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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 205 Qiao Shan runs away

With such a stubborn commander, the Yunhuan Federation’s fleet certainly paid a corresponding price.

Qi Yiming overfulfilled his mission, and the remaining more than 700 warships were easily captured by Qi Yiming.

Shi Xiangrong committed suicide by swallowing a gun before the fleet was destroyed.

Qi Yiming finally let out a sigh of relief after watching the last battleship of the Cloud Ring Federation be sunk.

He knew how dangerous this battle was, and after all, he placed his hope of victory on the enemy commander.

Fortunately, Shi Xiangrong did not disappoint him and actually focused all his attention on the Xuefeng.

When Lin Borong learned that the four fleets that wiped out the rebels had been wiped out, he fainted in his office.

The last bit of the Cloud Ring Federation’s wealth was left in the rebel capital galaxy.

At this time, no one knew that Fei Min had joined the New Federation with several star systems in the uprising.

Therefore, the blame is not placed on the New Federation.

Half a month after Qi Yiming devoured the four fleets of the Cloud Ring Federation, Ye Lu also rushed to the Domi Galaxy with the fleet that the New Federation had urgently formed.

At this time, the Fei family was completely convinced, and they split up the family industry according to Qi Yiming’s request.

I can’t accept it!

More than 10,000 Yunhuan Federation warships were destroyed by the Xuefeng’s guns. They couldn’t even defeat the Yunhuan Federation’s fleet, and they couldn’t muster the confidence to face the demon-like Xuefeng at this time.

With the help of the Fei family, the humans on the eleven administrative stars who followed the Fei family’s uprising also accepted the fact of joining the New Federation.

In fact, for these humans living on the surface, it doesn’t matter who is in power, as long as they can live peacefully.

Ye Luzai learned that Qi Yiming led more than 100 warships to destroy nearly 10,000 warships of the Yunhuan Federation, and looked at Qi Yiming with the eyes of a monster all day long.

“Are you a human being?” On this day, Ye Lu couldn’t hold back her curiosity and finally asked the question she had been suppressing for a long time.

Qi Yiming looked at Ye Lu with a dark look on his face: “I’m a pure human being, okay? Don’t look at me like that again!”

“There are more than 10,000 warships! Be good…I will kill you if I tell you to. I seriously doubt that you are not human…”

Qi Yiming was too lazy to argue with Ye Lu and immediately changed the subject: “Will I leave the newly occupied star field to you?”

“Me?” Ye Lu looked at Qi Yiming in surprise.

“What? Don’t have confidence in yourself?”

Ye Lu lowered her head and thought for a while: “Okay…but I have a condition.”

“you say……”

“You have to equip me with enough battleships!”

“This is of course. Now that we have enough manpower, it is easy to quickly form a large-scale galaxy fleet.”

“By the way, I forgot to tell you! Qiao Shan is gone!!” Ye Lu knew that Qi Yiming would definitely not deceive him, so she did not continue the topic and brought up Qiao Shan instead.

“Gone? What do you mean?” Qi Yiming looked at Ye Lu doubtfully.

Ye Lu looked at Qi Yiming with a dark expression and continued: “Not long after you left Gaia and came to the Cloud Ring Federation, he suddenly left a letter and left with the Azure.”

As he spoke, Ye Lu took out a storage device from his arms and handed it to Qi Yiming: “This is what he left for you.”

Qiao Shan ran away. This happened so suddenly that Qi Yiming couldn’t believe it.

Qi Yiming used the electronic information board in his hand to read the contents of the memory in front of Ye Lu.

The letter made it very clear that Qiao Shan and Qi Yiming had been searching for the whereabouts of the modular battleships of the energy shield system of the strategic strike fleet in the past few years.

It’s a pity that there has been no progress.

Until the establishment of the New Federation, due to the special nature of Qi Yiming’s identity, he announced that the new Federation would inherit the political system of the former Human Federation and take restoring the territory of the former Human Federation as its own mission.

Well, in just a few months, thousands of awakened people or their descendants appeared in the New Federation.

At that time, Qi Yiming had already taken the Xuefeng to the Cloud Ring Federation and knew very little about these things.

Since Qiao Shan’s family had sheltered the awakened people, the task of receiving the awakened people was given to Qiao Shan.

It was in the process of chatting with these awakened people that Qiao Shan learned some clues about the energy shield modular battleship.

Originally, Wang Shuhua was planning to wait for Qi Yiming to come back before discussing how to deal with this matter, but Qiao Shan finally left the New Federation alone with clues.

“He still holds a grudge…” Qi Yiming said inexplicably.

Ye Lu was in tears at this time, and she knew that Qi Yiming was right.

What happened with Wei Zheng back then did create a huge hidden danger between them.

However, Qi Yiming was not angry, but said to Ye Lu: “Don’t worry, Qiao Shan didn’t say he wanted to seek revenge from me! He just couldn’t face me.”

Ye Lu didn’t speak.

“He also said that he wanted to inherit his father’s legacy. His father had always wanted to find more modular warships. This is what Wei Zheng told him back then.”

“Qiao Shan’s father knows about the strategic strike fleet?” Ye Lu was a little surprised.

“There’s nothing surprising. I’ve helped so many awakened people. It’s not surprising to know this.”

“Does he also want to conquer a large territory?”

“I can’t say for sure, but it’s very possible that he wants to own the shield modular battleship alone.”

Ye Lu was silent again, knowing that what Qi Yiming said should be true.

“I hope he can help us when we counterattack the Zerg in the future… In fact, I don’t care who the strategic strike fleet belongs to. These things originally belong to all mankind. I just hope they can be used where they are most needed.”

“Qiao Shan will definitely help us…” Ye Lu said this sentence firmly.

“I hope so, otherwise we may really fight each other, which will not benefit anyone at that time.”

Qi Yiming, who was originally going to assign tasks to Ye Lu, was a little disappointed by Qiao Shan’s departure.

Ye Lu was also in a heavy mood at this time. She didn’t know which side she would stand on if Qiao Shan really fought with Qi Yiming? Maybe she would stand on Qiao Shan’s side, Ye Lu thought to herself.

“I’ll leave this to you first. I have to go back to Gaia Star to deal with the awakened people.” Qi Yiming didn’t know what Ye Lu was thinking, and still handed over the Fei family’s affairs to her.

Since Qiao Shan could learn about the energy shield modular warship from a large number of awakened people, he believed that he could also get some useful information.

The fleet of the Cloud Ring Federation was completely destroyed by him, and they will not start a war again for a while. He does not need to be in charge of things here. The main thing is to find the remaining modular warships as soon as possible.

In addition, Xue Ming, who has been on the Xuefeng, will also be sent to the Engineer by Qi Yiming. The Academy of Sciences over there needs such a soul figure.

The progress of the people in the Academy of Sciences in analyzing the technological heritage is too slow, especially the stargate technology that Qi Yiming wants.

If there is stargate technology, the maneuvering speed of the new federation fleet will be greatly improved, and Qi Yiming will no longer have to consider the distance between galaxies.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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