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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 208 Privileges

After Yu Feng left, Qi Yiming locked himself in the office and calmed down for a long time before he was in the mood to deal with the matter at hand.

The news that Yu Feng brought him was so desperate that Qi Yiming could never have imagined that humans like them, who had lost energy and materials and crash-landed on unknown planets, were actually abandoned by their own group.

For a moment, Qi Yiming even wanted to give up everything now and find a secluded place to spend the rest of his life peacefully. As for the insect swarm? Go to hell! !

Although Qi Yiming is a relatively generous person, there is no way Qi Yiming can forgive such a betrayal.

But as a human being, Qi Yiming could not let himself forget his relatives and friends who had died at the hands of the insect swarm.

To put it bluntly, even though Qi Yiming had no intention of wiping out the insect swarm for mankind, he still wanted to avenge his relatives and friends.

So after being depressed for a period of time, Qi Yiming regained his energy and began to make plans for the future.

A few days later, Qi Yiming was studying the star map sent by Yu Feng when Fang Min suddenly walked into his office with an ugly look on his face.

“What happened?” He said and turned off the holographic star map.

This was not the first time Fang Min had seen this star map, so he was not curious.

He first threw an electronic file to Qi Yiming, and then said: “Let’s take a look! More and more people are coming to eat and drink under the guise of awakeners.”

“Didn’t you ask them to drive them away?”

“Some time ago, we drove away a group, but now another group has arrived. Each of these people has their own warship.”

“This is a good thing…” Qi Yiming was obviously very happy when he heard that someone was driving a battleship to seek refuge.

“Okay… these people claim to be members of the Awakened Alliance and request to join the new federation as nobles.”

“The Alliance of Awakeners? What is it? Who are the nobles?” Qi Yiming became more and more confused as he listened: “Sit down and speak slowly.”

This Alliance of Awakeners is actually an organization that has just emerged. In fact, those who join the organization are not real Awakeners. Most of them are descendants of Awakeners, and some of them are more or less related to Awakeners. , but there is no real awakener.

In Qi Yiming’s opinion, these people’s demands are simply ridiculous.

I don’t know where these people learned about the treatment of citizens of the former Human Federation, but they actually thought that citizenship of the former Federation was actually nobility in a certain sense.

But what they don’t know is that citizens of the former Human Federation must also bear corresponding social responsibilities when enjoying citizenship treatment.

But this group of people just want to enjoy the treatment of citizens, but they don’t even mention the obligations that a citizen should fulfill.

“Is there something wrong with these people’s brains?” Qi Yiming laughed angrily at what Fang Min said: “Have you ever explained to them the meaning of citizenship?”

“I’ve explained it, but these people won’t listen at all.”

“Can’t you listen? Then don’t be polite to these people and let the garrison directly disperse them.”

“I’m afraid not.” Fang Min’s ship Qi Yiming was about to use force and quickly stopped him: “If we move these people, it is very likely that all the real awakened people who are watching will be scared to shrink back.”

Qi Yiming thought about it and realized that what Fang Min said was not unreasonable. Then he asked Fang Min tentatively: “How about I talk to them first?”

“That’s what I mean too. There are many things they won’t discuss until they see you, the head of state.”

So Qi Yiming followed Fang Min to a large conference room in the government building.

At this time, the conference room was already full of people, and these people all looked happy, and they all felt as if they were determined to eat Qi Yiming.

When Qi Yiming saw this group of people, he really couldn’t figure out what these people had to rely on, so they actually asked him for privileges.

Fang Min walked to the rostrum in two or two steps, and the intelligent multimedia system automatically amplified Fang Min’s speech through the loudspeaker.

“Everyone…everyone…be quiet…”

When the people below saw that someone was about to speak, they returned to their respective positions in twos and threes, and the noise slowly subsided.

Qi Yiming then stepped onto the podium under Fang Min’s introduction.

As soon as these so-called awakened people heard that the head of state had arrived, the originally quiet venue became noisy again.

“We are the descendants of the Awakened, and we ask the federal government to provide us with sufficient living supplies for free…”

“My grandfather is an awakened person, and I ask the federal government to exempt my factory from all taxes…”

“My great-grandmother is an awakened person. I ask the federation to provide me with a daughter-in-law for free…”

“My second uncle’s third aunt and uncle’s nephew is an awakener. I only have one request: the federal government should be responsible for all my daily life…”

Qi Yiming heard these strange requests in the noisy voice, and he whispered to Fang Min beside him: “Are you sure there is nothing wrong with these people’s minds?”

“What are these? Even more bizarre requests, you haven’t heard them yet.”

“What’s even weirder? Do these people really speak without thinking? Just open their mouths?”

Qi Yiming resisted the urge to draw his gun and cleared his throat to signal these people to stop making noise. When the noise subsided, Qi Yiming said patiently: “Why…why do you ask the federal government to do this for you?” These things?”

The old man in gorgeous clothes who was closest to Qi Yiming stood up and said to Qi Yiming: “If it weren’t for our awakened ancestors who worked hard to live under this starry sky, how could there be the human world today. To put it bluntly, the awakened are the heroes of all humans under this starry sky, and we, the descendants of heroes, deserve special care.”

Qi Yiming then understood where these people’s privileged thinking came from. After all this time, they still wanted to live on the merits of their ancestors.

Instantly, Qi Yiming didn’t want to talk to this group of brainless people. With a dark face, he said to Fang Min who was standing beside him: “Let the garrison fleet go out and seize all their warships first. Notify Chen Cheng and let him take people to arrest all these people for me.”

Qi Yiming thought, don’t you want privileges? Then I will let you experience the privileges your ancestors had, and send you all to the mineral planet to mine for me.

Looking at the soldiers who suddenly appeared at the venue, the people participating in the meeting were furious.

The old man who had just spoken to Qi Yiming pointed at Qi Yiming and said, “You dictator? What are you going to do? We are the descendants of meritorious service.”

Qi Yiming walked up to the old man, raised his hand and slapped him in the face, and the old man’s eyes were full of stars.

Qi Yiming grabbed the old man’s collar and gritted his teeth and said, “Don’t think that I dare not hit you because you are old? You did a lot of his wife’s things when you were young, right? What? You are old and still want to use your status to oppress young people?”


“What do you mean you… You just grew up from a little gangster to an old gangster. How dare you mention those pioneering awakeners? Since you are so energetic, go and mine for me until you die!!”

After that, Qi Yiming said loudly to Chen Cheng, “What are you waiting for? Leave these garbage here to pollute the air? Send them all to mine.”

Instantly, the people in the venue became chaotic. The soldiers of the internal security force were wearing exoskeleton armor, and they sent these people to the transport ship in a few seconds.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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