Yiming immediately ordered the fleet to activate the bridge jump and forcibly entered the capital system of the Fermi Republic.

After learning that the New Federation’s fleet had forcibly entered the capital system regardless of any warning, Fei Min also became angry.

“Mr. Qi? What do you mean?” Fei Min immediately asked Qi Yiming.

Qi Yiming has now figured it out, since the Fei family can’t help him.

When the Yunhuan Federation finishes cleaning up the Fei family, they will definitely declare war on them on the pretext that the new federation participates in the Yunhuan Federation’s civil war.

Since there will be a fight sooner or later, it is better to capture the Fei family now and control the war on the enemy’s territory.

So Qi Yiming ignored Fei Min’s warning, and the Xuefeng immediately led one hundred and ten New Federation cruisers to attack the Fei family’s fleet.

Xuefeng’s particle light spear was the first to attack, sinking the only remaining battleship currently in the hands of the Fei family in one attack, which was very powerful in frightening the enemy.

Combatants at all levels, who had been demoralized by the defeat on the Eastern Front, immediately raised the white flag.

In fact, these people also criticized Fei Min’s actions, and most of them knew the Xuefeng’s combat power.

At that time, Xuefeng was just a cruiser, and it could single-handedly fight off the Leviathan warships of the insect swarm from the battlefield. Now that it has been upgraded to a battleship, its combat power will only be stronger than before.

The thick stream of high-energy particles just now is the most powerful evidence.

After Fei Min learned that the fleet surrendered without any resistance, he remembered that Qi Yiming had surrendered and quickly said to Qi Yiming through wide area communication: “Mr. Qi, we have something to talk about!!”

“Well, sir…aren’t you guarding me as well as a thief? Then I’ll show you how to act like a real thief.”

“Angry words… Definitely angry words…” Fei Min smiled awkwardly and said to Qi Yiming, “I was confused for a moment, you don’t remember the faults of others.”

“Now you remember that I am an ally? Why didn’t you think that we were allies when you blocked my fleet from entering the capital system?”

“…” Fei Min was left speechless by the question.

“You don’t need to say anything. Now I’ll give you two ways. Either take your Fei family out of here, or the Fei family will split up immediately and join the New Federation.”

It is impossible for Qi Yiming to allow such a huge family power to exist under his rule.

Fei Min smiled bitterly, knowing that the Fei family was finished.

Even if Qi Yiming chose to leave with the fleet out of anger, the Fei family would have been wiped out by the Yunhuan Federation.

Now Qi Yiming has really become a thief and stolen the unripe fruits of the Fei family. The only good news for the Fei family is that those who took the lead in the rebellion can survive.

Fei Min sat slumped in his office chair and kept muttering: “It’s over…it’s all over…”


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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