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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 21 Xuefeng No. upgrade (please give me some recommendation votes)

Under the horrified eyes of the Yaluo people, Qi Yiming drove the core capsule into the canyon.

Approaching the core cabin of the Lightning, the identification code was sent out again, but there was still no response.

Qi Yiming was really worried about what to do if there was a problem with the Lightning’s internal equipment.

Holding a box containing an energy block in his hand, Qi Yiming quickly arrived outside the Lightning’s hatch.

The hatch of the Lightning was half open. It seemed that it had been mechanically opened from the inside after it completely lost energy.

However, the person who opened the door had no idea where he had gone, and there was no trace of human activity around him.

Qi Yiming squeezed in sideways.

The interior of the battleship was dark, with occasional light shining in from the hanging windows on the side of the ship.

The hanging window allows the crew to observe the outside world when not in combat, and is a good place to relax.

In combat situations, armor plates will fall down to provide protection.

Along the dark corridor, Qi Yiming walked cautiously towards the Lightning’s power cabin.

It took a lot of effort for the boss to open the power furnace and put the energy block he brought into the power furnace.

With energy, the Lightning seemed to come alive.

First, the lights on the ship turned on one by one, and then a low buzzing sound was heard. It should be that the ship’s brain was restarting.

A few minutes later, the voice of the ship’s onboard intelligence rang out from the Lightning’s internal broadcast: “Qi Yiming, a member of the strategic strike fleet, was detected, and the biometrics were confirmed to be correct. All the crew members of this ship have been killed, and the command is now handed over to Qi Yiming.” Major Ming.”

At this time, Qi Yiming breathed a sigh of relief. The fact that the shipboard brain could be activated meant that the internal damage was not serious.

“Zhi Nao, conduct a self-inspection of the battleship.”

“Self-test in progress…”

A few minutes later, Zhinao’s voice sounded again: “The outer armor of this ship is seriously damaged, and the hull structure is 20% damaged. Warning! Please repair it as soon as possible!”

Upon hearing that it was only armor and structural damage, Qi Yiming breathed a sigh of relief.

After these damages are formed into an assembly, they can be repaired by the continuous production of nanorobots hanging in the Guardian control system.

“The intelligent brain detects whether it is damaged.”

“The shipboard brain has not detected any damage…”

As a destroyer, the Lightning is combined with the other two frigates, and the Lightning as the basis of the combination directly affects the combat capabilities of the new Xuefeng.

The self-inspection of the Lightning has been completed. The situation of the battleship is not optimistic, but it is still within the scope of repair.

Qi Yiming couldn’t wait to arrive at the bridge of the Lightning.

The bridge here is much larger than that on the Xuefeng, and the superior captain’s seat is still at the back of the bridge.

The rest of the space is occupied by three relatively large centralized consoles, but currently only the holographic screen on one console is on.

Qi Yiming knew that the other two consoles would not be activated until they were combined with the two frigates.

Repeating his old tricks, Qi Yiming, with the assistance of Zhinao, drove the Lightning slowly into the air alone.

Once again, under the horrified eyes of the Yaro people, they left the Yaro atmosphere and came to the side of the Guardian and Probe, which were in their own independent states.

“Zhi Nao, start the combination program.”

“The assembly program has been read and is starting…”

Following Qi Yiming’s command, the two frigates with different functions gradually moved closer to the Lightning, and were located on both sides of the Lightning and on the same level.

The armor on both sides of the Lightning slowly separated, and many cables emerged from the middle. Under the action of the tractor beam, they flew towards the frigates on both sides.

The cables were accurately inserted into the open data sockets on the two frigates and quickly recovered.

The two frigates were gradually pulled towards the Lightning by the straightened cables.

At the same time, the two frigates were also changing their appearance.

First, the main gun and radar fell off one after another.

The radar was pulled towards the Lightning’s hull and recombined with the original shipboard radar on the Lightning to form a high-level radar with a detection angle of 360 degrees and installed it in place.

The main guns of the two frigates were once again decomposed into single-barreled secondary guns, and a total of twelve secondary guns were quietly waiting for the battleships to complete their combination.

Several rigid interfaces at the same height as the hull stretched out from the hull close to the Lightning. While slowly approaching the Lightning, the rigid interfaces were inserted into the grooves prepared in advance by the Lightning.

In this way, the two frigates are firmly embedded in the hull of the Lightning.

The originally cracked outer armor of the Lightning slowly closed again after the docking was completed.

The outer armor followed the position of the interface and wrapped the battleship tightly, and was connected with the outer armor on the two frigates.

The engines of the two frigates separated from their respective hulls in the early stages of the combination, and were pulled into their own hulls by the Lightning using a tractor beam.

The four engines that entered the hull were evenly placed around the power furnace, and a steady stream of blue energy could be seen on the ground around the power furnace rapidly entering the interior of the four engines.

At this time, the four engines have been turned into four small power furnaces through links with the Lightning’s internal equipment, responsible for assisting the main power furnace to provide ample energy for the battleship.

The entire assembly process lasted nearly ten minutes in a non-emergency state.

The next step is to start the battleship self-inspection program.

“This ship has been assembled. The outer armor is 43% damaged, the structure is damaged 13%, the No. 1 and 2 auxiliary power furnaces are severely damaged, and the power output is reduced by 20%.”

Qi Yiming couldn’t help but frowned. The damage to the armor and structure was not a problem.

The newly reassembled Xuefeng has a destroyer-level shipboard brain, and its computing power has been greatly improved.

Xuefenghao can load an auxiliary program under the main program.

That is to say, under the premise that the main control program of the Lightning is dominant, the Xuefeng can choose the auxiliary program between the Guardian and the Probe.

The armor and structure can be repaired by nanorobots, but the damage to the auxiliary power furnace is a bit troublesome. Unless a replacement can be found, Qi Yiming will never be able to repair it in his lifetime.

Although Xuefeng, which was upgraded to a destroyer, is still equipped with two triple main guns at the front and rear, its size is much larger than that of the frigate.

Coupled with the strong energy supply of the new Xuefeng, which is based on the Lightning, the attack intensity of its main gun has been increased by several levels.

As we all know, energy weapons do not mean that the thicker and longer the barrel is, the more powerful it will be. Instead, the longer it is charged within the rated time, the stronger the attack will be and the longer the range will be. As for whether it can be fired accurately, it can only rely on the fire control radar.

However, the Probe is the super flagship fire control radar. If the main control program of the Probe is mounted as the auxiliary program of the new Xuefeng, it will perfectly solve the problem of shooting accuracy.

Although the sniper mode is lost, the average hit rate within 400,000 kilometers is still as high as 80%.

At this time, the other two consoles in the bridge that were not activated originally also lit up the holographic screens.

If all ships are at full capacity, then the bridge members of the two frigates should all come to the new bridge at this time and sit in front of the console here to accept the captain’s command.

Their original bridge will be taken over by other personnel responsible for monitoring the working status of the two frigates.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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