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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 201 Territory Expansion

Under the coercion of Qi Yiming, the fleet of the Fei family gradually retreated to the sky above the capital planet.

Fei Zheng really couldn’t accept the current result. The two sides were close partners a second ago. How could it evolve into the current situation after such a short time?

However, his loyalty to the Fei family did not allow him to compromise, so he prepared to fight Qi Yiming to the death with the remaining fleet of the Fei family.

But what was ridiculous was that when Fei Zheng ordered the ships to lock on the Xuefeng, almost no captain was willing to execute his order.

Some of these people knew the reputation of the Xuefeng, and some followed the Xuefeng to chase the fleet of the Yunhuan Federation, and also had some understanding of the combat power of the Xuefeng.

Although many of them were not good at fighting, they still had a very accurate vision of things.

Now the situation of the Fei family can be said to have reached the point of desperation. If they still work hard for the Fei family, they will not be able to see the situation clearly.

“You…you…” Fei Zheng was so angry that his lungs were about to explode: “You actually…”

Before Fei Zheng finished speaking, he was interrupted by a captain: “Mr. Fei, stop struggling! We are not Mr. Qi’s opponent.”

The captain said what everyone was thinking.

Although the temporary fleet formed by the Fei family with the commercial escort team refused to fight Qi Yiming, as soldiers of the special fleet, although they knew that the Xuefeng was powerful, they knew why they were fighting.

When facing the insect swarm, their families were abandoned by the Yunhuan Federation. If it weren’t for the Fei family standing up, most of them would have lost their loved ones.

Now there is a new federation, and they don’t know what this new federation is like, so they would rather see the Fei family’s uprising succeed.

So when Fei Zheng ordered to lock on the Xuefeng, they faithfully executed the order anyway.

In desperation, Qi Yiming could only order to prepare for war.

Just when the two sides were on the verge of a fight, Fei Min suddenly stood up.

“If Mr. Qi can treat these people who were once abandoned by the Yunhuan Federation as garbage, our Fei family is willing to split up and join the new federation.”

As soon as the voice fell, everyone looked at each other.

What’s going on? The people who helped haven’t given up yet, why did the real person in charge give up first.

“Are you crazy?” Fei Zheng shouted angrily in the Fei family’s internal communicator.

“I’m not crazy… Don’t you see the situation clearly?” Fei Min was terribly quiet about this: “Qi Yiming is not afraid of us at all. The special service fleet is not a match for the more than 100 cruisers of the new federation.”

“How do you know they are not opponents without fighting?”

“You have been fighting with Qi Yiming for almost a month. Can’t you see the combat power of the Xuefeng?”


Of course Fei Zheng knew the combat power of the Xuefeng, but seeing the high official and generous salary flying in front of him, it was hard for anyone to accept it.

Qi Yiming was not surprised when he heard that Fei Min was ready to surrender.

He knew that people like Fei Min had their own code of conduct. When they knew that things were impossible, political opportunists like them would decisively give up their established goals.

So Qi Yiming asked Fei Min to immediately appease the people under his rule and all his warships to obey his command. Qi Yiming took the capital star system of the Fermi Republic, which had just been established not long ago, without bloodshed.

In fact, it was easy for Qi Yiming to destroy the Fei family. The difficult part was how to control the several administrative stars that followed the Fei family in the uprising.

Now that Fei Min chose to join the New Federation with the Fei family, Qi Yiming didn’t have to bother to appease the humans on the remaining administrative stars.

At the same time, Qi Yiming sent a messenger to the New Federation, asking them to send troops as soon as possible to assist him in defending against the attacks that the Cloud Ring Federation might launch at any time.

Wang Shuhua, who stayed in the New Federation, was upset when he heard that Qi Yiming would bring over several star systems that followed the Fei family in the uprising, including people and territory.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to see the territory of the New Federation expand, but the current military force is really stretched.

Even the more than 100 cruisers assigned to the naming were put together by Wang Shuhua. Now Qi Yiming has taken over the newly established Fermi Republic on the capital star, and the territory of the new federation has expanded a lot.

The new federation does not lack warships, but it lacks qualified warship operators.

Wang Shuhua, who originally planned to take the elite route, had no choice but to lower the recruitment standards. After receiving Qi Yiming’s request for assistance from the galaxy, he organized a fleet of more than 300 cruisers in just one week.

This fleet, led by Ye Lu, rushed all the way to the galaxy where Qi Yiming was.

But after all, the distance between the two sides was a bit far, and even Ye Lu ran all the way but could not catch up with Qi Yiming’s first exchange of fire with the Yunhuan Federation after accepting the Fei family’s territory.

Because Qi Yiming blocked the news of his taking over the Fei family very tightly, until the Yunhuan Federation fleet entered the Domi galaxy, they did not know that the enemy they faced had changed from the Fei family to the New Federation.

As Lin Borong’s most respected commander, Shi Xiangrong issued a military order when he accepted the task of exterminating the Fei family rebels.

At this time, he was standing in the bridge of his ship with high spirits, looking at the slightly panicked Fei family fleet.

“What can we do with the help of the Xuefeng? It was just a little trick to divert it away.”

Shi Xiangrong was very clear about the combat power of the Xuefeng. Not only was he a witness of the war against the Zerg, but he also obtained detailed video materials of the Xuefeng’s battle with the Commercial Alliance from the Yunhuan Federation Intelligence Agency.

He knows better than anyone that it is simply impossible for the Cloud Ring Federation’s fleet to easily capture the rebel base camp from the Xuefeng.

However, the fleet of the Cloud Ring Federation cannot suffer too much losses now, otherwise it will not be able to complete even the country’s most basic security tasks.

Although several countries around the Cloud Ring Federation strongly supported them when the insect swarm invaded, if the Cloud Ring Federation is weak to a certain extent, politicians from these countries will definitely launch an invasion of the Cloud Ring Federation.

That’s why he racked his brains to lure the Xuefeng from the Western Front battlefield to the border with the Cloud Ring Federation.

In this way, he will have the opportunity to seize the rebel nest. Whether he will fall out with the New Federation at that time depends on whether the Cloud Ring Federation has the ability to continue fighting.

“Issuing an ultimatum to the Fei family, requiring them to surrender within ten minutes, otherwise when I take down their capital star, no one from the Fei family will be left alive…” Shi Xiangrong’s body shook with domineering force.

The special service fleet that quickly retreated from the eastern front answered Shi Xiangrong’s request with main gun attacks.

“Since you all want to die, don’t blame me for being cruel…” Shi Xiangrong looked at the enemy fleet with a gloomy expression and waved his hand: “Attack the whole army. No prisoners will be taken in this battle. Anyone who betrays his motherland should die!” !”

At this moment, Qi Yiming is leading the New Federation’s fleet from the edge of the galaxy, using the cover of the asteroid belt to circle behind the main fleet of the Cloud Ring Federation. He wants to block the retreat of the Cloud Ring Federation fleet, and let the Yun Ring Federation fleet escape in a battle. The Ring Federation lost all ability to counterattack.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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