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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 203: The retreat is cut off (Part 2)

The first batch of marines that landed on the surface of the planet did not encounter any attacks, which made Shi Xiangrong very happy.

He was about to ask the communications director to send a directional communication to the Xuefeng behind him, asking him to immediately stop the attack and leave the territory of the Cloud Ring Federation.

But before Who Zeng could say anything to him, the Marines on the ground were attacked from all directions and suffered heavy losses in an instant.

“Sir, it’s the ground forces of the New Federation… They have taken over the ground defense of this planet.”

“What? How is this possible? No matter how much the Fei family trusts the New Federation, they cannot let the New Federation send ground troops into their capital star.”

Suddenly Shi Xiangrong looked at his adjutant with extremely frightened eyes, and his adjutant also looked at Shi Xiangrong with the same eyes.

“Could it be that the Fei family, knowing that their defeat was certain, simply led several rebellious galaxies to the New Federation?” Shi Xiangrong expressed his guess word by word.

“No way?” The adjutant seemed a little bit hesitant to believe Shi Xiangrong’s guess.

“If you were the leader of the rebels, would you hand over your life to an ambitious ally?”

The adjutant shook his head.

“Since you don’t know how to do it, how could Fei Min entrust his life to the protection of the soldiers of the New Federation?”

“Is it possible that he really surrendered to the New Federation? Then wouldn’t we be blocked here by the Xuefeng?”

“That’s not the case. Don’t forget that there is more than one way back to the Cloud Ring Federation.”

“But our supply fleet came from the route we came from…” the adjutant reminded Shi Xiangrong carefully.

Shi Xiangrong was instantly petrified.

“Go and check how much of the fleet’s supplies are left?” After being stunned for a long time, Shi Xiangrong remembered to check the fleet’s supply storage situation.

The adjutant stood still and said timidly: “According to the original plan, today is the time for the fleet to receive supplies.”

“Then what are they waiting for? All the warships turn around, we want to take back the waterway.” Shi Xiangrong was now ready to die.

The adjutant’s meaning was very clear. If they could not receive the supplies from the logistics fleet today, then their four fleets might eventually have to surrender to the New Federation due to shortage of supplies.

In fact, Qi Yiming did not expect that his luck would be so good that he would catch the Yunhuan Federation’s logistics fleet.

A large amount of supplies fell into Qi Yiming’s hands like a free gift, which just supplemented his combat consumption during this period.

Qi Yiming was smiling so hard that he couldn’t even close his mouth.

“The enemy has turned and is accelerating towards us!” A man sitting on the captain’s chair secretly listened to the radar commander’s report and stood up immediately.

“Attention all ships, recharge the main guns! Prepare for long-range artillery battle!!”

Qi Yiming knew that the time had come to decide the outcome. The enemy who had lost supplies came to him to fight for his life.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, the Yunhuan Federation’s counter-rebellion fleet appeared 7 million kilometers away from Qi Yiming.

Originally, Shi Xiangrong wanted to say something to the commander of the Xuefeng, but as soon as they left the jump channel, the Xuefeng activated the particle light spear again.

This time the attack power of the particle light spear was even sharper, and the huge fan drawn directly took away hundreds of his warships of various models.

At this moment, Shi Xiangrong completely gave up on negotiating with Qi Yiming and immediately ordered all warships to attack the New Federation Fleet.

For a time, the airspace between the fleets of both sides was filled with dense bursts of laser blasts.

However, what surprised Qi Yiming was that although his own cruisers were similar to human battlecruisers, they were unable to withstand the huge number of enemy battleships.

In just one attack, Qi Yiming lost more than twenty warships.

Shi Xiangrong came out of his huge frustration at this time, because he saw the number of enemy warships. Even including the Xuefeng, the number of fleet warships blocking him did not exceed two hundred.

How much role can two hundred battleships play in the decisive battle of the Grand Fleet? Shi Xiangrong laughed without caring about his image.

“I thought how many warships the New Federation would send to help the rebels? It turns out that only so many warships have arrived! It’s not enough to fill my teeth.”

Shi Xiangrong was happy, but Qi Yiming was not as disappointed as he expected. He was still standing calmly on the bridge of the Xuefeng. The huge loss just now did not affect Qi Yiming at all.

“Xuefeng, activate fortress mode…”

The shipboard brain of the battleship Xuefeng directly activated the Ares’ fortress system, and the missile launch nests densely distributed on the ship simultaneously launched missiles with high-explosive warheads.

Tens of thousands of missiles trailed white trails, and under the guidance of the Wise Man, they quickly flew towards the enemy fleet group, which was close to 5 million kilometers away.

Shi Xiangrong looked at the rain of missiles flying towards him with disdain, and relied on his past experience in dealing with missiles to order the warships responsible for providing anti-aircraft firepower to move forward for defense.

The launch sites of these warships that provide anti-aircraft firepower are not energy weapons, because they need to pour out enough ammunition in a short period of time to intercept missiles with strange speeds. All they fire are projectiles with extremely high kinetic energy.

The quadruple Gauss cannon can pour out ammunition at a rate of 10 million rounds per minute.

With this density of barrage, no matter how powerful the Wise Man’s computing power was, it would be impossible to guide the missile to pass through the dense barrage calmly.

Qi Yiming was not discouraged, he could have imagined this situation.

Therefore, he ordered the Wise Man to no longer guide missile attacks, but to use all its computing power to calculate the weak points of the enemy’s formation, so that the Xuefeng’s fire control radar could guide the three triple-mounted overweight baggage main guns to attack.

Then all friendly ships are assigned targets to optimize the fleet’s firepower projection capabilities to the greatest extent.

Sure enough, the Wise Man did not disappoint Qi Yiming this time.

Under the guidance of the Wise Man, the friendly ships launched a fierce offensive against the enemy.

After a round of attacks, Shi Xiangrong instantly felt that surrender might be a good choice.

The Xuefeng’s three super-heavy main guns relied on the design parameters provided by the Wise Man and were fine-tuned by the Probe’s fire control radar.

The purple beams of light emitted by the three main guns drew three huge fans from top to bottom.

Wherever the fan swept over, there was almost no grass growing.

The warships that were lucky had their bows cut off, while those that were unlucky were cut directly from the middle of the hull, and were divided into two unrelated entities, the upper and lower ones.

After the attack, when Shi Xiangrong was counting the casualties, he almost fainted from heartache.

In one super-heavy main gun attack, the Yunhuan Federation’s fleet lost more than 700 warships of various types.

In particular, half of the small number of battleships were damaged and had to temporarily withdraw from the front row for emergency repairs.

However, Xuefeng’s attack was not over. The moment the three super-heavy main guns were designed, hundreds of secondary guns opened fire collectively.

It was just that under the guidance of the Wise Man, they each attacked different targets.

This seemingly scattered secondary artillery attack made Shi Xiangrong even more desperate. He really didn’t expect that Xuefeng’s main guns were not only ferocious, but even the secondary guns also caused him considerable losses.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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